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  核心提示 | 穿个白大褂,留个山羊胡,这就是所谓的“老中医”、“老专家”;不知从什么地方钻出来的黄头发、蓝眼睛,拿个试管比画两下,就是所谓的“国际知名专家”……2005年前后,这种非法医疗广告经过省纠风办、省工商局的严厉查处,收敛不少。但是,今年春节过后,省纠风办、省工商局发现违法医疗广告有回潮之势。昨日,省纠风办、省工商局发出通报,对涉案的非法医疗广告和刊播非法医疗广告的新闻媒体进行严肃处理,并在本报给予曝光。

Core tips | Wear a white coat,Leave a goatee,This is the so-called"The old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine"/"The old experts";I don't know where to drill out the yellow hair/Blue eyes,Take a test tube to draw two times,Is the so-called"The international famous experts"......Around 2005,The state council office for rectifying illegal medical advertisements through the province/Provincial industrial and commercial bureau is investigated,Convergence is a lot of.but,After the Spring Festival this year,Province, state council office for rectifying/Provincial industrial and commercial bureau found resurgence of illegal medical advertisement.yesterday,Province, state council office for rectifying/Provincial industrial and commercial bureau issued a notification,Involved in illegal medical advertisements and illegal medical advertisement they publish or broadcast the news media for serious processing,And give an exposure in this newspaper.


暗访一:“知名中医”大忽悠 信誓旦旦把你骗 S. a:"Well-known traditional Chinese medicine"Fool you big fool you promised


Waving his arms,swear:Is said to have diabetes must be an injection to take medicine for life,But I dare to say,With my hypoglycemic,At the very most 3 months,Can let you thoroughly the needle.


On March 4, 2013,The provincial government of state council office for rectifying and provincial industrial and commercial bureau joint inspection team,Is false and illegal medical medical advertisement again for the province's investigations.


In nanyang,S. inspectors found the city television station news channel is illegal medicine advertisement they publish or broadcast.A claim to be"China's traditional Chinese medicine detoxification founder of topical therapy/Who first plantar hypoglycemic"the"Well-known traditional Chinese medicine"Induce people to spend money.Don't make insulin/Don't take medicine/3 blood sugar dropped to 6 ~ 7 days/Invalid refund medicine...Advertising began to,Grey hair/Keep the goatee/Claim to"Well-known traditional Chinese medicine"Soup of Yin and Yang of the swing arm,swear:"Is said to have diabetes must be an injection to take medicine for life,But I dare to say,With my hypoglycemic,At the very most 3 months,Can let you thoroughly the needle."Followed by a,This advertisement is broadcast a video...All of a sudden,A middle-aged woman jump out to advise others:"My diabetes more than ten years,Put up a box,Also found is not swollen legs,Waist is not painful now,To take medicine/Injections are hopeless good disease,The doctor cured make soup."


Reporter online search,Doctor found soup glucose-lowering drug money posted several times by media exposure.The drug curative effect on the product for advertising there is unscientific assertions and ensure violations, etc,Notified by the liaoning province food and drug administration stopped selling.S. researchers found that the,"Soup doctor hypoglycemic drug money"Advertising and jiaozuo in luoyang XinAnXian television station life channel has released.


The relevant person in charge of provincial industrial and commercial bureau said,In the name of the specialist/Patients appear false and illegal medical advertisement,For many patients seek treatment busy,Very deceptive.S. researchers traced,Cure of commercials,Luoyang said a lot of people,They all know,But who would have thought that they took someone else's money cheat to hometown?


暗访二:打着养生招牌 忽忽悠悠骗你钱 S. 2:Under the signature huhu leisurely lie to you money


Recently in henan section such as the media"Ge hong says health"/"Healthy way"/"Health life hall"And keeping in good health classes rostrum program,Show the end or released by some drug advertising,To the audience played a serious misled effect.


Provincial industrial and commercial bureau officials said,The inspection of false and illegal advertisements,Most of the treatment of cardio-cerebrovascular diseases/rheumatism/Inflammation of the stomach/asthma/Skin diseases/diabetes/Male disease series of drugs,The treatment of chronic diseases,According to the object for elderly and sickly people.


Compared to naked to exaggerate the medical effect/"Cure to"pathetic/"False expert"Big fool drug advertisements,Some of the so-called health TV/Radio show,More deceptive.This is after the crack down on illegal medical pharmaceutical advertising,Variation of a new type of illegal advertisement.


Provincial industrial and commercial bureau officials said,Recently in henan section such as the media"Ge hong says health"/"Healthy way"/"Health life hall"And keeping in good health classes rostrum program,Explain to the audience the program using television media is worth affirmation, in the form of health knowledge,But show the end or the middle interspersed with some pharmaceutical advertising,The purpose of or the entire program,Are made for a drug,To the audience played a serious misled effect.Provincial industrial and commercial bureau will monitor this closely,And exposure were investigated such columns.


借你一双慧眼 拨开迷雾看清楚 To lend you a pair of eye clarity see clear


Province, state council office for rectifying and the provincial industrial and commercial bureau of investigations to check illegal medical exposure and false advertising,Draw the eyes wide open,Don't fall for it.


曝光台 lighthouse


新闻单位发布 News media release


Medical units and false illegal advertisement

  广告名称 发布媒体

Advertising media release the title

  陇海医院不孕不育科 河南电视台公共频道

Longhai infertility of hospital of henan TV public channel

  郑州金水中医院 河南电视台新农村频道

Zhengzhou jinshui hospital of henan TV station channel new countryside

  商丘第五人民医院 商丘市人民广播电台都市广播

Shangqiu fifth people's hospital of shangqiu urban radio radio

  河南曙光医院 郑州晚报

Henan shuguang hospital, zhengzhou evening news


"30 minutes of neck shoulder waist leg disease treatment"


媒体发布的虚假违法药品保健品 False illegal drugs and health products released to the media


Step-down hypoglycemic class


Soup doctor hypoglycemic drug money/120 - tablet/With sugar therapy/The people of the hypoglycemic capsule/Grass bouquet step-down party/Strong kidney eliminate sugar spirit/Yi Yin/capsule/Dr Dan miao medicine compound radix polygoni multiflori rehydration/The laser clean blood/Repair, reduced the tang/Hole in medicine line/Apocynum tea


Class of heart head blood-vessel


Shu xin ning tablet/Coronary artery flux/Huang Yin capsule/Compound eucommia capsule/Oolong yangxue capsules


Rheumatism context class


And tendons pain patches/Bone is golden/Drink and cheese hepatorenal particles/Miao SAN MAO bones and muscles/Tong ning day/ChaoJin ancient ba/Lash./LeBang tortoise snake wine/Lili wind pain piece/Nanyang is the guest,/Dong Gu plasters/A kind of one thousand live bone paste/Zhuifeng huoxue plaster/30 minutes of neck shoulder waist leg disease treatment/One thousand live bone paste/Bone of bone pain paste


Kidney strong sun class


Its fixing sperm pills/Strong man rejuvenation ruyi capsules/Benefiting kidney strong sun cream/Guoyan column Campbell/White House ginseng antler cream/Sterilization strong kidney platoon poison pill/Before bo shu/Money column xin


Kind of incurable diseases


To set the/Resurrection of the treasure/"Cough hin/Double ginger stomach pills/Strange king, 321/Wan Liming/Qi double tonic capsule/Cordyceps sinensis/ChuShi liver ill specialized subject, specialized/Hundred million "qing/The sea washed the flowers/Second liver turn not to take medicine/Fierce worm capsule/Check rinse anti-asthma piece/Liberal party/Zhuoma Dan ten five young bright eye balls


探究:违法虚假医疗广告为何屡禁不止? To explore the:The prohibition why false illegal medical advertisements?


The prohibition why illegal medical advertisements?Province, head of the state council office for rectifying the profound analysis were carried out.He said,Look from the illegal medical advertisement publish area,Some counties and cities they publish or broadcast TV more,Especially in some remote areas,Radio and television is the only way people understand external information,The mass information,More gullible.Grasp the superstitious experts in particular,More believe in specific cases,So on experts and cure to face,Make a lot of people cheated.


Why often illegal medical false advertisement they publish or broadcast news media,KengPian masses??Province, head of the state council office for rectifying the said,Some media tested income index.Media relatively checks stricter at or above the provincial level,Some counties and cities TV station is to raise the institution,To have a meal,Try to revenue.And this is just some cater to the medical treatment unit less investment/Interest in more revenue,They are generally concentrated financial resources/Time and energy bombing of a place,When this place a lot of people cheated before you moved to somewhere else.Because it is remote areas,Department of industrial and commercial management of monitoring on the one hand, difficult to put in place,On the other hand are bowed their heads and looked up to see acquaintances,Lenient when processing,Illegal medical advertisement they publish or broadcast unit is difficult to deal with.


治本:建立监控网,严查违法不手软 A cure:Establish monitoring network,Scrutiny is illegal is not soft


Provincial industrial and commercial bureau officials said,Provincial industrial and commercial system will further perfect the regulatory system of illegal advertisement,Such as set up flow monitoring/Various counties city should further establish long-term monitoring system of broadcast television,For serious illegal and false medical advertisement they publish or broadcast media,Revoke the licences for advertising operation in accordance with the law,With strong man DuanWan courage,Imports of batter to death illegal medical advertisement.At the same time,Also on fake medical advertising units,On scrutiny and severe punishment.


The provincial government, head of the state council office for rectifying the said,The news media's responsibility,Will further intensify efforts to.Where multiple false medical advertisement they publish or broadcast/Cause people to the party tube media opinion bigger news units,Not only to economic penalties shall be conducted by the ministry of commerce and industry,At the same time,Also for the advertisement they publish or broadcast the news media, head of CPC party disciplines to pursue.Great influence in the local media, head of the unit,Will hand in for processing.


The provincial government, head of the state council office for rectifying the said,Welcome the masses to supervise illegal medical advertisement.Discovery news media to release false illegal medical advertisements,Can be directly reported to the provincial government state council office for rectifying.To report email:hnjfbdcez@126.com. 

  记者 王磊

Reporter wang lei
