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别让自卑把自己压垮 树立自信心是根本方法(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室
Comic book:Zhang liang
Each person at different times,Can produce different degree of inferiority complex,Especially youth sensitive period,Children will be very care about others opinion of himself.Can say,Everyone has a sense of inferiority,但At the same time人人也都有自信心,People is a sign of mental health can take action to show their advantages,Enhance self-confidence,Don't let the inferiority overwhelm yourself.
典型案例:学习不再出色开始心生自卑 A typical case:Learning is no longer good heart of inferiority
Middle school students to the real(Not his real name)Can't communicate with your classmates,Always afraid of saying the wrong thing;Meet the teacher in the corridor,Always in a hurry to avoid,Low head can't with the teacher to say hello;Answer questions in class,Can't look straight into the eyes of the teacher,Very clear answer to myself but someone else has become paralyzed by doubts.When families get together,Is always sitting in the corner of the place,Play the role of good boy...
In your life,To really always envy others better than yourselves,Feel you don't have any advantages.In fact,Before didn't top junior high school,Were indeed to learn in the class members,Outstanding achievement,Every time she was teacher comments on composition can be a model essay.later,She rose to a key middle school,The result is not as outstanding as before,But she still persisted"Meet don't understand, ask"The principle of,But a few times by classmates joked"So simple all can't,It was really stupid"after,She began to feel really stupid.From then on,She always feel every time to speak,Students all like to listen to jokes,Just going to ask more and more,Slowly talk to parents,She also afraid of being accused her stupid.She has few words,From now on become more silent,She lift her head to inferiority complex.
心灵导航:害怕暴露缺点而压抑自己反加重自卑 Soul navigation:Afraid of exposed shortcomings by suppressing our increase of inferiority
To really classmates after puberty,Self awareness enhancement,Very care about others opinion of himself,The one with laugh at jokes of others,Let her be others deny the traps,Slowly also become inferior.
A person with inferiority tendency,Easy to look down on/Deny himself,No matter what they think,Your not working/That not line,Than there is always a gap between with others,Attitude to have nothing to stay the course,Easy to give up.And this kind of mood once formed,The parties no matter to life or study,Don't have interest in it,More serious is likely to lose hope/apathy,Lost the fight/The courage to forge ahead.When encounter difficulties or setbacks,Inferior will inevitably complain more than effort,Let yourself more and more negative feelings,Let the life in the abyss of a continuous low.
"Gold has no pure gold,No one is perfect",No one can do without a defect,Will have weaknesses.It is such a weakness,If you don't actively to face,Then it is easy to produce inferiority complex.
Such as some students will set higher goals for themselves,But after trying to reach,If such a failure for several times,So easy to let a person self denial,Have sense of inferiority;As to the real after puberty,Very care about others opinion of himself,Laughed at by others,Also can produce inferiority complex;Some students because of the appearance looks not very desirable feel humble and lose courage of life;Also some students with a special focus on material comparisons,Once he found himself slightly inferior,Will feel lose face in front of people,self-abasement.
There everyone have their own advantages and disadvantages,When we get the advantages of performance,There is confidence;And in front of others show weakness,Will feel self-abased.Because to really fear of exposure defects and give up(As with classmates/Speaking of),Is really depressed/The advantages of hiding oneself,Only can aggravate the sense of inferiority,Thus miss good opportunity for self development.
心理处方:树立自信心是战胜自卑感的根本方法 Psychological prescription:Self-esteem is a fundamental way to overcome inferiority complex
Psychologists believe that:If a man to shame,That he would not be a beauty;If he didn't think he has a kind heart,Even in the bottom of my heart have such a feeling vaguely,He also become a kind person;If he doesn't believe in your ability,Is that he will never be successful in career.It is hard to imagine,A lack of confidence of athletes to step onto the world championship podium.As napoleon said:"The default powerless,Is undoubtedly to the failure to create opportunities."In this sense,Self-esteem is a fundamental way to overcome inferiority complex.People find in their life,As long as do the following several aspects,Will be able to overcome inferiority complex,Build self-confidence,Let oneself become more outstanding.
Reasonable evaluation of their.Everyone has his weaknesses and shortcomings,Also has its own advantages and strengths.We can't because you a particular aspect of all deficiencies or defects and doubt yourself,Not only should see themselves as people,To see himself as a man or edge,In this way can we properly compare with others.So correctly setbacks attribution,But not need to summarize experience and lessons,Effective prevention and control of low self-esteem.
Appropriate to express themselves.Inferiority complex is often in the process of your,Due to the setbacks,To have doubts about your abilities,In addition to correctly evaluate yourself,Learn to properly display your talents,To put forward the appropriate request.Low self-esteem is with the shadow of disappointment.Why will look down on yourself?Because I disappointed to myself,Even some of despair.so,We no matter do what things,Can't act too hastily,Demand is too high.People who have strong sense of inferiority,Might as well do some more depth/Grasp the big things.These things if not conspicuous,Don't give up chance to succeed.Any success will increase people's confidence,This is particularly the case for people with low self-esteem.and,Any big success,Accumulate accumulate in the success of small.As long as the step by step a little success continuously,Confidence will gradually increase.
Learn to make up.Compensation is human natural.As the saying goes"The blind YouCong",Blind people,Ear special spirit,To listen to fill blind,It is for this reason.People not only has physiological compensation ability,Also can be psychological/To compensate.One is the"diligent".Knowing you is flawed in some ways,Is a greater force to make up for.The second is"Raise to".A man always has his strengths and weaknesses,And people always have internal potential can be dug.
积极地面对人生。要学会看事物的本质,乐观向上,对生活、前途充满信心。具有自卑心理的人总是过多地看重自己的不利、消极的方面,而看不到有利、积极的一面,缺乏客观地、全面地分析事物的能力和信心。这就要求我们学会透过现象把握本质,而不被它暂时的,表面的现象所迷惑。只要客观地分析自己有利和不利的因素,乐观向上,对前途充满信心,并积极进取,就不会因暂时的挫折而产生自卑心理。■ 章剑和
To actively face life.Learn to see things as they really are,Optimistic upward,To the life/The future is full of confidence.People with low self-esteem is always too much emphasis on their own/The negative aspects,But can't see the good/The positive side,The lack of objective/Comprehensive analysis of things the ability and confidence.This requires that we learn to grasp the essence through the phenomena,Is it temporary,On the surface of the phenomenon.As long as objectively analyze their advantage and disadvantage factors,Optimistic upward,Full of confidence for the future,And positive,Won't produce self-abased psychology due to temporary setbacks.S ZhangJian and
(The author is master of education psychology)
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