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男的能否生育 精液报告不是“铁标准”--亲稳网络舆情监控室

男的能否生育 精液报告不是“铁标准”


(Reporter Qiao Junwei perturbation)


●At present精液的检测仅限于形态检查Rather than functional check


●精液正常未必一定能生,Semen is not normal not necessarily absolute can't born


●工作压力/Eating habits/sleep/Emotion will affect the quality of semen


In the诊治男性不育的过程In the,Make semen routine inspection is an indispensable content,Among them精液分析是男性生育力的重要指标.however,A clinical semen analysis report,Indicators listed at 40 or 50 items,What are the most important indicators?What indicators about men"Can you have"?Expert introduction,Whether men's semen is normal,Basically see semen volume/Sperm density/Sperm motility/Sperm malformation rate/Semen PH/Sperm survival rate, etc.but,Experts also remind,The semen testing is limited to check form,Rather than functional check,Can male fertility,Semen is not report"Iron standard".Semen is normal man is not necessarily able to birth,Semen is not normal is not absolutely can not have children of men.

  如何看精液分析报告单? 如何看精液分析报告单?

  精液量: 精液量:

  正常数值范围是2~6毫升 正常数值范围是2~6毫升


精液量是指每次射精排出的数量.广州医学院第三附属医院生殖医学In the心主任医师龙晓林介绍,Normal semen volume is 2 ~ 6 ml,The minimum required 1.5 ~ 2 ml,If less than this value,Means that semen volume is a little less,May even be less refined.Of course,,Semen volume is not the more the better,If semen quantity too much,If need to eliminate morbid"More than".

  精子密度: Sperm density:

  每毫升1500万算正常 每毫升1500万算正常


Sperm density是指单位体积内精子的数量.Long Xiaolin said,现In the,Sperm density can reach 15 million per milliliter has been regarded as normal.however,In the30年前,Sperm density requirements per milliliter of 60 million ~ 200 million."Can say,现In the男性的生殖能力已经大大退化.这种退化跟现In the的环境以及人们的生活方式不无关系.比如现In the人们开车的More than了,Less walk,More people sitting for a long time,Less movement."


他介绍,Sperm density less than 15 million per milliliter,Belongs to the less refined disease,Sperm into the uterine cavity and tubal chance will be reduce,Which results in the decrease of fertility ability;But if more than 200 million/ml,Belong to more than fine,Sperm activity would be affected,Will also affect the ability of sperm.so,Sperm density is too high/Too low or even no good,Are all male infertility factors.


精子活动力: Sperm motility:

  直线前向运动精子要≥32% 直线前向运动精子要≥32%


精子的活动力一般分四级.Level 0 means no activity of sperm;1级指In the原地活动的精子;Level 2 for sperm swam slowly forward curve;Level 3 for the straight forward swimming sperm;4 levels of sperm to swim fast straight forward.Under normal circumstances,More than 3 levels of sperm,Is likely to fertilize eggs.To a successful pregnancy,Sperm generally requires level 3 plus 4 grade sperm percentage is greater than 32%.


 精子成活率和畸形率: 精子成活率和畸形率:

  分别为58%以上和96%以下 分别为58%以上和96%以下


龙晓林介绍,Sperm survival rate is also very important.成活率通常是指In the射精后一小时内,Sperm percentage with activity ability.Normal circumstances,精子的成活率要In the58%以上.


同样,Sperm malformation rate also affects sperm fertility ability.Sperm malformation rateIn the92%以下是一个比较理想的指标."如果能够In the96%以下也算是及格了."In fact,,Sperm survival rate and deformity rate of the standard has also decreased.

  精液PH值: Semen PH:

  大部分稳定在7.1左右 大部分稳定In the7.1左右


龙晓林介绍,Under the condition of normal semen ph,大部分的Semen PH稳定In the7.1左右.Too high or too low are likely to be because of inflammation.Have inflammation,Nature also can affect fertility.

  精液颜色: 精液颜色:

  定期排精男性精液为乳白色 定期排精男性精液为乳白色


In addition,The appearance of semen also need attention.In the正常情况下,If it is a regular line of fine men,Semen is supposed to be ivory;If long time no spermiation,The color of semen will pale yellow;If its color is red,May be semen contains blood;If semen is yellow in colour,Very thick,May be have pus cells.

  判断精液质量 判断精液质量

  需要检查三次 需要检查三次


"Semen tested all these indicators are flexible."广州医学院第三附属医院生殖医学In the心生殖男科安庚博士说,There are many factors that can affect the quality of semen,Among them包括先天因素,Such as congenital testicular development;Also includes factors the day after tomorrow,Such as work pressure/Eating habits/sleep/Emotions can affect sperm quality.so,Even a person,Each check,His semen quality all are not the same.


"so,Even if the first check when abnormal semen,Does not necessarily said his semen abnormal."He said,一般来说需要In the不同的时间点检查三次才能进行判断,Understand the patients semen parameters fluctuation range.

  精液质量检查 精液质量检查

  不是能否生育的唯一标准 不是能否生育的唯一标准


"At present,Check all semen examination forms,Still can't do functional check."AnGeng said,so,Semen is normal can not judge"Iron standard",Because the factors that affect fertility also has a lot of.


He said,Normal sperm are not necessarily must be fertile,Because still can't rule out some immune factors or other factors that have yet to be known cause of male infertility."Some husband and wife,The man sperm and her egg quality is no problem,But bosom not on it."这主要是存In the精子和卵子结合障碍的问题.

  同样,精液不正常也未必就一定不能生育。“比如有的男性精子密度虽然少于2千万/毫升,但由于其精子的活动力强,畸形率低,或妻子的生育能力特别强,也可能成功怀孕。”因此,一份精液化验单,需要对各项检查的结果进行综合分析。需要注意的是,男性不育的原因十分复杂,睾丸因素、输精管堵塞、射精障碍等都可能是不育因素。同时,也要考虑其配偶的生育能力。  文/记者黄蓉芳 通讯员黄贤君

同样,Semen is not normal and are not necessarily must not baby."Although some male sperm density less than 20 million per milliliter,But because of its strong sperm motility,Deformity rate is low,Particularly strong or wife's fertility,Can also be successful pregnancy."so,A semen of assay,Need a comprehensive analysis of the results of the inspection.It is important to note,The cause of the male infertility is complicated,Testicular factors/Vas deferens jam/Ejaculatory dysfunction, etc can all be infertile factors.At the same time,Also want to consider the fertility of their spouses.文/记者黄蓉芳 通讯员黄贤君
