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清淡饮食注意补水 轻松告别春日皮肤过敏--亲稳舆论引导监测室
轻松告别皮肤过敏 Farewell skin allergy easily
In spring, all things recovery,flowers,Is good time to go out go on spring outing,However, because of air-dried/The wind is big,Mingled with the pollen in the air/Dust, etc.,Easy to cause skin irritation,Destroy the trip of good mood.Want to get rid of the spring allergies,To regain a healthy skin?This newspaper, consulting professionals for you to answer.
平时多注意过敏原 Usually pay more attention to the allergen
出门做好防护工作 Go out to do a good job of protection
The morning of April 25,,In rizhao city people's hospital dermatology,Citizens liu is consulting a doctor for treatment,She wore dark glasses,Hat is very low."Allergy again,Can't go out to see a person,Alas......"Ms. Liu is introduced,Frequent allergy made her very upset,Especially in the spring,Three days two head allergic,Delay working mood.
Rizhao city people's hospital dermatology physician Yang hui told reporters,Skin allergy patients significantly increased recently,Outpatient service reception of the sick every day in more than 50 people.Doctor said that Yang,In all the year round,The ultraviolet ray in sunshine content is the lowest in winter,In the spring,Ultraviolet (uv) content in the air.The human body in the winter,Have adapted to low ultraviolet radiation environment,In the spring,The sensitivity of the human body of ultraviolet (uv) will also be increased,Cutaneous skin cell than in the winter are more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation injury,Is easy to cause allergies.
Doctor said that Yang,Many reasons cause skin allergy,If often repeated irritation,Should search the allergen to the hospital,Pay more attention to the particular allergen in the usual life.But many allergens is implicit,Is not good for,This case will need to be cautious,Stay away from the damp environment,Home clean/Clean and tidy.The mattress/A pillow and a quilt can use anti mite set of packages,A week with hot water washing bedding coat;As far as possible don't use carpet/Stuffed type furniture and filling type.
"In addition,Sensitive skin will increase outdoor protection work,Patients with hay fever powder on stage to minimize outdoor activities,Go out remember to wear a face mask,Don't blow exposure over a long period of time.To avoid the cold wind/Cold drinks/Air conditioning room."Doctor said that Yang.
干燥是首要诱因 Drying is the primary cause
定期做补水面膜 On a regular basis to do hydrating mask
For sensitive skin,How to proceed with daily maintenance,Reporters on the beauty consultant ms ji.Ji said ms,For allergic skin,The biggest cause of allergic reactions is dry,So in the spring is particularly important to do a good job of hydrating.
"Sensitive skin itself corneous layer is thin,fragile,Once the water shortage will appear pruritus/The feeling of pain,Keep enough moisture can make the skin in a relatively good condition,To strengthen the skin's resistance."Ji said Ms..
Ms ji also recommended in when washing a face, for sensitive skin,Had better choose weak acid,Type bubble less gentle cleansing products,To do a good job of cleaning the skin.And when choosing skin water and emulsion,Best choice component type single hydrating products,Some whitening effect of product when use need to be attention,It is best to avoid using in the spring.
"If conditions permit,Do regularly best hydrating mask,If you feel too much trouble,Hydrating sleep mask also is right choice.When going out,Daub sunscreen and segregation product,As far as possible avoid ultraviolet ray direct drying to the skin."
注意清淡饮食 Pay attention to light diet
多吃红枣山药 Eat red jujube yam
Allergic constitution should also pay attention to light diet in the spring,Eat more fruits and vegetables,Eat less spicy food and seafood,Drink less.Can take in daily life diet way,As usual to eat"A red and white",Can be effective in preventing allergies.
A red,The red jujube.Jujube contains ring adenosine phosphate,Have the function of the allergy,Especially for pollen allergy effect is remarkable.
A white,The Chinese yam.The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine thinks,Lung main fur,Skin abnormality is generally related to the lungs.so,The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine allergy,From the cure lung,The mountain medicinal flat,gan,Has the function of lung qi and nourishing Yin,Mend a lung is fur.Pharmacological studies have found that,Yam yam is contained in saponins/choline/Phytic acid, vitamins and other active ingredients,Have desensitization effect.
In addition,Every day to drink a cup of honey water is good for discharge toxins in the body,Beauty to raise colour can prevent allergies.If the right amount to eat some vitamin c,Can strengthen the skin's resistance.
过敏及时就医 Allergic to timely treatment
不可随意用药 Not random drug use
Young doctors remind,If the allergy symptoms,Should be taken into consideration seriously,Timely medical care,So as not to delay the disease.
Doctor said that Yang,At the beginning of the allergies or allergic before,There may be itching,Redness and swelling.The phenomenon such as rash,These if not value can aggravating illness.In addition,Some patients may feel just apply some ointment,This approach is also wrong.
"Facial allergy occurs,Don't own grab some ointment to put on the skin,Especially some hormonal ointment,More should not blindly to pile of her face.Some people developed a dependency on ointment,Always think like some ointment,Actually the long-term use of these hormonal ointment,Easy to leave skin rash/Skin atrophy/Pigmentation and other sequelae."Yang, doctors warned.
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