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工业地产悄然兴起 三水传统产业谋变--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
Where to,How to turn,Has been a traditional industry in transition upgrades in one of the most important proposition。But for the traditional industry production value as sixty percent of the sanshui speaking,How to move the huge industry group for the present and future, sanshui industry service,Be a key problem。
An awkward reality is,At present many local traditional sanshui transformation and upgrading of entrepreneurs in the tide of still holding back,Both to the local entrepreneurs still stay in primitive accumulation of consciousness、Is not sensitive to the policy guidance about,More in transitional costs and unknown risk consideration。
In fact,At present the traditional industry transformation and upgrading of sanshui mostly remain in the technical reform and the level of energy conservation and emission reduction,And the need of transformation model in a often only in the right conditions of larger enterprises realized,For some lack of conditions、No change to the enterprise,They may be left to the tide of the transformation and upgrade“Don't want to turn、Can't turn、Can't turn”stray,Or static to be“And converting it to shut”fate。
There is no doubt that,To further reassure enterprise transformation anxiety,The government should have the initiative gesture,For the specified sanshui the present situation of the development of industry and direction。For those who have the untimely enterprise,Combined with the practical guidance place might as well as interdisciplinary transformation to try,And provide planning、Management, supporting guidance,Let even backward traditional industries can also follow the local industry development“pulse”。
Delectable is,In under the action of various policies,Recently a traditional industry by leading“Industrial real estate boom”Are sanshui sadly arisen。The recycled waste plastic before and metal as the main baohua of renewable resources Co., LTD. Has jumped out resolutely inheritance,Through the old plant transformation、Improve capacity rate and the building density on the way,Nearly 200 acres of land revitalize,Ready to set up including industrial workshop and life form a complete set in one of the new type“Ecological industry city”。And the other a friend constant renewable resources Co., LTD. And in the production of plastic products mainly process in industrial real estate also incorporates the itch to try。
Like baohua、A friend of this kind of can't seek technical identical to realize the transition of the traditional enterprise,Will activate itself、The integration of the land resources,And sanshui industry development of land bottleneck reality docking,The transformation of the mode is to face the reality。At the same time,These new industrial real estate project from the point of view of the investment will be industrial chain,Aimed at the existing closely related with leading enterprise、Meet sanshui industry future and high added value、Strategic emerging of small and medium-sized enterprises,Like the big company such as sea er involved downstream supplementary enterprise,Will this as the introduction of the key。Dare predict,When the old plant rebuilding a new industrial park emerging high-tech industry cluster one by one,The traditional industry will realize luxuriant turn around,Become a model of the transformation and upgrade。
- 上一篇:电商卖房各出新招--亲稳舆论引导监测室 【加入收藏】
- 下一篇:钢结构助推住宅产业化--亲稳舆论引导监测室
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