
2008-06-28 02:31:15
普通百姓通过互联网正在影响和改变美国整个政治进程,不仅体现在人们选举投票的方式,而且体现在未来政府管理方式。民主党总统候选人奥巴马的支持者、在线社区Craigslist的创办者Craig Newmark如是说。他说,“这堪比美国1776年时发生的巨变”。
来源:How technology is revolutionizing democracy
2008-06-22 01:12:47
6月20日,在人民日报创刊60周年之际,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席胡锦涛和中共中央政治局常委李长春来到人民日报社考察工作。 这是胡锦涛在人民日报社主办的人民网“强国论坛”工作平台,通过视频直播同广大网民在线交流。 新华社记者 鞠鹏 摄
英国路透社网站昨天下午就发表了题为“What do you do on the Internet, President Hu”(《胡总书记:您平时上网做什么?》)的新闻。报道称,中国国家主席胡锦涛周五在人民网回答网民问题,这是中国最高领导人首次同网民在线交流。
这是胡锦涛在人民日报夜班工作平台观看版面编排过程,询问夜班编辑工作情况。 新华社记者 鞠鹏 摄
新加坡联合早报20日发表了题为“胡锦涛与网友在线交流 透露上网主要关注三问题”的文章,文中详细介绍了胡主席回答网友的三个问题。
2008-05-08 22:25:36
谷歌一直强调,它的最好未来在于手机设备,现在它又迈进了一步。这个互联网搜索巨头加入了一个行业联盟,这个联盟计划建设下一代无线数据网。谷歌对此项目投入5亿美元,这个项目由 Sprint公司和Clearwire公司主导并将通过Clearwire网络运行。谷歌致力于推动更强大的网络接入方式--更适宜的“公开”接入方式,意味用户能选择他们所用的应用软件和服务,假如用户允许选择,他们将选择谷歌的服务,这样就可以看到谷歌提供的广告服务。
Google gets closer to a mobile future
May 7, 2008, 6:33 pm
By Miguel Helft
Google has long said that its best hope for future growth comes from mobile devices. Today, Google moved to bring that future a bit closer.
The Internet search giant joined an industry consortium that plans to build a next-generation wireless data network. Google is investing $500 million in the project, which is led by Sprint and Clearwire, and will be run by a new entity also called Clear wire.
Google has pursued initiatives intended to promote greater Internet access — preferably “open” access, meaning that users can choose what applications and services they use. The bet is that if users are allowed to choose, they’ll pick Google’s services, and therefore, will see ads delivered by Google.
Google deployed a free Wi-Fi network in Mountain View, Calif., where the company is based. It developed a failed plan to deploy a Wi-Fi network blanketing San Francisco. It also participated in a federal auction of wireless spectrum earlier this year. The company bid $4.6 billion for the spectrum, not because it wanted to win the licenses being auctioned, but because it wanted to trigger open access regulations mandated by the Federal Communications Commission for those airwaves. Verizon Wireless ended up winning the licenses.
Google said the Clearwire investment dovetails with the company’s efforts to promote open wireless access.
But open access doesn’t mean applications and services providers don’t have to jockey for position. And as part of Clearwire deal, Google appears to have gotten itself the pole position in a number of areas. Google agreed to develop applications, and importantly, advertising services, for mobile devices running on the WiMax network. Clearwire will support phones based on Google’s Android mobile operating system. And Google will be Clearwire’s principal Web-search provider and preferred provider of other applications (think maps, e-mail, calendars).
The new Clearwire service won’t be available for a couple of years. But Google will get some benefits sooner than that. Google entered into a separate agreement with Sprint under which Google will become the default search and local search provider on existing and new Sprint phones as soon as this summer. On some devices, Sprint users will have one-click access to Google. Maps, YouTube video and location-based services will also be easily available to Sprint customers. All this is good for Google but not as good for Sprint’s current default search provider: Microsoft.
One more thing: Google and Intel have the option to resell the Clearwire service. In other words, you could some day buy phone service branded by Google or Intel, although the companies say they have no current plans to offer it.
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