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In cancer incidence trends in the city are introduced/After the present situation, and so on and so forth,Municipal center for disease control and prevention deputy director of the ZhongWeiJian answered cause cancer to the citizen change factors of incidence of a disease is what,And these factors for the prevention and treatment of cancer has important reference significance.ZhongWeiJian think,According to the current analysis,Shanghai residents in cancer incidence reasons there are two main aspects of change.
一、癌症是老年人的常见病 a/Cancer is a common disease in the elderly
In 1973,,Shanghai residents' average life expectancy is 72.71 years,And in 2012 was 82.41 years,Increased by almost 10 years old;Over 60 percentage has been more than 20% of the population.
Cancer is a common disease in the elderly,An ageing population causes cancer incidence is increasing trend.According to the forecast of Shanghai population and family planning commission,By 2020,Shanghai could usher in a new peak of the aging of the population,When the population over 60 percentage will be 34%,And this situation will continue until the middle of the 21st century.This means that the incidence of chronic noncommunicable diseases such as cancer rising momentum unstoppable.
二、癌症危险因素正逐步变迁 (2)/Cancer risk factors are gradually change
The world health organization (who) published by the world cancer research center in recent[The world cancer report]Pointed out in,Tobacco is one of the most important risk factor for cancer.tobacco/Drinking alcohol/Too much sun exposure/Lack of physical activity/Overweight and obesity/Dietary factors and occupational exposure and chronic infection is a major risk factor for cancer,Effectively prevent these factors and effective cancer screening can be control the onset of cancer.
1. The tobacco epidemic cause disease peak potential comprehensive tobacco control can reduce cancer mortality thirty percent
According to Shanghai municipal center for disease control and prevention of adult behavior risk factors monitoring display,The tobacco epidemic in Shanghai is still very serious,The male smoking rate was 61.8%,Women was 1.2%,And the trend of teenage smoking rates have increased.The estimated,Shanghai has about 3.52 million smokers in the whole city.
From the tobacco epidemic diseases of to its peak average 40 year intervals,Smokers, huge population and its increase trend will lead to the growth of lung cancer and other cancer incidence in the future.If take full control of smoking,Can reduce about 80% of lung cancer mortality and 30% of the total cancer mortality.
2. The diet is close to thirty percent in western countries people less sedentary lifestyle
Shanghai residents from 1982 to 2002, nutrition survey data show,Residents obviously improve nutritional status,Main features are livestock and poultry meat/Too much fat and salt intake,Inadequate intake of cereals and vegetables,Daily intake of 9.9 grams of salt,Fat power ratio reaches 36%,Exceeding the maximum limit recommended by the world health organization(30%),15.5% has the dangerous and harmful drinking habits.
These changes make Shanghai residents' dietary structure gradually close to the west.But Shanghai residents of breast cancer/Colorectal cancer (CRC)/The rising incidence of pancreatic cancer and stomach cancer/Declining the incidence of esophageal cancer also reflects the diet and nutrition factors affect Shanghai cancer spectrum change,This effect not only in future is expected to continue,Effect will be more obvious.
Research suggests,More than 30% of Shanghai residents take less sedentary lifestyle,Overweight rate was 31.0%,Obesity rate was 9.2%.The phenomenon especially in teenagers,More than 80% of the youth movement is less than 1 hours a day,Obesity among students continues to grow,Obesity detection rate in the past 15 years has increased by nearly 2 times.
3. The occupational exposure and chronic infection
Chronic infections and occupational exposure is a developing country people important risk factor for cancer.The most typical is the cancer of the liver is associated with chronic hepatitis b virus infection.
ZhongWeiJian said,There is a lack of 50 to 60 s of the 20th century, Shanghai people to carry the hepatitis b surface antigen (continuous monitoring data,but,For nearly 30 years sustained drop in liver cancer incidence in Shanghai should be to improve living conditions/There is a close relationship between hepatitis b infection rates down.
卫生部在2006年开展了全国人群慢性乙肝等有关疾病血清流行病学调查,发现全国1-59岁人群乙肝表面抗原携带率为7.18%,上海人群携带率更低。持续18年的上海新生儿实施乙肝疫苗接种跟踪结果显示,免疫儿童的乙肝表面抗原阳性率始终低于1%。对于其他慢性感染,如妇女人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)感染率、一般人群中幽门螺杆菌感染率等及职业性暴露,目前尚缺乏可供评估的连续监测资料。 记者 金恒
In 2006, the ministry of health launched the national population related diseases such as chronic hepatitis b serum epidemiological investigation,Found 1-59 people across the country carry the hepatitis b surface antigen at a rate of 7.18%,Shanghai people carrying rate is lower.Lasted 18 years of neonatal implementation of hepatitis b vaccination tracking results show in Shanghai,Child immunization of hepatitis b surface antigen positive rate is lower than 1%.For other chronic infection,Such as women and human papilloma virus(HPV)Infection rates/Helicobacter pylori infection in the general population, and occupational exposure,There is a lack of continuous monitoring data for evaluation.The reporter Kim
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