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体外震波碎石多次 震荡太猛男子痛失部分肾功能--亲稳网络舆情监控室
Kidney stones after the obstruction/The water,43 year old man in the hope of"noninvasive"Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy,In a short period of time again and again.Before his startled to learn that,Frequent volatility has led to renal fibrosis,Partial loss of kidney function.What is more painful,Loss of renal function is irreversible.
43, Mr. Huang, who lives in hanyang,Due from the waist pain clinic,As for the right kidney stones,Because of the stone volume is bigger,Doctors think extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy effect not beautiful,The stones suggested surgery of gravel.Mr. Huang, don't want to surgery.
I heard pain-free non-invasive extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy,Can pass spontaneously after stones in the body broken.The last year,Mr. Huang, in a hospital"noninvasive"Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for treatment,To do one or two times a month on average.With a little gravel intermittent discharge slag Mr. Huang,But the stone has not been fully discharge.
recently,Mr Huang review according to the results of hydronephrosis aggravate gradually,Then moved to wuhan first hospital uropoiesis surgical department doctor.Inspection found that,Mr Huang for multiple stones in right kidney,Accompanied by severe hydronephrosis,Right kidney fibrosis occurs.This means that,His kidney has been damaged.
The hospital uropoiesis surgical department director ZhangChuanHua,Heard that Mr. Huang made dozens of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy,By surprise,outspoken:Many times/Repeated extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy,Might be more serious than the damage to the kidney stones itself.Mr Huang was offered to surgery in hospital.yesterday,Mr. Huang received percutaneous nephroscope lithotripsy of minimally invasive surgery,ZhangChuanHua played a 1 cm hole in his lower back,Established through the kidney channel,Since the channel to import mirror and laser optical fiber,Out of the back of crushed stone.
Mr, 56, who lived next to Mr. Huang ward,With kidney stones,Also do a dozen times extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy,The result is more serious:A kidney empyema.You must first make hole drainage abscess,The stones can do surgery.ZhangChuanHua said,These patients are not uncommon,A year can be met more than twenty cases.
体外震波碎石的伤害看不到 Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy damage can't see
At present in urology,Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is a widely used,For most of the smaller/Renal function of patients with kidney stone,Really effective.But the treatment is not like some advertising,noninvasive/painless.For an individual patient,There are even fatal harm.
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy,Main work is electromagnetic waves.Early years,ZhangChuanHua have encountered a patient with a pacemaker,Accept the extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy,Electromagnetic waves affect pacemakers,Lead to the sudden death of patients.
For most patients,In a short period of time dense gravel,Electromagnetic wave ACTS on human body,May lead to renal blood vessels in the change,Kidney fibrosis and serious consequences.And this kind of damage is invisible to the naked eye,Make people easier to paralysis.
In wuhan first hospital uropoiesis surgical department,There are strict rules using extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy:Do evaluation before treatment,Strictly grasp the indications and contraindications;Use 3 times,Each time interval of a week,If can't see the effect,Stop immediately,Suggested that the patients choose other treatments.
ZhangChuanHua said,The many types of kidney stones,Calcium oxalate kidney stone/Calcium phosphate kidney stones the two stones,Quality of a material soft,Electromagnetic wave can effectively,But the purine calculi/Metabolic type of stones,Quality of a material is solid,Electromagnetic waves.
ZhangChuanHua said,Stone species cannot prejudge,Can only through the measurement instrument.In addition to this,The taboo of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy,General judgment to pass the inspection in advance.
The treatment method is a precondition,Have the kidney function,Below the stone tract unobstructed,Otherwise the gravel stone row after don't come out?"Gravel is means,Row of stone is the destination."ZhangChuanHua stressed.
An initial check B chao deng is indispensable,The results could suggest the size of the kidney stones/position.ZhangChuanHua said,The stone is less than 2 cm,More suitable for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy.If the stones more than 2 cm,Choice of the method,Is likely to break the stone,A string of rock bit gravel formation,Led to the stone to be difficult.
The position of the stone is also very important,If the stone is located in the lower end ureter,Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is ability to have depth.ZhangChuanHua explain,Electromagnetic waves usually by muscles and other work,If the stones in the lower end ureter,Instead of electromagnetic waves through the bone/Gases such as media play a role in the body,The electromagnetic scattering is hard to focus,Role co., LTD..
In addition to the ultrasound,Advice as and when required to do a vein urinary tract imaging.Kidney stones by ultrasound is also appears to be a point,Intravenous urinary tract imaging can clearly"point"The nature of the.
In addition,If the patient with urinary tract infections/Easy to bleeding/pregnancy/Equipped with cardiac pacemakers/obesity,Are not suitable for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy.
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