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中国康复研究中心主任/Beijing fraternity hospital/Has been in the earthquake zone of national rehabilitation medical team captain, said professor soloing:"After the earthquake victims in the injury of the problem is,How to avoid disability or how to avoid a mild disability development for seriously disabled.The basic principles of earthquake victims recover is early intervention/Reduce the disability/To prevent complications,Maximize the development and application of all its remaining functions.In the earthquake rescue of the wounded,Early rehabilitation intervention should be the sooner the better."


四川芦山地震发生后,China rehabilitation research center of Beijing fraternity hospital rehabilitation specialists,The first write common spinal cord injury in the earthquake/Extremities fractures/Brain injury rehabilitation and nursing of disability such as the articles,To help the injured to recover from injury as soon as possible,Improve their confidence and ability to care for life,For they will return to the family and society to lay the good foundation.


骨折后注意防肌肉萎缩 Pay attention to prevent muscle atrophy after fracture

  中国康复研究中心北京博爱医院骨科主任医师 崔寿昌

中国康复研究中心北京博爱医院骨科主任医师 崔寿昌


Extremities fractures是在地震/The most common trauma landslides disaster.Functional exercise after the fracture is very important,Patients after conservative treatment and operation should be performed early functional exercise,It can promote the fracture healing,Shorten fracture healing time,Prevent articular adhesion/Muscle atrophy, etc.,Reduce the disability.


骨折早中后期的锻炼重点 The focus of fracture later period early exercise


骨折早期(Within 1-2 weeks after injury)Leg swelling and pain,Main is muscle relaxation exercise method/Contraction in activity,In principle, in addition to the fracture of upper and lower joint temporarily inactive,Other joints of the body should be appropriate activities.Exercise upper limb muscles are hard fingers fisting and flexion activities,repeated.Lower limb muscle exercise is to contract and relax the thigh muscle,Hook ankle and toes,Can help reduce the swelling.


骨折中期(After 2 weeks)Leg swelling subsided,Local pain gradually disappear,The muscle during contraction continues,At the same time gradually fractures and joints,Action should be slow,Range from small to large,Gradually increase the power and scope of activities,Pay special attention to is the joint activities can't be too severe,At the same time should ask the doctor which activities can be done.


骨折后期(After fracture healing)Mainly is to strengthen leg of each joint exercise initiative activity,The activities of the joint can quickly returned to normal.Take special exercise of restricted movement joints.


常见骨折的功能锻炼方法 Common functional exercise methods of fracture


1/Upper arm fractures(Humeral fractures)Fracture fixation after,Practice refers to/palm/Wrist joint activities,Upper arm muscle and contraction,Don't rotate the upper arm,Please don't mention anything.Exercise the shoulder after 2-3 weeks/Elbow movement,Comprehensive practice shoulder elbow late fracture:If use leg touched the contralateral shoulders,Touch back/Rowing motion, etc..


2/The forearm fractures(Ulnar radial fractures)Early can exercise the muscles of the arm,Hard hand clenched,Push open fingers.2-3 weeks after the start practicing shoulder elbow wrist joint activities,Gradually increase the range and power,Don't do the forearm rotation,Late may practice the forearm rotation,Fully practice activities of each joint.


3/Lower limb fractures(Femoral fractures/Tibiofibula fracture)After the fixed surgery,Early up leg,Do the thigh muscle contraction,According to the guidance of activity knee joints, etc,When down to listen to the guidance.After the fields began to not completely hard,Crutch or single-throw should be used,With single-throw turn when the good should be on one side of the leg.After the fractures healed completely,Can fully exert oneself to do.


总之,Mainly on muscle joints active functional exercise,Passive activity is complementary,Active muscles can prevent muscle atrophy and joint activities,Increase the joint range of motion.To strengthen the key joint exercise,Also cannot ignore the surrounding joints,Such as wrist fractures,Both activities wrist joints,Also must pay attention to the activity finger joint and shoulder/elbow.Functional exercise should be performed under the guidance of a doctor,Because each patient's condition/age/Physical condition/Nutritional status.Functional exercise until fully recovered from the surgery should be used throughout,This is a long-term process,Don't give up.If there are any obvious discomfort,Should see a doctor guidance.


年轻脑外伤患者更易康复 Young patients with traumatic brain injuries are more likely to recover

  中国康复研究中心北京博爱医院主任医师 张通 副主任医师 张皓

中国康复研究中心北京博爱医院主任医师 张通 副主任医师 张皓


颅脑外伤的临床症状表现是由受伤的轻重程度决定的,Only the scalp hematoma mild traumatic brain injury,While severe brain trauma, can appear have a headache/nausea/vomiting/drowsiness/lethargy/In a coma, etc..Other performance such as dizziness/Ringing in the ears/Memory loss/fatigue/Insomnia, etc are also common.


多年的康复治疗经验告诉我们,Young patients with brain injury rehabilitation value is bigger,After a formal and effective rehabilitation,Will often appear some unexpected results.Rehabilitation of brain injury include bed put good limb position/Training of motion/Roll over/since坐/Balance training/To stand the training/Training on foot/Language training/Cognitive training/Psychological counseling and eating/dress/Relieve oneself care/Respiratory and skin management and so on daily life ability training.


正确的卧床姿势很重要 Correct posture is very important in bed


脑外伤早期常常要有一定的卧床时间,Lie in bed for a long time can cause certain muscle atrophy/Stiff joints deformation/osteoporosis/坐since时头晕等症状,Serious impact on functional recovery in the future.Try to minimize time in bed after in a stable condition,Prevent function disuse.When in bed to keep correct posture is very important,Recommend the lateral position,And regularly turn/Take back.


发病初期每2小时翻身1次 At the turn 1 every 2 hours


长期卧床会出现多种并发症,The main purpose of the timely turn is to prevent bedsore.Body can't activities in the early years of the onset of the patient to turn 1 every 2 hours.Long-term bedridden patients also want to in a timely manner.


长期卧床后坐起时要缓慢 长期卧床后坐since时要slow


发病后早期初次坐since或长期卧床要坐since时,In order to avoid producing orthostatic hypotension,应采用逐渐增加角度的被动坐since方法.可先将床头摇since15度至30度,3-5 minute break,Gradually increase the Angle,Every time add 10 to 15 degrees,Increase the seat for 5-10 minutes,For after 2-3 days of practice,To sit up in bed up to 90 degrees.When a patient is sitting up straight 90 degrees and can be kept for 30 minutes,That is可开始练习独立坐位及转移动作等.


每天做2次关节活动度训练 Do 2 times a day practicing training


对于卧床病人,Should be to maintain and improve the joint activities of practice.Joint activities practice can do 2 times a day,Each joint around 10 times,Approach to soft/slow.


亲情呼唤有助觉醒 The family calls for help to awakening


脑外伤病人经常存在意识障碍/Don't awake/Active movement etc,Give appropriate sensory stimuli have promote awakening/Induced movement.Sensory stimuli including the sense of touch/visual/auditory/The sense of smell/Taste, etc..Can take a shower/Roll over/Do sports/Massage, to touch to a patient/Deep sensory stimuli;Talking with the patient/The family called/Listen to the radio/Watching TV/See photos, etc,Have certain effect on promoting wake up.


不要急于下地走路 Don't walk


步行练习包括迈步练习/Use walking stick and the step walk/Used orthoses on foot, etc.Brain trauma patients walking training to prepare first,Need to be able to secure/能站since及站稳,With legs can move at the same time/Shift to the legs/Suffering from leg support/The healthy leg to keep up with,To complete a walk cycle.Don't rush to walk too soon.Early within the balance bar should walk,Training gradually transition to the ground to walk.


不可忽视听力损伤 Hearing impairment cannot ignore

  中国残疾人辅具中心主任医师 陈振生

中国残疾人辅具中心主任医师 陈振生


由于auditory器官的大部分包埋在头颅中,So in the disability caused by the earthquake,Hearing loss is often merged with craniocerebral trauma.Early of this kind of damage is often concealed by other symptoms of brain injury,Not easy to be found.For crisis after traumatic brain injury,To show the corresponding symptoms,Such as tinnitus/deafness/vertigo,Some patients with temporal bone fractures will be complete or incomplete paralysis of facial muscles.


外耳的损伤一般不会造成听力下降.Middle ear injury mainly eardrum rupture and auditory ossicle chain interruption,Decline in hearing can't more than 60 decibels,Speak loudly can hear,Can hear clearly/understand.At the time of care,Note that in ear crossing placed sterilized cotton ball,To prevent dust and water washing a face wash into the ear,As long as it doesn't appear,Most can self-seal tympanic membrane perforation.Auditory ossicle chain interruption by surgical repair in the future,Listening goes back,Don't leave permanent hearing loss.The inner ear/Auditory nerve and the auditory injury is the main characteristic of hearing impairment is the decline of speech sound resolution,The injured people can hear the voice,But unable to distinguish between the mean.Rehabilitation measures of this kind of hearing loss is to be stable after hearing loss,With wear hearing AIDS or cochlear compensation place is loss of hearing.For pediatric speech is not fully developed,Speech rehabilitation training from time to time,To prevent the happening of the language barrier.


脊柱脊髓康复伤后即开始 脊柱脊髓康复伤后That is开始

  中国康复研究中心北京博爱医院脊柱外科主任医师 洪毅

中国康复研究中心北京博爱医院脊柱外科主任医师 洪毅


脊柱脊髓损伤也是地震伤中最常见的疾病之一,The rehabilitation treatment should start from 1 day after injury.The content includes:Reconstruction of spinal stability,External fixation/Internal fixation surgery/Spinal cord dehydration treatment, etc.Also, pay attention to the management of the whole body,Prevention and treatment of multiple system dysfunction,Prevention of pressure ulcers/pedal/Complications such as urinary tract infection.Rehabilitation therapy, there are three periods:


1/Acute instability(Injury or spinal cord after about 2 to 4 weeks after surgery):In the acute instability,Rehabilitation training 1-2 times a day,The training intensity shoulds not be too much.


这个时期康复训练的主要The content includes:Training of motion/Strength training/Respiratory function training/Sports training/Bladder function training.


2/Acute period(Acute instability after eight weeks after the injury):This period should strengthen rehabilitation training content,Daily total rehabilitation training time should be around 2 hours.This period clinical main treatment has ended,The injured spine and are stable,Became the first or the only task of rehabilitation.


3/Chronic phase(Two months later after injury):At the end of the early rehabilitation,According to the situation of the wounded can be late for a certain time of rehabilitation training,Its purpose is to guide the wounded back to family and society.(Chen Yawei finishing)
