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“手机依赖症”吞噬身心健康 睡前拖延易致抑郁--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  出门忘带手机便“惴惴不安”,好像丢了魂一样;当一段时间手机铃声没响,就感到异常失落;刷微博、玩游戏是睡觉前的必修课,否则怎么也睡不着;公车上、饭局上、朋友聚会上,总是低头玩手机……一项调查结果显示,超过九成的人离不开手机。而中国城市通信行为研究报告也显示,62%的智能手机用户在睡觉前玩手机;人们最常在上下班途中玩手机,这个比例高达75%。在中国近1.6亿的手机拥有者中,患上“手机依赖症”的人数正在与日俱增。心理专家指出,这种对使用手机的失控行为,会导致生理、心理和社会功能明显受损。智能手机等设备正将使用者变成 “屏幕奴隶”,在无形中增加了工作压力,由此导致更多的生理和心理隐患。专家建议,解决“手机依赖症”的关键在于找到生活重心,从充实自己的生活开始。

Go out remember to carry it"nervous",Like lost soul;Cell phone rings when a period of time didn't ring,He felt lost;Brush micro bo/Playing a game is required for all before you go to sleep,Otherwise how also can not sleep;On the bus/Ect on the/Friend to the party,Always lower the head to play mobile phone...According to a survey,More than ninety percent of people cannot leave a mobile phone.The study also showed China city communication behavior,62% of smartphone users playing mobile phone before going to bed;People are most often play mobile phone in their commute,The proportion is as high as 75%.In nearly 160 million mobile phone owners in China,To develop"Mobile phone addiction"The number is growing.Psychological experts point out that,This is out of control behavior of the use of mobile phones,Can lead to physical/Psychological and social function is significantly impaired.Devices such as smart phones are users will become "Screen slave",The virtually increased the pressure of work,Thus lead to more physiological and psychological problems.Experts suggest that,To solve"Mobile phone addiction"The key is to find the life center of gravity,Enrich your life from the beginning.


Open my eyes every day,The first thing to do is to touch phone;Every day before going to bed,The last thing is put down the phone;Your QQ head,On 24 hours a day,Forever is shown as"Mobile phone online";You and your friends for dinner,Large dining table,Everyone silence,Each person holding a cell phone in brush screen...Do you like this"Cell phone charged"??


control,From the Japanese,Taking complex(complex)Ahead of the sound,Refers to extremely likes something."Cell phone charged"Is the man who has a mobile phone complex.Psychological doctor this act out of control because of the use of mobile phones,Lead to physiological/Obsession with psychological and social function is significantly impaired state is called"Mobile phone addiction".As a new type of mental illness,In nearly 160 million mobile phone owners in China,To develop"Mobile phone addiction"The number is growing.


超九成人离不开手机,超六成人睡前玩手机 Nine adults cannot leave a mobile phone,Super six adult bed to play mobile phone


Is made of a website"If you cannot leave a mobile phone"The survey,According to the results,More than ninety percent of people cannot leave a mobile phone.Among them,Students and office workers are on mobile phone the most dependent people.And if you must choose between mobile phone and wallet,Select phone accounted for an overwhelming majority.


University of Maryland had 1000 students in 10 countries did a name"No equipment to the world"The survey,Let them in a single day without using any multimedia device, including mobile phones.According to the results,Leave the phone to let them"hotch".


"Mobile phone,Make a lot of people sprouting‘Not a day,Such as three years’The regrets."Jinan university first affiliated hospital of doctor of vice director of Chen Zuhui said,The stress of work in modern society,Interpersonal communication is increasingly frequent,Update information circulation speed,These reasons make mobile phones become the center of gravity most people work and life,Mobile phone virtually in these people's heart occupies very important position.


Previously issued a research report China city communication behavior,People play mobile phones mostly in browsing the web/Use instant messaging chat/Using social networking sites, etc,In a day divided into 11 time pieces,62% of smartphone users playing mobile phone before going to bed(Non-voice business),In addition,People are most often play mobile phone in their commute,The proportion is as high as 75%.


Smartphones like the users set of a bubble,Let it open cut off from the outside world.Maybe you is no stranger to this picture:In the table,A dozen friends sit,They don't have the broad sky to chat,But playing mobile phone.clearly,This is an obstacle to the social reality:Or friends may at ordinary times didn't how to communicate;Or the use of mobile phones too much,Led to the realistic social function of the degradation;And one is to use mobile phones to escape from reality face-to-face embarrassment.


Huizhou blue sky psychological science popularization, the director of the center/Chief XiaoYongBai psychological expert said,If this kind of dependence on mobile phone behavior does not adjust,May affect people's psychological condition and the normal social.


刷手机成睡眠杀手,睡前拖延易致抑郁 Brush into sleep killer phone,Procrastination is easy to cause depression before sleep


Xiao Lin must put phone on his pillow before you go to sleep,A closed room lamp,Mobile phone screen will be bright,Otherwise she will not know how to sleep.That before going to bed holding a cell phone do?"Brush micro bo,Brush at least dozens of pages,Don't brush don't meet.QQ chat,In the qq group of peep screen,Or see network novel,If encounter particularly good-looking,Can always see three in the morning."Because every night watching mobile phone,Xiao Lin on the second day is always very dry eyes,The wind blows will shed tears,But she is not put mobile phone,Wake up in the morning,Phone often pressed under her body.


Nanjing sunshine consultants Li Peizhong think psychological counseling center,Always cannot help brush computer before you go to sleep/Brush mobile phone addiction,Is a loss of self-control.Can't control their own behavior,Will be disappointed in myself/Blame yourself,In a"Should be sleeping"and"Can't put down the phone/The computer"In the conflict,Will cause the inner stirring.After a long time will form a certain emotional impact,Easy to lead to depression.


Chen Zuhui introduction,Are supposed to be sleeping of time,But many people may interest is strong,Brush weibo also constantly/chat,Upset the normal routine,Depression can lead to the second day.Studies have found use in bed an hour wait a phone light-emitting electronic products,Will hinder the human production of melatonin,Physiological cycles will be affected,And sleep in a shallow state.The human body biological clock was upset for a long time,Will affect metabolism/mood/immunity,Lead to disease happens.


无意识甘当“屏幕奴隶”,身心都埋藏健康隐患 The unconscious content"Screen slave",Body and mind are health hazards


Expert introduction,Mobile phone make people not only easy to suffer from a sleep disorder,People in the process of playing mobile phone also tend to overlook the fatigue of the body.In fact,,Staring at screen for a long time can cause eye strain;Bowed their heads and the use of mobile phones for a long time will cause the neck/Arm muscle;And over time, and to use touch screen mobile phone,Can lead to hand joints/Group of tendon injury symptoms,Including the finger/The wrist joint pain,Action is not flexible, etc,To form the so-called"Touch the hand".

  智能手机偷偷延长了工作时间。英国特需理疗师协会日前专门发布报告称,智能手机在不知不觉中延长了使用者的工作时间,“无意识加班”时间平均达到2小时18分钟。该协会警告,智能手机等设备正将使用者变成 “屏幕奴隶”。超时工作的不良后果,除更易导致颈椎和背部疾病外,还在无形中增加了工作压力,由此导致更多的生理和心理隐患。

Smart phone secretly work longer hours.Britain demanded therapists association recently reported,Smartphones in imperceptible in user's work longer hours,"The unconscious to work overtime"An average of 2 hours 18 minutes.The association warned,Devices such as smart phones are users will become "Screen slave".Overtime work of adverse consequences,In addition to are more likely to lead to cervical spine and back pain,Also in virtually increased the pressure of work,Thus lead to more physiological and psychological problems.


Mobile phones can let a person into a sustainable"multitasking"state.According to introducing,In the long term and even make people suffer from similar"Attention disorders"The psychological problems.In this case,Attention has been seriously affected,Thinking constantly interrupted,This greatly reduced the ability to think,The mind becomes more difficult to in-depth.


Too much attention to mobile phone also can let a person in a state of stress.All the changes in outside,Can be received at any time,Make it difficult to settle.Jinan university first affiliated hospital of mental division director pan set, Yang said:"Even in the holiday time,Also accompany with mobile phone together,Keep his whereabouts constantly in every people who want to contact with you.Actually do this and can't get real rest."


丰富充实生活,为自己找到生活重心 Enrich your life rich,To find the life center of gravity


Expert introduction,And other types"addiction"Compared to the,Mobile phone addiction to correct more easier,The most important thing is to realize that it is a problem,And remove some"Not necessary to"Of the software.Have to understand that,Mobile phone is just a tool,If people enslaved by it,The key lies in you can firmly grasp the initiative and options.


"Primary and middle school students' self-control is not strong,Parents should strengthen the supervision."Chen Zuhui said,For junior high school children,Parents had better not give it with mobile phone;If give the child a cell phone,Should be strictly control its mobile Internet traffic,And took three chapters,Such as the class time is not allowed to play mobile phone, etc.


For adults,Chen Zuhui suggested should be careful not to overindulge,Through self-regulation gradually reduce the number of unnecessary use of mobile phones,Try to stay away from mobile phones."Many people get on the first thing to do is take out a cellular phone to play,Actually can calm down completely,Look at the car,Relax body and mind."


Pan set, Yang said,To solve"Mobile phone addiction"The key is to find the life center of gravity,Enrich your life from the beginning,As far as possible avoid to focus your mind on a mobile phone."More active to communicate with people in real life,As far as possible will be the center of gravity of the life away from the phone,Can take part in some beneficial body and mind activity,Such as listening to music/For an outing/Fitness, etc..If the dependency on mobile phones too serious,Will go to see the psychological doctor,So as not to affect the normal life and work."

  预防过度依赖手机,还有网友支招道:“拿在手上会让人时刻意识到手机的存在,不妨放在包里,调一个响亮些的铃声,这样既可以避免漏接电话,也可以减轻对手机的依赖。”类似的方法如尝试断网,换一个功能单一的非智能手机等,迫使自己减少花在手机上的时间等。(赵兵辉 禹建)

Prevent excessive reliance on mobile phones,Another netizen action:"In your hands can let a person moment aware of the existence of the mobile phone,Might as well in your bag,Tuning a loud bell,Both to avoid missing the phone,Also can reduce dependence on mobile phone."A similar method such as try to broken network,In a single function of the smart phone, etc,Force myself to spend less time on the phone, etc.(Zhao hui YuJian)


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你是否患上了“手机依赖症”? If you had"Mobile phone addiction"?


If these questions more than half of your answer is yes,Then you probably already have"Mobile phone addiction".


1. Do you always put the phone on,If no will feel upset,Can't do other things?


2. The cell phone rings when a period of time,You will feel not adapt,Unconsciously, and see if there is a missed call mobile phone?


3. You will not be there"My cell phone when the bell rang"The illusion of,Even often put other people's cell phone rings,As his phone is ringing.


4. When answering the phone if you thought there was a cell phone radiation wave around the ear?


5. How often do you consciously looking for mobile phones,From time to time out his phone and have a look?


6. How often do you afraid of mobile phone automatically shut down?


7. Are you sleeping at night and on mobile phone?


8. When cell phones often don't online/When you receive less than the signal,You can produce anxiety and powerlessness,And also become irritable temper.(Xiao was built)
