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前列腺增生不一定都要治疗 不必过于担心会癌变--亲稳网络舆情监测室


前列腺增生问题常被一些卖药/Open clinic, undesirable businessman as a cash cow.Have hyperplasia have to cure,Otherwise sterility/Don't move,Even issues such as the whole to the cancer.however中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院院长助理/Urology Guo Zhenghui professor pointed out,Not all patients with prostate cancer treatment,The symptom is not obvious,Impact on patients quality of life small and has no obvious distress,In quite a long time have no obvious changes in these patients,Generally used"Watchful waiting"The treatment method,Namely, temporarily not be any treatment,But the condition change was observed,Do check on a regular basis.


尿频是早期信号 Frequency is the early signal


前列腺增生症Are older men常见疾病,Also called hypertrophy of the prostate.Male prostate hyperplasia of generally occurs after 30 years old began to pathological changes,Associated symptoms after age 50,Are older men"Health killer".Guo Zhenghui said,Most people in their daily lives because of prostate hyperplasia symptoms don't understand,When disease failed to found and delay an illness treatment.


郭正辉介绍,Prostate hyperplasia basically has two groups of symptoms:A bladder irritation symptoms;Another kind is obstructive symptoms.


膀胱刺激症状主要表现为:Frequent urination/urgency/Increased nocturia and urge incontinence.Frequency is an early sign of hyperplasia of prostate,Especially night urination number increase more clinical significance.Old man didn't a night if there is a 1-2 times urinate at night,The coming of the early often reflect obstruction,And every night every night from 2 to 4-5 times or more,Indicates that the development of the lesions and aggravating.


出现排尿无力/Line thinner and dribbling urine symptom,Is due to the obstruction of hyperplasia of prostate,Patient micturition to use more power to overcome the resistance,So the micturition arduous.Hyperplasia of prostate gland will urethral pressure results in a urinary flat line,With the development of the disease,May also occur micturition interrupts,After micturition drop not wait for a symptom.Guo Zhenghui said of blood in the urine,There are a lot of blood vessels, increase of the surface of the prostate,These blood vessels under the condition of the pressure increased,Fracture will happen,Made with blood in the urine is blood in the urine.In addition,Hyperplasia of prostate heavier patients,Sometimes because of catch cold catch cold/Drinking alcohol/A full bladder caused time is too long or infection and bladder neck glands congestion edema caused urine cannot eduction, acute urinary retention.


手术治疗非首选 Surgical treatment of first choice


郭正辉教授说,At present,Hyperplasia of prostate treatment mainly with watchful waiting/Drug treatment/Surgery and minimally invasive treatment, etc.Each treatment has the advantages and risks,Need according to the specific condition of patients,Choose reasonable treatment scheme,使患者获益的At the same time,Try to avoid complications.


郭正辉教授表明,Many patients with prostatic hyperplasia was found in physical examination,Their symptoms are not obvious,Impact on the quality of life of patients with small and has no obvious distress,And there was no significant change in a long time.For these patients,Generally used"Watchful waiting"The treatment method,Namely, temporarily don't give any treatment and only observe the condition changes.During a watchful waiting,The doctor will ask patients need to followed up at least once a year,Follow-up changes include symptoms/A digital rectal inspection/Prostate B ultrasonic examination/urinalysis/Measurement of urinary flow rate, etc,And comparing with the test results before,Judge whether the prostate hyperplasia and need active treatment, etc.Once the watchful waiting obvious clinical symptoms of patients,Such as the need to urinate/urgency/Night urination/Urinary incontinence/Painful urination, etc.,Or severe complications,Such as blood in the urine,You should go to hospital for further examination and treatment.


郭正辉教授说,For most patients with mild to moderate,Suggested that drug treatment,There are three categories of commonly used drugs:The first kind of:Alpha blockers,Can obviously improve the symptom of the patient micturition arduous and frequent urination.Such as solo sheen and terazosin;The second type of:5 alpha reductase inhibitors,Can control the development of hyperplasia of prostate,Prostate was reduced to some extent.Such as finasteride/Degree of his male amine etc.;The third kind:Plant medicine,Such as universal ty.


郭正辉教授称,Only medication the effect not beautiful or refused to accept patients with drug treatment,When prostate hyperplasia combined repeated urinary retention/Repeated blood in the urine/Complications such as recurrent urinary tract infections,Just suggest surgery.Professor Guo Zhenghui remind,Have a small part of hyperplasia of prostate patients relapse after operation,Reason is whether open surgery,Or transurethral electric cutting and laser resection of the prostate,Are the hyperplasia of prostate tissue removal,The prostate capsule in the body,Capsule may be ill,Such as prostatitis and prostate cancer.so,If you have not timely after surgery patients,Should be timely to the hospital to review.


不必过于担心会癌变 Don't have to worry too much about the cancer


关于前列腺增生与前列腺癌之间的关系,There is a disagreement in the medical community.Think between prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer related academics found,In patients with prostatic hyperplasia,Prostate cancer incidence and mortality are less prostate thickening of living is high.Another important arguments for hyperplasia of prostate hyperplasia after its organization form nodules sometimes,And hyperplastic nodule proliferate,Its internal cells could grow unusually,It cannot be ruled out the possibility of canceration,Because of the nature of cancer tissue is unlimited growth.And some scholars also did find some prostate cancer there is a tiny lesions in the outer layer of tissue.


认为前列腺增生与前列腺癌无关的学者并未发现前列腺增生病人中前列腺癌的发病率和死亡率与非前列腺增生者有什么不同;And other data show,Hyperplasia of prostate and prostate cancer in the prostate gland in different parts.Hyperplasia of prostate develops in side lobe and middle,Don't usually occurs after the leaf,But most found in posterior lobe of the prostate.Prostatic lateral lobes and posterior lobe in embryogenesis,Anatomical site,And even the physical/Pathology are not the same,so很难找到这两种疾病之间的因果关系.


鉴于前列腺增生的发病率相当高,And the incidence of prostate cancer is less;More severe hyperplasia of prostate can get removal treatment;And prostate hyperplasia and carcinoma involving facts such as leaf is completely different,There is reason to believe that,Hyperplasia of prostate does not generally become cancerous,Even though they had some kind of loose or not yet aware of relations between.Older men should be easy to make a diagnosis and give treatment of hyperplasia of prostate hyperplasia,Don't have to worry too much about the prostate hyperplasia may become cancer.


■健康加油站 S health service station


前列腺增生常规检查 Hyperplasia of prostate routine inspection




1/The rectum dre:Prostate enlargement in transverse diameter and pitch diameter increases,A fat -,A smooth surface,The central sulcus disappeared;


2/ultrasound:It can display the degree of hyperplasia of prostate,Determination of residual urine and so on;


3/Urine flow rate test:Urine flow rate lower;


4/Serum prostate specific antigen(PSA)The determination of:PSA is prostate specific indicators,PSA significantly increased mainly in prostate cancer,In patients with prostatic hyperplasia,PSA can also rise,But rise is relatively small;


5/Urine analysis:Hyperplasia of prostate patients routine urine examination can sometimes is normal,A urinary tract infection in visible white blood urine,Can also determine presence of blood in the urine.


如何预防前列腺增生 How to prevent prostate hyperplasia


郭正辉教授说,Due to hyperplasia of prostate affect men's urination function directly,Urinary frequency caused by a series of symptoms,Even the kidney damage,Have serious consequences,So suggest to do a good job of prostate hyperplasia of prevention:


1)Regular life,Avoid overfatigue,Insist on physical exercise,Enhanced physique;


2)Diet is suitable for light,Proper drinking water,Don't smoke and drink;


3)Control the mood,As far as possible don't like earlier;


4)Avoid riding a bicycle and take a hard long time;


5)Don't hold back the urine,Have pay attention to timely urine when you urinate;


6)Maintain defecate unobstructed,Prevent constipation;


7)Eat honey,And contain the food with much lycopene and zinc;


8)Appropriate abstemious sexual life,Commonly used hot water sitz bath or shower;

  9)慎用影响排尿的药物,及时检查和治疗影响排尿的疾病。记者 李劼 通讯员 王海芳

9)Careful affect micturition of drugs,Timely check and treatment of diseases affect micturition.Reporter li jieren the correspondent Wang Haifang
