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The heart beats,Is the source of our lives,Every detail is remarkable.According to the UK[The daily mail]On April 16,Heart beat fast,May shorten the life span,Even healthy people is no exception.


Danish researchers,For nearly 3000 middle-aged men's health were investigated.The researchers began in 1971,The blood pressure of the participants/The pulse of/Weight such as lung index and lifestyle and so on has carried on the detailed assessment,Review on a regular basis,President of time tracking and follow-up.To 2001,Nearly 40% of the participants died because of all sorts of reasons.


The analysis results of the latest findings,No matter how participants constitution,Whether suffered a heart attack/Basic diseases such as diabetes,Compared with their peers,Resting pulse(Also known as the resting heart rate,Activity refers to the body to stop at least 5 minutes after measured the heart rate and pulse)The higher the,The greater the risk of death.In particular,And resting pulse in people under 50 times per minute,Resting heart rate between 51-80 times per minute,Increased risk of premature death 40% - 50%;Resting heart rate in 81-90 beats per minute,Increased the risk of premature death around two times;Resting heart rate over 90 times/min,About 3 times increased risk of premature death.


Published in the United States[The heart]The new study remind in the magazines,While resting heart rate between 60-100 times/min as normal,But even in this area,Heartbeat speed is directly related to physical health,Even influence life.Physiology expert at the university of Essex in England valeri gladwell, said Dr,Pulse is too fast may cause nervous system disorders,Accelerate the operation of all the body organs,Accelerated aging body,Eventually lead to an increased risk of death.so,With smooth and strong pulse,Is good for your whole life.Bring about
