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气候无常 小心过敏性鼻炎--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


这几日,The weather is changeable,broken,The temperature is like"A roller coaster",High and low,30 degrees for a while,10 degrees for a while,Let a person is very awkward.This fickle weather recently let many rhinitis patients suffer again.Reporters from xi 'an to 451 hospital otolaryngology clinical center,This paragraph of time patients increased obviously,Among them大多数是鼻炎患者,In the majority with old patients every year to make again.


"I already have rhinitis,This weather make me rhinitis again,and这次鼻炎更是来势汹汹."Mr Wang told reporters are waiting for treatment,And people like him."Nearly a week time,Outpatient departments of rhinitis/Sinusitis patients,More recently increased a lot,Among them女性和小孩要比男性患者多一些".According to the director of the center for JiXianSheng is introduced,This a week or two,The weather change is too big,If not timely to add clothes to keep warm,It is easy to catch cold catch cold catch cold,Make originally have rhinitis patient illness or even lead to sinusitis.Plus the spring pollen,Also is the main reason that induced allergic rhinitis

  “很多人出现打喷嚏、流鼻涕、鼻痒、眼痒、流泪等症状时,常常以为是感冒了,耽误看病时机。还有些人知道自己患上过敏性鼻炎后,习惯随意买点滴鼻剂缓解鼻塞、流涕的症状,但不知这类滴剂对自己的病症适不适用”。嵇主任提醒,最近天气多变,一定要注意保暖,增强抵抗力,远离感冒,也不要过度劳累、紧张。当鼻子有不舒服的症状时,千万不要胡乱用药,最好及时到医院就诊。已患有过敏性鼻炎的患者,除药物治疗和其他治疗外,一定要做好防护措施,远离过敏原。记者 程静

"Many people appear sneezing/A runny nose/Itchy nose/Itchy eyes/When the symptom such as tears,Often think is caught a cold,Delay the timing to see the doctor.Some people know myself after suffering from allergic rhinitis,Used to buy some nose drops at will relieve congestion/The symptoms of runny nose,But I don't know this kind of drop on their own conditions shall not apply".Ji remind, director of the,Recently, the weather is changeable,Must pay attention to keep warm,Enhanced resistance to,Stay away from colds,Don't overwork/nervous.When the nose is uncomfortable symptoms,Don't random drug use,Had better go to hospital in time.Patients with allergic rhinitis,In addition to drug therapy and other treatments,Be sure to do protective measures,allergens.The reporter Cheng Jing
