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自我保健从细微处着手 感冒用药只能缓解--亲稳舆论引导监测室

自我保健从细微处着手 感冒用药只能缓解


    Through the recent around H7N9 information spread bird flu,Mass in the health care consciousness strengthens the importance of personal health and diet,In the practical application and operation level,Medical professionals in health behavior gives a more comprehensive marketing guidance and prevention administration --


    行为起居   Conduct daily life

    讲卫生 促健康     Hygiene and promote health


    Spring and summer period is prone to infectious diseases.Shanghai municipal health education to remind the public to strengthen the consciousness of prevention and control of all kinds of infectious diseases,Concrete measures must be implemented to every life detail.recently,By the China centre for health education and neighboring health education professional institutions jointly issued in Shanghai[Prevention of respiratory infectious diseases health code of conduct]The diagram type in detail.

    科学洗手 第一步:掌心相对,手指并拢,相互揉搓;第二步:手心对手背沿指缝相互揉搓,交换进行;第三步:掌心相对,双手交叉指缝相互揉搓;第四步:弯曲手指使关节在另一手掌心旋转揉搓;第五步:右手握住左手大拇指旋转揉搓;第六步:将手指尖并拢放在另一手掌心旋转揉搓。

    The first step in scientific to wash their hands:The palm relative,Fingers together,Rub each other;The second step:Palm opponent back along the fingers rub each other,Switching to;The third step:The palm relative,Arms crossed fingers rub each other;The fourth step:Another palm bending finger joints in rotation rub;Step 5:My right hand left hand thumb rotation rub;Step 6:Turn fingertips together on another palm rub.

    文明咳嗽 打喷嚏或咳嗽时用清洁的手绢或纸巾遮掩口鼻;若一时来不及拿纸巾遮掩,可用手肘弯的衣服遮挡口鼻,因为病毒不容易在干燥的衣服上停留;打喷嚏或咳嗽时,千万不能用手遮掩口鼻。

    Civilization cough with a clean handkerchief when sneezing or coughing or paper towel cover mouth and nose;If at that time too late to take paper towel,Elbow bend clothes available block nose and mouth,Because the virus is not easy to stay on dry clothes;When sneezing or coughing,Don't be cover nose and mouth with your hand.

    充足睡眠 儿童每天保证有9-10小时的睡眠时间;成年人每天保证有7-8小时的睡眠时间;老年人每天保证有5-6小时的睡眠时间。

    Make sure you have enough sleep children 9 and 10 hours of sleep;Adults to ensure there are seven to eight hours of sleep every day;The elderly guarantee of 5 to 6 hours of sleep each day.

    增强体质 1.加强运动:锻炼过程的运动强度应控制在心率为:(220-20)×(70%-85%)=140-170(次/分)的范围内;锻炼时,达到微微出汗的程度较为合适。2.健康、营养饮食:饮食、饮水要卫生;少吃煎、炸、烘、烤的食物;多吃富含维生素C的蔬果、奶制品和高蛋白的食物。

    Enhanced physique 1. Strengthen the movement:Exercise intensity should be controlled in heart rate for the process:(220-20)x(70% - 85%.)= 140-170(Times per minute)Within the scope of;workout,Reach the level of perspire slightly more appropriate.2. Health/Nutritious diet:diet/To the health of drinking water;Eat less Fried/Fried/baked/Baked food;Eat more fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C/Dairy products and protein food.

    开窗通风 两个空气相对清洁、适宜开窗通风的时段:10:00及15:00前后;一天内开窗3-4次,一次30分钟为宜;阴霾天、雨雪天、刮风时不宜多开窗。

    Open a window ventilated two relatively clean air/Time that is suitable for open a window ventilated:10:00 and 15:00 before and after;Window for 3 to 4 times in one day,A 30 minutes advisable;Cloudy day/Rain and snow day/To open a window when it's windy.

    生熟分开 生、熟食物必须分开;切生、熟食物的刀具必须分开;存放生、熟食物的餐具必须分开;储备食物的冷冻柜必须生熟分开。

    Born born cooked separately/Cooked food must be separated;Cut raw/Cooked food cutting tools must be separate;Storage of raw/The tableware of cooked food must be separated;Reserve food freezer must be cooked separately.

    远离活禽 在禽流感流行期间,避免前往鸟类公园及禽类聚集区;不要主动触碰各种禽类;若发现周边有违规养禽的现象,应立即前往居委会等相关部门或拨打相关热线进行举报。

    Away from the live poultry during the pandemic,Avoid to bird park and poultry zones;Don't take the initiative to touch all kinds of birds;If found in violation of surrounding YangQin phenomenon,Shall be immediately to the residents' committees and other related departments or call hotline to report it.

    环境整洁 各街道、居委及居民应及时清除暴露垃圾和卫生死角;禽类养殖地、大型养殖场、疫情易发区等区域要重点监测、治理;严格执行禽畜粪便及时清理、消毒,无害化处理;在农村村民居住区,以改水改厕为重点,大力改善环境卫生;加强对自来水厂的水源保护,严禁在水源保护区内放养家禽、家畜。

    Environment clean and tidy the streets/Rc and residents should keep clear exposure garbage and health dead Angle;Birds are also/Large farms/Prone to disease, and other key areas to monitor/governance;Strict enforcement of livestock excrement clear in time/disinfection,disposal;In rural residential area,Focusing on the improvement of water supplier,Vigorously to improve environmental health;To strengthen the water source protection of the waterworks,It is strictly prohibited in the water source protection zone of livestock/livestock.

    感冒用药     A cold medicine

    只能缓解 无法根治     Can only alleviate cannot effect a radical cure


    The common cold,It is common for,According to epidemiological survey,Adult colds per year on average 2-6,Children up to 6-8 times;The common cold,"Not the ordinary",Have a cough/Runny nose/sneezing,And even muscle joints aches and discomfort may interfere with learning/Work and life.When confronted with a cold,You is to choose the hard shoulder or on their own medicine?Experts put forward countermeasures:Composition with cold medicine,Relieve symptoms,To improve the quality of life.


    There are many different kinds of cold viruses,Symptomatic treatment principles.But most people have a cold symptoms"equally",Remember only brand name drugs,Does not distinguish between drug ingredients,Regardless of how much dose,Casual drug use,At random to add quantity.In fact,A cold should suit the remedy to the case,To reduce the severity of effect,Used the wrong medicine harm is far better than the cold itself.Shanghai medicine expert professor Huang Zhongyi is introduced,Conventional medicine composition mainly have antipyretic analgesic/Reduce sinus congestion/cough/antihistamines/Eliminating phlegm and other five kinds of components.Who has a cold need to select drugs for symptoms,If appear congestion/Runny nose and other symptoms can choose cold medicines containing pseudoephedrine hydrochloride;If a fever or headache,Available containing acetaminophen/Cold medicine ibuprofen;Sneezing is optional chlorpheniramine maleate/Diphenhydramine, etc.;Cough optional dextromethorphan or that butyl etc.Compound anti cold medicine you just choose a taking,Such as the,Combination of pseudoephedrine and chlorpheniramine maleate in compound can effectively alleviate only a runny nose/sneezing/Catarrh symptoms such as stuffy nose cold.Such as to buy cold medicine,According to the instruction at recommended doses should be according to the symptoms,Efficacy and safety is good.


    Shanghai jiao tong university affiliated first people's hospital of respiratory director professor week remind,No matter what kind of medicine can only short-term use,Take about 5 days is enough,Can't eat together,The same components easily excessive doses of overlay,Will increase the risk of adverse reactions.Cold medicine can relieve cold symptoms must be emphasized,And cannot effect a radical cure cold symptoms.Have a cold drink more water/Pay attention to rest,Most colds can be self-healing.If still don't carry the past after self-medication is medicine under the guidance of a doctor.We should do in our daily life to wash their hands,To avoid your dirty hands rubbing eyes nose and mouth,Families with children still should often clean children's toys and so on,To prevent the spread of colds,Actively prevent the happening of the cold.

    发热是感冒最常见的症状之一,许多家长对发热如临大敌,一旦发现体温超过37.5℃,就会使用退烧药。上海市第一妇婴保健院秦艳副主任医师忠告,上呼吸道感染一般来说自然病程为5-7天,发热要持续2-3天。适宜的发热是机体免疫反应的一种表现。体温达到38.5℃以上再使用退烧药。体温38.5℃以下物理降温。感冒期间让孩子卧床休息,补充水分,根据感冒症状对症处理。不可滥用抗感冒复方制剂和重复用药,更不可滥用成人抗感冒药。若精神差、反复高热或咳嗽应及时就医。有痰的咳嗽应增加水分摄取,以及使用化痰药物。无痰的干咳若不能入睡或咳引起呕吐,才需用适当的止咳药物。 魏立 图 TP

    Fever is one of the most common symptoms of a cold,Many parents in hot state,Once found the temperature is more than 37.5 ℃,Will use antipyretics.Of doctor of vice director of Shanghai health care of the first penetration Qin Yan advice,Upper respiratory tract infection in general natural course for 5 to 7 days,Fever should last 2 to 3 days.Appropriate fever is a symptom of an immune response.Body temperature is 38.5 ℃ above using antipyretics.Physical cooling temperature is 38.5 ℃ below.Let the children stay in bed during a cold,hydrated,According to cure cold symptoms.Using cold resistant compound preparations and repeated drug use,More do not abuse the adult anti cold medicine.If the spirit of the poor/Recurrent fever or cough should be timely medical treatment.Cough with phlegm would increase water intake,And the use of expectorant drugs.Dry cough without phlegm if cannot sleep or cough cause vomiting,Only need appropriate cough medicine. Wei Li figure TP
