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漳州成立心灵健康疗养中心 已收治近百名精神病人--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


据中国之声[Epicenter wide news]reports,Brewing for 27 years,China's first[Mental health law]today(1,)Began to implement,To solve the problem of the mental patient wandering the streets,Parts of fujian province set up public shelter to reduce potential safety hazard.


福建漳州现有精神病患者统计超过2万人,But they were lack of unity,专业护理and疗养的机构.so,Zhangzhou rely on fu kang hospital timely set up mental health rehabilitation center,Here specially treated zhangzhou have violence/hurt/Destroy content of behavior such as easy to hit and cause trouble the mental patient,Center since its commissioning,Has been treated hundreds of such cases.


漳州心灵健康中心主任林建忠介绍说,These easy to hit and cause an accident of mental patients are under the control of morbid,Such behavior can only be seen,No matter how they stir,Sometimes even have a attack on staff,The doctors have to understand them,Don't go to discrimination,Including patients sometimes don't want to eat,Will someone to feed him.At present,The center existing ward 43,200 beds.From the point of zhangzhou as a whole,This aspect of the personnel/Device equipped with a still"thin".


漳州市卫生局工作人员说,从大环境and整个社会来说,Do not take the development of psychotherapy clinic now,And each place is the same.now[Mental health law]A is a good time,This is a boon for psychiatric patients,The following,Fujian zhangzhou health sector will also be in psychological professional personnel selection/Assessment of qualifications/Strengthen support for personnel training, etc.At the same time,In the aspect of hardware,Zhangzhou have taken in the construction of the second hospital of mental illness,Will be effective bypass patients,Increase of psychiatric accepts/To prevent/diagnosis/Treatment of ability.(The reporter GeChaoXing)
