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靶向药物非抗癌“神药” 也有耐药性--亲稳舆论引导监测室

靶向药物非抗癌“神药” 也有耐药性


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"The national cancer prevention and control publicity week"project


This kind of medicine there are clear indications for the treatment,There are"sensitive"Target to work


April 15 ~ 21, is the national cancer prevention and control publicity week.In nearly a decade,Targeted therapy of scientific research and clinical cancer research, seem to have transcended all thunder,Wave upon wave of academic promotion and business marketing,Launch the speed of the new drug and clinical use of the number of unprecedented upsurge.The expert reminds:There are clear indications for the treatment of such drugs,Also some problems such as drug resistance and side effects,He will as it for help"God medicine"Blindly abuse,In order to avoid the last end up"The goods".

  文/记者翁淑贤 通讯员陈壮忠、张秋霞、高三德

Wen/WengShuXian correspondent Chen Zhuangzhong journalist/Zhang Qiuxia/High SanDe


Medical guide/the first affiliated hospital of guangzhou medical university professor colin method shows large tumors/The guangzhou hospital of traditional Chinese medicine oncology professor zhang hua


病例: cases:

  靶向药吃几个月后失效了 Targeted drugs for failure a few months later


What 74 - year - old mother-in-law medical examination found to upper right lung central type of lung adenocarcinoma.His family heard drug targeted drugs is the best cure of cancer,Small compared to the chemotherapy side effects,That let's mother-in-law to targeted drugs.In order to let the old man"The best"The medicine,They also ask to Hong Kong/The United States to buy.A began to eat the targeted drugs,What her mother-in-law was also well control,But after a few months,Even frequently appear dizziness have a headache/Chest short breath and other symptoms,To go to the hospital inspection found that tumors have brain metastases,And there a lot of pleural effusion.


 解读: Interpretation of the:

  靶向药物也有耐药性 Targeted drugs also have resistance


"Many clinical use of targeted drugs patients taking the failure after period of time will produce all kinds of confusion."The first affiliated hospital of guangzhou university of Chinese medicine professor Lin Lizhu director big oncology is introduced,"In fact,Most drugs will become resistant,Including targeted drugs."Lin Lizhu explains,Molecular targeted drugs is by inhibiting the growth of tumor cells,Finally make its death can achieve the goal of treatment.Specific molecular targeted drugs for some cancer cells of a protein/A certain molecules play a role,Of a path can inhibit tumor growth.When one pathway is restrained,Tumor cells will continue to anticipate"Chance to live",Choose other pathways in synthetic substances necessary for growth,As time passes can make the molecular targeted drugs,The resistance.Such as the,Targeted therapy of lung cancer drugs TLI inhibitors in the period of validity is 9 ~ 13 months,Basically, each patient appear resistant sooner or later.


Another common confusion is:Why have the same kind of disease,Is also a kind of drugs,Some effective,Some people are invalid?For this,Lin Lizhu said,For a specific targeted drugs,Before use should be related to genetic testing,Understand the patient's body whether have to comply with relevant targeted drugs on cancer cells"blow"Of the site.There are a"sensitive"The target of,Medicines can work.In addition,Targeted agents in the treatment of tumor is a step forward,But there are still many unknown factors restricting its development,so,Even after work may also fail due to various complicated reasons.


提醒: remind:

  滥用靶向药小心人财两空 Targeted drug abuse the goods carefully


The guangzhou hospital of traditional Chinese medicine oncology professor zhang said,In nearly a decade,Targeted therapy of scientific research and clinical cancer research, seem to have transcended all thunder,Wave upon wave of academic promotion and business marketing,Launch the speed of the new drug and clinical use of the number of unprecedented upsurge.


Zhang hua said,At present, the domestic use of targeted drugs has appeared signs of abuse,What are the doctors of indications is lax,Clinically many genetic tests to do not do casual drug use of examples;On the other hand,A patient's own affected by certain drug exaggerated publicity,As a help"God medicine",The curative effect with high expectations.In fact,,At home and abroad a large number of clinical studies,Using the molecular targeted drugs,Patients' medical relief rate was 20% ~ 50%,The median survival period extended 5 ~ 15 months.But targeted drugs is the most expensive cancer drugs,Patients taking cost often need tens of thousands of yuan a month.Tortured by cancer family until the last critical illness of using medicineatwill phenomenon is not uncommon,Even holding the"Dead horse move. The"The idea of,saucepans,Spent a lot of money,Medicinal live to little effect,Finally got the goods.


"To be fair,This kind of drugs for the treatment of applicable people can play a role,But it is not like some exaggerated propaganda's vaunted is safe and effective."Zhang hua told reporters,Targeted drugs of abuse has not only affected the standard treatment and basic care of cancer patients,Will pull the curative effect of low molecular targeted drugs itself,And increase its side effects.He was treated for targeted therapy drugs cause of pulmonary fibrosis and cardiac failure and other serious side effects of the patients,The rash/nausea/Incidence of vomiting and diarrhea is not low.
