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    Chronic hepatitis b treatment discontinuation depends upon what the treatment plan and response to therapy in patients with conditions,This cannot leave the patients and doctors to cooperate and work together.For this,Shanghai public health center WuShanMing professor pointed out,慢性乙肝In patients with在深入了解疾病知识的At the same time,Should keep active communication with the doctor,Clear her condition,In order to better cooperate with doctors determine the most suitable for their own treatment strategies.


    In a clinic,Patient and the doctor communication time is very limited.For patients with,On the one hand, need to understand the treatment of chronic hepatitis b related knowledge,On the other hand,要主动把握与医生沟通病情的机会At the same time阐明自己的需求,so,To take the time to say what they think,Make the most issue of concern,Professor WuShanMing suggested that patients with chronic hepatitis b can communicate with the doctor:

    1. “实现停药的标准是什么?”

    1. "What is standard of realization of drug withdrawal?"


    This problem can help patients to understand the chronic hepatitis b treatment goals,Help clear in patients with the treatment phase,And guide patients suitable for own treatment goal.

    2. “我能否在有限疗程内尽快实现停药不复发?”

    2. "I will as soon as possible within the limited period of treatment discontinuation don't relapse?"


    Many patients think is need lifelong medication therapy for chronic hepatitis b.In fact take appropriate treatment,Some patients can achieve drug withdrawal in 1 to 2 years without recurrence.This problem can help patients fully express their treatment needs,And thus more targeted treatment strategy.

    3. “有没有更好的治疗方案可以帮助我实现停药不复发?”

    3. "Is there a better stop drug treatments can help I realize not relapse?"


    A lot of patients taking oral antiviral drugs,Taking medicine for a long time suppress the virus has obtained certain results.How to pursue a higher goal of treatment?This problem can help patients get the correct personalized guidance from a doctor.

    据悉,最新的2012年版欧洲肝病年会(EASL)《慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染诊治指南》明确推荐:对于“大三阳”患者,实现e抗原血清学转换的最佳治疗方案是接受长效干扰素治疗;而对于“小三阳”患者,为实现有限疗程治疗停药后持久应答,也推荐选择长效干扰素的治疗。 乔闳 本版图片 TP

    It is understood,The latest annual meeting 2012 European liver disease(EASL)[Guide for diagnosis and treatment of chronic hepatitis b virus infection]A clear recommendation:for"Big 3 this world"In patients with,Achieve the e antigen seroconversion is the best treatment plan of long-acting interferon therapy;And for"Small 3 this world"In patients with,In order to achieve limited course lasting response after discontinuation of treatment,Also recommend choose long-acting interferon treatment. TP Qiao Hong benban images
