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同仁医院今日启用“京医通”卡 为实名制办理--亲稳网络舆情监控室


继昨日首儿所启用"Beijing medical sense"After the card,Tongren hospital will also enable the card today.All clinic patients without health insurance are to be dealt with,Can be registered/The pharmacy/Inspection link directly to the credit card settlement.


去年,In Beijing friendship hospital were the first to pilot"Beijing medical sense"card,During the year will enlarge as much as big city hospital.When the,Patient card available in each big general hospitals.


实名制办理可充值缴费 The system can be prepaid phone pay cost


yesterday零时,"Beijing medical sense"Officially launched in the first son,Issuing of medicare patients is mainly the object/Town hospital patients.


"Beijing medical pass"Like bank card,Has a unique code,For the real-name system to deal with.The enclosed patient information,At the same time with the function of electronic wallet,Can be prepaid phone pay cost.


此前,When patients go to a doctor for each doctor,All will be charged to the special window lined up to pay cost.To handle"Beijing medical pass"after,Patients in the clinic,Can be accurately the payment directly,Don't need to line up again and again.


去年,Beijing municipal health bureau/Hospital authority was pilot in friendship hospital"Beijing medical sense"card,The first son yesterday also enabled.今天since,"Beijing medical sense"Card will add a online hospital, tongren hospital.In the three hospital patients in the future,Can be realized"One cartoon".


预计年内,"Beijing medical sense"Card will be concentrated in a number of big city hospital,Gradually replace the hospital card at present all kinds of diagnosis and treatment.This card will also build the basis of electronic medical records as a patient,And for the health sector/Control of infectious disease, etc.


首儿所上线首日千余人办卡 The first son launched by thousands of people on the CARDS


yesterday,The first son at the entrance to the outpatient service hall is equipped with JianKa information collection,More than a dozen parents are registered."Need to provide id number,Report the loss of use."DaoYi constant reminder.


登记后,Patients and parents to hall of outpatient service center/Preview in formal to deal with"Beijing medical sense"CARDS and prepaid phone,9 registered window opened JianKa function.


首儿所相关负责人介绍,The hospital Friday MenZhenLiang is relatively small,But as of last night at 18,Handle card a total of 1716 people,The actual brush calorie of consumption of about 170000 yuan.The first son will also enable the self-service machine,When the patient can be finished through the self-service machine handle card/Prepaid phone/The query/Payment services such as,Even available self-service machine analysis report, etc.


- 现场 - the scene


医生刷卡调出患者病历 Doctors charge out patients medical records


"4 years old children,female,There is no history of allergies."yesterday,First, every doctor in the clinic is equipped with a black"Card reader".In convenient outpatient,When parents lined up to take medicine,The doctor will"Beijing medical sense"Card is inserted into the,Will bring up the children with information on the screen.


随后,The doctor through the computer operation,Record the prescription for the child in the card."The diagnosis of children after done/check/Open them,Even KuaYuan records can come."The doctor introduced.


除了诊室,In the clinical laboratory,Test window also has the function of credit card settlement.The doctor after the credit card,For acquisition refers to children blood directly,Don't have to queue first pay cost.In addition,B ultrasonic room/Radiology department/Electroencephalogram (eeg)/Cardiac function rooms and other departments have realized the check payment"One pace reachs the designated position".


- 释疑 - misgivings


医保患者是否需办卡? Whether need to handle card health care patients?


按照北京市卫生/People club department planning,In Beijing to see a doctor"One cartoon"体Department of中,Will contain two different CARDS,The social security card for all medicare population,"Beijing medical sense"Card is applied to all the medicare population.


也就是说,Patients have a social security card,Doctor can no longer do"Beijing medical sense"card.


但记者yesterday了解到,Because of the social security card on the technology at present can't like"Beijing medical sense"Card is the same,In the clinic each link pay credit card,A lot of medicare patients in order to save time in the queue,Also want to do"Beijing medical sense"card.

  对此,首儿所的办卡目前也向医保患者开放,医保患者可以自愿选择办理。记者 温薷

对此,First son that handle card is also open to medicare patients,Medicare patients may voluntarily choose to deal with.Reporter Ru
