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上半年北京别墅销售井喷 6月创新高--亲稳网络舆情监控室

    和讯房产消息     Real estate news with dispatch   根据链家地产市场研究部统计,截至7月12日,7月份有9个年内新增别墅项目签约,其中4月19日入市的延秋园成交 15套,相当于一天1.25套的成交节奏。2011年10月以来入市的别墅项目在7月份的成交为74套。延秋园三期项目共成交60套,占比 81%。

   According to the real estate market research statistics chain home,By July 12,,7 months have nine years new villa project signing,One entry on April 19, delayed the 15 sets of autumn clinch a deal,As a day of 1.25 a rhythm。Since October 2011 the villa project entry in July of 74 units of the deal。Delay the three stage project of autumn clinch a deal with 60 sets,More than 81% of。


                         京城别墅成交持续升温 City villa clinch a deal continues to heat up

    一般规律下,别墅项目在开盘后进入销售周期的时间要较长于普通商品住宅,今年,部分项目在月内即实现签约,截至到目前, 整体签约率已经接近5成。

    Under the general rules,Villa project in trading into the sales cycle time is longer than normal to the commodity residential house,This year,Part of the project is implemented in the month contract,So far, The overall rate of signing has been close to。

    回顾上半年,一季度北京别墅市场成交也出现类似的“先抑后扬”走势,1月份仅成交54套别墅,创近四 年来的新低,2月份别墅市场仍然在低迷中徘徊,成交套数仅为53套。“与此同时,2月份北京别墅市场打折风蔓延,许多项目给出 了92折、93折的超低折扣,有的项目还赠送地下室、露台或是花园等。”研究机构分析人士指出,到3月份,北京别墅市场交上涨明 显,达217套,成交面积7.8万平方米,环比分别大增309.4%、300.0%,同比增幅分别为95.5%、151.6%。继5月北京别墅市场成交量 大涨之后,6月份北京别墅市场共有57个项目实现成交,共成交351套,成交面积11.7万平方米,创造了调控以来别墅市场成交新高 。其中,成交量在10套以上的项目有11个,成交量为228套,比去年分别多出7个项目和114套。此外,6月北京别墅市场中高端别墅 成交量仍占整个成交量主体。

    Review in the first half,Quarter villa market also appear Beijing clinch a deal similar“After the first or lift”trend,January clinch a deal only 54 villas,And nearly four years of low,Villa market still in February in slump around,Clinch a deal is only 53 set cycle。“At the same time,2 villa market to Beijing in DaSheFeng spread,Many project gives 92 fold、93 fold low discount,Some programs gave the basement、Terraces or garden, etc。”Research institutions analyst said,To march,Beijing into the villa market rose show,217 set,Clinch a deal with an area of 78000 square meters,Annulus soar 309.4% respectively、300.0%,Respectively year-on-year rate of increase of 95.5%、151.6%。Following the may villa market volume after Beijing rose,June Beijing villa market there were 57 projects achieve a deal,Clinch a deal with 351 sets,Clinch a deal with an area of 117000 square meters,To create the villa market regulation clinch a deal since high 。Among them,Volume in more than 10 sets of project has 11,Volume for 228 sets,Last year more than respectively the seven projects and 114 sets。In addition,6 month in Beijing the high-end villa villa market volume still accounts for the whole volume subject。

    北京别墅成交区域分布方面,2012年5月北京别墅市场除亦庄开发区别墅区和城南阳光别墅区之外,其他别墅区成交量均有所上 涨,八达岭昌平别墅区不但在总体成交量上拔得头筹,总成交套数涨幅也居首位,亚奥京北别墅区总成交金额一举突破了10亿元, 遥遥领先其他各别墅区。

    Beijing villa in the regional distribution deal,In May 2012, Beijing villa market e-town development zone in the south of the city villas and sunshine outside the villa area,Other villas are somewhat up on volume,Badaling changping villa not only in the overall turnover topped the,Always have also jumped the first cycle clinch a deal,Oca Beijing north villa clinch a deal amount total every broke through 1 billion yuan, Ahead of the other villas。

    数据显示,中海尚湖世家则以30套房源售出量以及11680.66平方米的销售量占据6月总面积以及总套数排行榜的第一位,位于中 央别墅区的远洋?Lavie以34444万元的成交金额位于6月销售成交金额排行榜第一。

    Data shows,China is still lake, with a family of 30, expand the amount sold and 11680.66 square meters sales account for six months and the total area of the list of a cycle of first,Located in the central of villa district in the ocean?Lavie with 344.44 million yuan to clinch a deal amount is located in June sales clinch a deal amount to number one。

上半年北京别墅销售井喷 6月创新高
6月北京别墅销售总面积排行 June Beijing villa area sales ranking

上半年北京别墅销售井喷 6月创新高
6月北京别墅销售总金额排行 June Beijing villa, total amount of sales ranking



上半年北京别墅销售井喷 6月创新高
6月北京别墅销售总套数排行 June Beijing villa sell total ranking in the cycle

别墅稀缺性开始显山露水 推高成交量 Villa scarcity began to push the laughing group inside high volume

    链家地产市场研究部陈雪认为,今年的别墅市场相对2010年、2011年时明显升温。原因是什么?陈雪认为,主要是“禁墅令” 导致未来别墅越来越稀缺,而这种趋势现在表现最明显。自2003年以来,国土部已经连续九次重申严禁批别墅用地。

    House property market research ChenXue chain that,This year's villa market relative in 2010、2011 clear heat up。Reason is what?ChenXue think,Main is“Forbidden to living” Lead to future villa more and more scarce,And this trend is playing the most obvious。Since 2003,Homeland department has nine times of land use is strictly prohibited reiterated that the villa。

    同时,链家地产张旭表示,这也和开发商推盘积极有很大关系。2012年别墅推盘频率明显提高,如延秋园、润西山苑在半年内 都是3次开盘。

    At the same time,Chain home zhang xu said real estate,This also and developers push offer positive has the very big relations。2012 villa push dish frequency increased significantly,If the autumn delayed、Xishan yuan within half a year to embellish is 3 times open quotation。

    陈雪还指出,也由于限购,整体市场价格下行下,豪宅较强的稳定性优势得到凸显;此外,6月18日国土资源部和国家发改委联 合发布关于实施《限制用地项目目录(2012年本)》和《禁止用地项目目录(2012年本)》的通知,新的限制、禁止用地项目目录增加 了住宅项目容积率不得低于1.0(含1.0)的限定。这已经是国土部9年来6次发文规范别墅市场,未来别墅的稀缺性会更加明显,加上 近期受到普通商品住宅市场价格影响,别墅价格也偏向回落,需求人群的出手意愿增强。

    ChenXue also pointed out that,Also because 限购,The overall market under the downward price,A person of extraordinary powers curtilage strong stability superiority obtains the highlight;In addition,June 18, the ministry of land and resources and the national development and reform commission issued on implementing union together《Limit land project directory(In 2012, the)》and《Ban land project directory(In 2012, the)》notice,The new restrictions、Ban land project list increased residential projects volume rate may not be less than 1.0(Content of 1.0)Limits of the。This is the land for nine years 6 times dispatch standard villa market,The future of the villa of scarcity to be even more pronounced,With the recent general commodity residential house by market price influence,Villa to price also dropped,The moves will increase demand。

    别墅项目绞尽脑汁推出优惠,在目前楼市严峻形势下,低价格是王道。住宅和别墅都是限购的,出路只能是 降价。陈雪认为,自去年底以来,房企迫于资金和市场价格下行压力在别墅项目上也实行一定优惠,6月别墅成交价格比去年同期低 了2000元左右。在旺季和政策契机下,购买力集中爆发,但是别墅项目定位高端,市场份额很少,对普通商品住宅市场的影响不大 ,即使成交火热,也难促使楼市平均成交价格上涨。相反,近期,普通商品住宅市场回暖,价格走势开始止跌回升,有可能促使别 墅市场价格上涨。

    Villa project racking my brains out preferential,In the present market situation,Low price was kingly way。Residential and villa are 限购,Is the only way to reduce the price。ChenXue think,Since the end of,Room enterprises under capital and market the downward price pressure villa project in a certain also discount,June clinch a deal price is higher than the same period last year villa low 2000 yuan。In busy season and policy under the opportunity,On the purchasing power of the outbreak,But villa project positioning high-end,Market share little,For ordinary commodities residential market little impact ,Even if the deal hot,To make an average property market clinch a deal the price rise。instead,recent,Common commodity residential market buoyancy,Price trend began to reason to bounce back,Probably get don't living market prices go up。


                       中海·尚湖世家项目蝉联三个月别墅销售冠军 China · family is lake project at three months villa sale champion

    从6月北京别墅市场成交特征中可以看出,双拼、联排、叠拼类别墅产品都开始有小幅增长,而独栋类别墅成交不断减少。2012 年上半年北京市独栋别墅共实现成交328套,成交占比由去年同期的44.5%跌至28.7%,而联排别墅上半年成交占比则由去年同期的 35.6%上升至49.3%。

    From June Beijing villa market clinch a deal can be seen in the characteristics,shuangpin、townhouse、Fold spell villa products are beginning to have such a small increase,And single-family villas clinch a deal of decreasing。In the first half of 2012 Beijing single-family villas with 328 sets realize clinch a deal,Clinch a deal than the same period last year accounted for by the 44.5% fall from 28.7% to,And in the first half of duplexes clinch a deal than by 35.6% last year, up from 49.3% to。

    据悉,6月别墅成交套数排行首位的是依然是中海·尚湖世家项目,当月实现成交82套,这一数字甚至比1、2月份全月成交量还 要多,此外该项目还蝉联了4、5、6三个月的别墅销售冠军。

    It is reported,June villa cycle of the first ranking clinch a deal is still is China · shanghu lake family project,Realize that month clinch a deal of 82,The Numbers even more than 1、In February, the volume of the month also,In addition the project also win the 4、5、The three months to June villa sale champion。

上半年北京别墅销售井喷 6月创新高
中海尚湖世家 The lake is family
