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胃痛突消失 情况恐不妙--亲稳网络舆情监测室

胃痛突消失 情况恐不妙


胃出blood并非都要开刀手术.(Reporter Qiao Junwei perturbation)


●一出blood就实施胃切除是不少基层医院的治疗误区,But the vast majority of ulcerative gastrointestinal bleeding without surgery


●以前定时"visit"Stomach pain suddenly"disappear"Especially vigilant,Because this time may have developed into the digestive tract hemorrhage or severe diseases such as gastric cancer


胃出blood了,Not only invasive surgery can cure;The old man suddenly fainted,除了In the风,The original may also be associated with gastrointestinal bleeding.Stomach pain difficult,But if before touching refractory"Stomach pain"Suddenly disappeared,It's not what good things,Because it is extremely likely gastrointestinal bleeding even precursor of gastric cancer.


记者日前In the广州市第一人民医院消化内科采访时了解到,In recent years胃病整体发病率正In the日益升高.有According to data,In the国The stomach trouble发病人数较6年前足足翻了两番,Patient is given priority to with the elderly and urban workers.Experts point out that,The stomach disease treatment has a lot of mature and effective method,But as a result of intellectual penetration is low,Many people do not take on the stomach disease,Do not understand standard treatment,Thus missed the treatment opportunity,To common stomach trouble evolved into the digestive tract hemorrhage and even gastric cancer.

  文/记者黎蘅 通讯员徐晶、魏星

文/记者黎蘅 通讯员徐晶/Wei Xing


医学指导/广州市第一人民医院副院长/Doctor of medical director NieYuJiang






刘先生In the广州一间大型企业打拼多年,28, has been promoted to department manager.however,For a long time he not eat on time,Early fall stomach trouble,Epigastric intermittent pain,Especially at night.Because the job is busy,刘先生只In the药店买胃药吃,Have not been to the hospital to accept standard treatment.The Spring Festival this year,Mr. Liu hometown Chinese New Year,Once again appeared epigastric pain less painful/The phenomenon such as black,Doctors diagnosed a stomach bleeding.


当时,Hometown grassroots hospital doctor advised liu treated by surgical removal of part of the stomach bleeding.Listen to the knife,Liu shocked,Hurry back to guangzhou looking for a large hospital.Guangzhou city first people's hospital of doctor of medical director NieYuJiang is liu sees a doctor,He introduced,Found by gastroscope examination,Mr Liu just duodenal ulcer without other diseases,Can completely through medication can stop the bleeding.then,NieYuJiang again to Mr. Liu gastric helicobacter pylori eradication therapy,Mr Liu is a full recovery.


聂玉强指出,Like Mr. Liu of the patient,常常会In the基层医院"By surgery".


"In fact,,Gastrointestinal bleeding at surgical treatment is a myth.The doctor should combine the patient's age/Whether merger disease/Hemorrhage when performance and gastroscopy,Will be classified by the patient/Standard treatment."NieYuJiang also stressed,Patients also need not"To talk about‘blood’The color change",Because with the progress of medicine and the development of treatments,Hemorrhage of upper gastrointestinal varicosity burst,Endoscopic and conservative treatment with drugs,The success rate is very high.


有According to data,For such hemorrhage patients,By injecting hemostatic treatment adrenal solution,First hemostatic rate has reached 96%,Rural medical conditions, such as the less developed regions,Can be used more.For the active vascular hemorrhage,In the胃镜下通过止blood夹止blood也很有效."Only those drugs and internal bleeding under gastroscope is not successful or not suitable for patients under gastroscope,To consider surgery."NieYuJiang said.


●老人晕倒Also may be of gastrointestinal bleeding


"如果In the街上发现一个老人突然昏倒,不一定都是In the风,Also may be of gastrointestinal bleeding."NieYuJiang told reporters,In recent years,In the风病人合并消化道出blood的发生率很高."Increase a person's age,Tend to thin stomach mucous membrane,Each organ function and resistance will be decreased.Coupled with the old man suffered from high blood pressure/The basic disease such as coronary heart disease,Some need long-term use of antihypertensive agents on the already thin stomach mucosa damage is greater,Can cause gastrointestinal bleeding."


NieYuJiang remind,万一家In theThe old man suddenly fainted,Family members don't to the patient to take medicine in disorder,一定要In the第一时间打120将老人送到医院,Determine the cause before treatment.


值得注意的是,Because some of the old people waist pain/Cardio-cerebrovascular diseases, etc.,Often have to take painkillers and anticoagulation,But ignored the protection of the stomach.NieYuJiang said,This class of drugs easily damaged gastric mucosa,Cause of peptic ulcer and even stomach bleeding.Clinical studies have found that,46% ~ 75% patients with long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs,Have a history of stomach bleeding or ulcers.尤其是In the美国,So patients in hospital each year more than 100000 people.


聂玉强建议,older/A history of stomach pain, etc of the elderly,In the服用消炎镇痛药(Such as he will be)And anticoagulants(Such as aspirin, etc.)When to consult a physician,Try to choose for the relative safety of the gastrointestinal tract analgesic drugs,If there are conditions to be a painless gastroscopy,Do analgesia/Protect the stomach two not mistake.


●Stomach pain"disappear"May be more dangerous


NieYuJiang said,Now like Mr. Liu,Many young people have gastric ulcer for granted,Don't treat or cure,Optional withdrawal treatment,Drug use"Too close",Tend to delay the disease.He cautioned,Would otherwise have stomach trouble/Often stomach pain,如果In the没有经过任何规范and长期治疗的情况下,Stomach pain suddenly"disappear",This is not necessarily a good thing,There may be"Stand on the issue"!


"我们In the临床治疗In the发现,After a lot of stomach trouble patient doctor to take medicine,The illness ease,Just no longer insist on treatment and nurse.But in fact,Pain does not necessarily represent to heal."for"With no pain"The stomach trouble,Especially on high alert,When the place may have been bleeding peptic ulcer or cancerous,Nerve damage,Pain abate,"That is to say,Digestive tract ulcer may have evolved into the digestive tract hemorrhage or stomach cancer."so,People often stomach-ache must consider,Ulcers are not small problems,Once the disease progression or treatment,May cause stomach bleeding/Gastric perforation/Cancer such as serious consequences.


●提醒:Coughing up blood OR hematemesis to distinguish


消化道出blood是十分危急的情况,The doctor determine the cause. Correct,Is the key to successful treatment.NieYuJiang remind,有些病人或家属In the陈述病情时,Often confused"Coughing up blood"and"hematemesis"Both of these symptoms."Distinguish between these two kinds of symptoms to help doctors determine a hospital patients because of the faint,Stomach disease or heart disease is very important,So be sure to clear."


hematemesisandCoughing up blood有本质不同.Gastrointestinal bleeding belongs to hematemesis,How is peptic ulcer/Cancer of the stomach/Biliary tract bleeding and so on,While the causes of hemoptysis in tuberculosis/bronchiectasis/A heart attack.Coughing up blood colour and lustre is usually bright red,Can also be associated with more obvious sputum and bubble,And hematemesis is dark red/Brown, black and is usually associated with food residue and gastric juice.
