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心脏骤停黄金抢救时间仅4分钟 牢记“救命招”--亲稳网络舆情监控室
心脏病突发来势凶猛,Save often have deadly not in time.According to data,Under normal room temperature,Cardiac arrest after 3 seconds,People will feel dizzy because of the lack of;After 10 to 20 seconds,Loss of consciousness;After 30 to 45 seconds,The pupils will loose big;1 minutes after breathing stops,incontinence;After 4 minutes appears irreversible damage to brain cells.so,Cardiac arrest gold save time should be within 4 minutes.HaYiDa 2 hospital heart medicine Yuan Jie, director of the second ward said,Before the ambulance arrived,As to the correct first aid measures in patients with heart disease,Will greatly improve the hope of survival.
据袁杰介绍,心脏病突发的主要原因是心肌梗死和心律失常,病人常表现为两种情况,一是胸部剧烈疼痛或憋闷;另一种是意识不清,倒地不起。对这两种情况要分别采取不同的急救措施。 对于突发胸闷胸痛的病人,首先要保持安静,让病人保持一种比较舒服的体位。如果是既往有心绞痛的病人,应立刻让其将硝酸甘油含在舌头下面,密切观察病人的神情、心率、血压、脉搏,如果症状仍然没有得到缓解,要立即拨打120急救电话。需要特别提醒的是,患有心绞痛的病人要随身常备硝酸甘油等药物。
据袁杰介绍,Myocardial infarction (mi) is the leading cause of heart attack and cardiac arrhythmias,The patient often performance for two cases,Is a severe chest pain or oppressed;Another kind is unconsciousness,Can't afford to fall on the ground.In both cases should respectively take different emergency measures. For patients with paroxysmal chest chest pain,First of all to keep quiet,Keep patients a more comfortable position.If he had a history of angina pectoris patients,Should immediately let it will containing nitroglycerin under the tongue,Closely observe the patient's facial expression/The heart rate/Blood pressure/The pulse of,If still no ease symptoms,Immediately call 120 emergency calls.Need to special remind is,Patients with angina pectoris standing with nitroglycerin drugs, etc.
当病人突然意识不清,Can't afford to fall on the ground when the,First with the hand touch the patient's neck artery,If the vessel does not jump,To keep high vigilance against the occurrence of sudden cardiac death.Call 120 emergency calls to the patient's basic situation,In order to rescuers conductor with corresponding drugs.At the same time要立即开展心肺复苏.
心肺复苏具体步骤 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) specific steps
1/Let the patient lie low is on the hard bed or flat on the ground,Keep the calm/comfortable,To solve their personal development.
2/If there is a foreign body check the patient's mouth,If you have dentures must be picked,Prevent choking.
3/Root for chest compressions to rescuers palm palm overlap,Fingers clasped,Palm upwarp,A third in patients under the breastbone,With continuous rhythmically squeezing arm strength,Rhythm is 100 beats per minute.
4、胸外按压和人工呼吸应同时进行。救护者深吸一口气,用拇指和食指捏住病人鼻孔,双唇将病人嘴包严,进行口对口吹气。每吹气一次,放开捏病人鼻孔的手,使其将气呼出。救护者侧转头,吸入新鲜空气,再进行下一次吹气。记者 霍营
4/Chest compressions should simultaneously and artificial respiration.Responders take a deep breath,The nostril with your thumb and forefinger patients,The patient's mouth lips wrapped tightly,mouth-to-mouth.Every blow,Let go of hand pinch the patient nostrils,Make it will release gas.Responders side turn,Breathing in fresh air,For the next blow.The reporter HuoYing
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