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透析越晚毒素存留时间越长 莫等肾衰竭了再透析--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
目前血液透析需要In the医院进行,Operated by professional staff.Photo/CFP
●国人开始透析时间普遍偏晚,Worry that once you start dialysis tends to rely on
●国外患者出现肾病后随时与医院沟通,Appropriate time to start dialysis
近年,Patients with chronic kidney disease in China is increasing at the rate of about 10% per year,Most patients have to begin with to the end,At this point the only kidney transplant and dialysis treatment options.Due to renal source co., LTD,Dialysis has become the main treatment.Many people think dialysis will produce dependence,The later start, the better.This really the case?
糖尿病为慢性肾衰竭主要原因 糖尿病为慢性肾衰竭主要原因
北京大学人民医院肾内科副主任医师赵慧萍In the接受采访时表示,People have two kidneys,In fact as long as a normal kidney function,Also can maintain a normal life.In dialysis patients,Actually the renal function is less than 10% of normal renal function,Kidney compensatory function is stronger,所以In the肾脏病变早期,Some tests are difficult to find the illness.
北京大学第三医院肾病内科副主任医师韩庆烽介绍,Many factors can lead to end-stage renal disease,In particular,In the我国绝大部分地区,Is one of the more common chronic nephritis.relatively,The distribution of the chronic renal failure presents certain regional,In the北京/A relatively developed cities such as Shanghai,Such as lifestyle diseases is higher,Such as diabetes/High blood pressure/Hardening of the arteries, etc.,These diseases cause the possibility of chronic renal failure also increases accordingly.
总的来说,Can lead to chronic renal failure reason mainly includes the chronic nephritis/Such as diabetes and high blood pressure,Some other diseases,Such as genetic diseases can lead to chronic renal failure,But because of its low incidence,并不是引since慢性肾衰竭的主要原因.In the临床进行透析治疗的病人In the,由糖尿病引since的肾衰竭,The diabetic nephropathy proportion is very big,Worthy of special attention.
药物因素为肾衰竭重要原因 药物因素为肾衰竭重要原因
另外,Drug factors is an important reason leading to kidney failure.一种情况是服用药物过量引since的毒性作用.
以阿司匹林为例,It has good control effect to cardiovascular diseases,Is often the case,100 mg/day dose for renal is safer,但实际情况In the,Some people to pain,Dose will be far more than human tolerance,Can result in serious damage to the kidney.
另外一种情况便是免疫机制造成的身体损害,And drug allergy caused by kidney failure for acute renal failure.If this kind of allergic stimulation continues to happen again and again,It has the potential to be chronic renal failure.If the patient has been diagnosed with uremia,Requires long-term renal replacement therapy.
■ 时机把握 ■ 时机把握
透析开始越晚,体内毒素存留越长 透析开始越晚,The longer the body toxins remaining
很多人认为透析应该开始得越晚越好,Worry that once you start dialysis will need to rely on a long time.For this,Zhao Huiping explain,The idea is not correct,And from the clinical case,In the国人开始透析的时间均偏晚.The late actually dialysis initiation,The greater the influence of residual renal function of patients,While the patient is only 10% of that in the normal renal function,Residual renal function but still can help patients get rid of some water and toxins,Reduce by machine or peritoneal eduction toxin and moisture of the burden,而且本身有残余肾功能的患者In the后期的透析治疗In the情况往往更理想.Dialysis started relatively late,毒素In the体内存留时间越长,The more damage to various organs,All sorts of complications also more obvious.In the国外,有些患者In the肾脏病尚未引since肾衰竭的情况下便与医院沟通,并随时进行随访以便In the适当时机开始透析.
【提示】 [prompt]
参考肾小球滤过率把握透析时机 参考肾小球滤过率把握透析时机
至于如何把握合适的时间开始透析,Zhao Huiping introduction,In general,Glomerular filtration rate will be used as a reference,当肾小球滤过率In the10ml/min以下时,Should be considered in patients with dialysis.但也存In the特殊情况,Such as diabetes肾病患者In the透析前蛋白尿较多,Swelling significantly,Tend to be more early to start dialysis.Suggest that patients with timely or start dialysis as soon as possible,避免In the比较紧急的情况下开始透析.
结肠透析治疗肾衰竭“不靠谱” 结肠透析治疗肾衰竭"unreliable"
目前,有不少医院仍In the进行结肠透析治疗,Han Qingfeng said,From a universal point of view in the world,This kind of practice is not recommended.
对患者来说,Especially in some patients with difficult economic conditions,Compared with hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis,Colon dialysis of low cost,Colon dialysis in a short period of time may have certain effect.But it is not recognized as a treatment for a long time,And there are a lot of hospitals are no longer using colon dialysis.
1 血液透析 1 血液透析
每周3次,每次4至5小时 每周3次,4 to 5 hours at a time
需提前手术形成动静脉漏 需提前手术形成动静脉漏
In the进行血液透析之前,The patient's body to form a pathway will blood lead.Due to location deep artery,In general会In the患者前臂处通过手术形成动静脉漏,Make deeper artery and superficial veins forming circuit,Also known as the leakage"The lifeline of hemodialysis patients".Zhao Huiping introduction,After the formation of leakage,Patients for 3 months or more to get to the next step of dialysis,临床In the,有些患者In the开始透析时病情较急,Can be directly to the dialysis tube inserted into the blood vessels.In general to 3 times a week,Last 4 to 5 hours every time.
目前血液透析需要医院进行,Operated by professional staff,Abroad have allow home hemodialysis patients.
糖尿病患者一般无法血液透析 糖尿病患者一般无法血液透析
临床In the,15% - 20% of patients due to their own reasons to hemodialysis,Such as blood vessel is poor patients,Such as diabetes can not do the leakage;而由于每次血液透析会In the4个小时内将人体存积两天的毒素及水分排出,Demand for cardiac function is higher;血液透析In the需要加入抗凝剂,If the patient is bleeding symptoms,Anticoagulants increases the risk of bleeding,即便In theUnder normal circumstances,The use of anticoagulants is also likely to produce adverse effects on the patients.In the山大学附属第一医院副院长余学清教授表示,If the patient blood vessel condition is not good,Cardiovascular function is bad,Especially the intolerance to the hemodynamic changes,These principles don't fit for hemodialysis.
■ 透析原理 ■ 透析原理
排出水分及 排出水分及
血液中有毒物质 血液In the有毒物质
"Under normal circumstances,Water and toxins have renal excretion in the form of urine.Figuratively speaking,Dialysis patients is through with the help of a machine or other way will be the toxin inside body and water discharge,血液透析需In the医院进行,Need to use a dialysis machine/Dialyser and piping,将血液从病人动脉In the引出,经过透析器后将Among them的毒素和水分滤过,The venous return to the human body,At the same time that beneficial substances enter the body through the dialysate,而血液In the的毒素/Water entering a dialyzer, etc."Zhao Huiping told reporters.
韩庆烽说,On the principle of it,By and large, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis is consistent.The two dialysis method is through a membrane to separate blood pressure and the dialysate,患者血液In the毒素的浓度较高,所以毒素可透过膜而进入透析液In the,And was out of the body.血液透析In the的膜是人工的,而In the腹膜透析In the,With the body's own peritoneum.
透析的另一目的是清除水分,Because patients do not urinate to moisture in the body is unable to discharge.血液透析主要通过负压吸引来清除血液In the的水分,而腹膜透析则是利用In the透析液In the加入葡萄糖使得渗透压增高,吸引血液In the的水分至透析液In the,Make it out of the body.In addition,Dialysis process can also make some drug ingredients into the human body has the treatment assignments,Thus correction of electrolytes in the body/Acid-base balance disorders.Zhao Huiping introduction,Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis,Between the two is not completely antagonistic relations,Between the two complement each other,Can transform each other.
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