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  中新网北京4月28日电 (记者 马海燕)“同心·博爱新疆乡村医生培训班”28日在京举行结业仪式。来自新疆维吾尔族、回族、哈萨克族、柯尔克孜族、蒙古族等少数民族的95名乡村医生完成了为期14天的医疗培训,顺利结业。

  In the新网北京4月28日电 (The reporter Ma Haiyan)"Concentric, fraternity village doctor training in xinjiang"28 for the graduation ceremony in Beijing.From xinjiang uygur/The hui nationality/kazak/kyrgyz/Mongolian and other ethnic minorities, 95 village doctors to complete for 14 days of medical training,The smooth completion.


  该training班由In the央统战部和In the共In the央直属机关青联/In the央国家机关青联/In the国红十字会总会事业发展In the心共同主办.organizers,At present,In the国一些边疆地区和少数民族地区的医疗卫生条件和水平相对落后,Temporary also cannot meet the local people's increasing health needs.Training course is held in order to improve the xinjiang rural doctors medical skills,Reduce the local diagnosis difficult.The training courses are mainly targeted for rural doctors"Remote consultation"training,To reduce the distance frontier patients go to a doctor,Implementation within medical needs.


Organizers also presented for outstanding students in medical units"The Red Cross 999 ambulance",The car equipped with digital line network/Modern image/Sound acquisition such as equipment specially used for remote consultation.In the国红十字会总会事业发展In the心主任江丹希望学员们回到工作岗位后,Play the role of teleconsultation in clinical medicine,Make good use of teleconsultation platform,Will learn to advanced medical knowledge and technology serve the country,The service local patients.


Rural doctors took the capital certificate issued by the medical experts at the same time,From master ceremonies were held.In the future,从该training班结业的乡村医生在看病诊治In the遇到难题可直接请教首都医学专家.这些In the国顶级医学专家将在第一时间对疑难病症提出治疗意见和医疗方案.


Of the 11th CPPCC national committee vice chairman Zhang Meiying said,In the rural township hospital and the people of adversity,The first line of defense is to people's health,A great responsibility.After this training,Hope village doctor back home,To learn advanced technology spread to nearby township hospital,Been widely spread,Benefit the frontier people.


Low income of village doctors also gives forth the earthquake disaster area donation of 5000 yuan,这些善款将和In the国红十字会总会事业发展In the心筹集的移动板房/An suv/Gas disinfectant/Yak milk powder/An ambulance with the value 900 ten thousand yuan of supplies such as used for the reconstruction of the nursing homes and schools.(After the)
