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防H7N9“神器”有多神? 专家质疑难挡购买热情--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网杭州4月22日电(记者 柴燕菲 实习生 张骏)H7N9禽流感来袭,民众谈“禽”色变。连日来只见各大药店人头攒动、淘宝店主日夜坚守岗位,板蓝根口罩、中药香囊等用品卖疯啦!虽有专家出来质疑这些物品的有效性,仍阻止不了人们近似疯狂的购买热情。

Beijing, hangzhou, April 22 (Reuters)(Reporters chai Zhang Jun YanFei intern)H7N9The birds流感The incoming,People talk about"The birds"The color change.For days I saw every large pharmacy crowded/Taobao shop owner at work day and night,Radix isatidis/A mask/Chinese medicine sell crazy things such as sweet bursa!Although some experts question the effectiveness of these items,Still can't stop people approximately crazy purchase enthusiasm.


The illness,His destruction.In public places,cap/Big sunglasses/Wide face mask,In order to prevent bird flu,These stars the paparazzi costume set on the ordinary citizens.Drink banlangen granule/Wearing a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) sweet bursa,Carry disinfectant...All kinds of anti H7N9"artifact"Take turns to play.Netizens @ 11 run quipped,Radix isatidis is a panacea.


These are known as H7N9 prevention"artifact",Expert attitude?


Medical experts think that,Doses of radix isatidis bad to the body,Needless to say bird flu prevention.A mask/The perfume pouch will be/The effectiveness of disinfectant, etc,With the science writer/Scientific squirrel members cloud a careless words,this"Can only help to improve the patient's subjective feeling."


But these questions completely prevent residents purchase enthusiasm.Take a mask,A mask taobao shop selling price does not poor,Month volume matches the 8000 pieces.


Working in a bank in wenzhou some reluctantly said ms,"Actually I also don't believe it,But see colleagues in sweet bursa/A mask/Radix isatidis,Don't buy the in the mind again not steadfast."


How can citizens"herd"Like buying?Reporter to interview the school of economics, zhejiang university professor Li Jianqin.


Li Jianqin said,Requirements include purchase intention and purchase ability,The bird flu prevention and control of the medical products price is not expensive,People have the ability to buy;But the purchase intention from human desire,Need a certain incentive stimulation to produce internal or external conditions.


She told reporters,The goods under normal conditions,Consumers have no purchase intention.but"outbreak"The external cause rapid has given rise to people's desire and purchase intention,This is clearly a purchase intention that was born.When this kind of purchase intention and ability to pay,Demand has been created,Business marketing is also to reach the purpose.A news report said,There's a native farmers in zhejiang province,To prevent bird flu,A whim for their 1800 chickens to feed up the radix isatidis.


"The lack of certain scientific literacy,Follow suit and blindly buy the catalyst needs of important factor,Our consumers to purchase rationally."Professor Li Jianqin Suggestions at last.(After the)
