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装修和汽车尾气 拉高辽宁哮喘患病率--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
In 2011,,The sample more than 12000 people,Total prevalence of asthma in more than 1.2%,Urban and rural population;In 2008,,The sample more than 40000 people,Total prevalence of asthma in 1%,Rural disease is higher than city...May 7 is the 15th world asthma day,This year's theme is"Asthma can be controlled".
Mr. Wang, 29,,Is to decorate marriage room,Recently often snot a tears.The doctor told him,Rooted in indoor decoration."Whether it's plate or use viscose,Even coating/The wallpaper,Inside contain formaldehyde,Mr Wang is allergic to formaldehyde."After the allergens,Mr. Wang recovered.But it was not long before,He is ill again.The original,He has just changed a new car.Some people love put toy in decorating a new car/Such as perfume,Plush toys/Wool mat is the accumulation of dust mites,Coupled with the new car smell,Is likely to trigger asthma.
Shenyang military region general hospital respiratory and intensive medicine in 2008 for asthma related question survey in liaoning province more than 40000 people,As a result,Asthma prevalence in liaoning province at around 1%,The rural population is higher than the city.Survey of more than 12000 people in 2011,The prevalence of asthma in 1.2% above,and,Urban and rural population were little changed on the disease.
沈阳军区总医院教授陈萍表示,近几年,装修性哮喘、汽车尾气性哮喘患者越来越常见,这与城市的环境污染有直接关系。另外,哮喘病发病因素排名依次是螨、动物毛发、霉菌、昆虫动物的排泄物、装修和吸烟。 ■多知一点 记住这几招,远离过敏原 新装修的房子:多通风放味,至少要经过一个夏季的吹晒才能入住。入住前别忘甲醛检测,一旦超标马上处理。
沈阳军区总医院教授陈萍said,In recent years,Decorate sexual asthma/Automobile exhaust asthma patients more and more common,Have a direct relationship with the environment pollution of the city.In addition,Ranking in sequence is mite asthma pathogenesis factors/Animal hair/mold/Insect animal excrement/Decorate and smoking. S to know a little more to remember these moves,Allergens the house that new clothes builds:Ventilation put taste,At least after a summer of blow drying to check-in.Don't forget to formaldehyde detection before check-in,Once the standard processing immediately.
A new car:Open the window put taste,More carbon bag,Air conditioning cleaning element changes on a regular basis,Ten days half a month on a car hot sauna,Clean environment inside the car,Or use car purifier.
Old car:Before driving to ventilation to taste,Especially in summer and winter,Restart when ventilation and tasteless.
宝宝有过敏体质:家中不应养猫养狗,被褥要在阳光下晾晒,勤洗更换,并用热水烫。家中不留卫生死角,厕所保持干燥,忌潮湿。沈阳晚报记者 李靖 实习生 徐小淳
The baby has allergic constitution:Should not be a cat in the home have a dog,Blanket to dry in the sun,Frequently wash change,With hot water.Home health dead Angle,Keep dry toilets,Avoid moisture.Shenyang evening news reporter Xu Xiaochun excavate intern
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