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阿司匹林防中风宜饭前半小时吃 黑木耳可防脑卒--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  健康提醒 Health reminder

  多吃黑木耳、每天喝点醋等也能预防心脑血管事件 Eat black fungus/Every day to drink vinegar, etc. Can also prevent cardiovascular events


The 66 - year - old Mr Zhou risk of high blood pressure have more than ten years.Last Monday,He got up in the morning feel dizzy,Right hand fingers a little numb.Mr Zhou did not pay too much attention,Still as usual to drink morning tea with my wife.But drinking a drink,Mr. Zhou suddenly face stiff,Side body numb,Whole person collapsed at the table.After rushed to the hospital,Was diagnosed with cerebral apoplexy.


"The incidence of stroke is increasing every year,Our bed is full all year round."The first people's hospital of guangzhou Pan Xiaoping neurology director told reporters.


Statistics show that,Currently about 1300 cerebrovascular patients more than 1300 people in China,New stroke 2 million people a year/Stroke deaths, 1.65 million people a year,That is a a Chinese man had a stroke every 12 seconds/Every 21 seconds there was a Chinese died of stroke.

  饭前服阿司匹林 Aspirin before meals

  一般不影响肠胃 Generally does not affect the stomach


We have learned,age/gender/race/A family history of/Low birth weight is internationally recognized as a risk factor for stroke,Such factors are immutable.but,There's another risk factor for stroke can be change or control,including:Poor eating habits/High blood pressure/smoking/diabetes/dyslipidemia/obesity/Atrial fibrillation/Lack of physical activity/Carotid artery stenosis/Postmenopausal hormone therapy, etc.


Experts point out that,Prevention of stroke,Should start from the change of risk factors,Such as the good control of blood sugar/Blood pressure and weight.At the same time,There is a lot of research shows,Aspirin in the heart cerebrovascular disease can effectively reduce the risk of serious cardiovascular events in a quarter,All the vascular events fall by 1/6.

  但是,不少人在吃阿司匹林的过程中往往有忧虑,其中最常见的就是担心药物对胃肠道的损害。潘小平指出,目前临床上使用的阿司匹林大部分都是肠溶性的,这类阿司匹林在肠道分解,可以把对胃部的影响降到最低。但要注意的是,以往有些病人因为担心阿司匹林伤胃,总喜欢在饭后服用。但其实肠溶片服药25分钟后才会分解,空腹的情况下,药片一般25分钟就能到小肠。如果进食了食物,药片和食物一起挤在胃部,25分钟内可能到达不了小肠,在胃部就分解了,反而有可能引起胃痛, 所以建议阿司匹林肠溶片最好在饭前吃。

but,Many people tend to be concerns in the process of aspirin,One of the most common is worried about the damage to the gastrointestinal drugs.Pan Xiaoping pointed out,At present most of the clinical use of aspirin is intestinal soluble,This type of aspirin in the intestinal decomposition,Can affect the stomach to a minimum.But should pay attention to,In some patients because of concerns about aspirin gastric injury,He always likes taking after dinner.But to decompose enteric-coated metformin hydrochloride with 25 minutes,On an empty stomach,Tablets usually 25 minutes to the small intestine.If eating the food,Tablets with food in the stomach,25 minutes may not arrived in the small intestine,In the stomach is decomposed,It may cause stomachache, So suggest that aspirin enteric-coated metformin hydrochloride in best before dinner.

  食物防卒中 Food for stroke prevention

  黑木耳是首选 Black fungus is the preferred


In addition to the drug,Pan Xiaoping advocate can also through food prevent accidents from happening."Especially for the young/Temporarily no basis of disease,Diet is a good choice."In many foods,Pan Xiaoping favorite is black fungus and vinegar.


Medical research confirmed that,Black fungus has a good physical/Zi kidney nourishing the stomach/Invigorate the circulation of the function such as,It can on which/The antithrombotic/Fall hematic fat,Soften blood vessels,Make blood activity smoothly,Reducing cardiovascular disease.Black fungus and strong adsorption,Regular consumption to make the waste generated in the body to discharge in vitro in a timely manner.As for the vinegar,Can choose zhenjiang vinegar/Shanxi mature vinegar,"Every day to drink a small amount of vinegar can runchang purge,Soften blood vessels."Pan Xiaoping taking method is of their own,Early in the morning every day to 250 ml warm water into a small cup of vinegar,And then add a tablespoon of honey,Drink on an empty stomach.

  “此外,每天喝少量红酒,每周吃一次鱼都是经过临床研究证实可以改善血管状况,预防脑卒中的食物疗法。”潘小平说。 (记者黎蘅)

"In addition,Drinking a small amount of red wine every day,Eat fish once a week were confirmed through clinical studies can improve blood vessels,Food therapy to prevent stroke."Pan Xiaoping said. (The reporter Li Heng)
