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招商地产上半年销售金额161亿元 同比翻番--亲稳舆论引导监测室
【财经网(博客,微博)专稿】记者 赵璐璐 【Financial nets(blog,Micro bo)ZhuanGao】Reporter ZhaoLuLu
At noon on July 10,,Investment real estate(000024,Shares it)(000024 SZ)Release in the first half of 2012 sales a public announcement,To achieve the company signed sales area of 1.1694 million square meters,Realize signed sales amount of 16.131 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of about 135%。Among them,In 2012, four to six months,Investment real estate realize signed sales area of 689300 square meters,Realize signed sales amount of 10.315 billion yuan。
Convention on July 4, securities issued by the report points out that research,Investment real estate repeatedly than expected thanks to sales performance“Development speed”Strategic objectives in the execution of the increased greatly。The company from the adjustment of product structure、Two aspects of marketing efforts more positive efforts。New push in the first half of small and medium-sized family trays to give priority to,And successively in March、5-June launched two national discount activity,The discount rate 5%-10%。In a second city hit a new high volume of June,The company is also pushing new monthly performance disk unprecedented highs,Reach 5 billion yuan,And the opening of the universal in the 70% to-80%。
Based on the expected sales performance,The real estate investment has annual sales forecast by 28 billion yuan(Year-on-year growth of 33%)Raise to 30 billion yuan(Year-on-year growth of 43%),And there is a further than expected may。As the credit for relax under the background of demand will improve with just need to continue the release,Building dish to change is expected to be further improved。
July 10,,by“The second half live JianBu tend to emphasize both policy,Place to come on stage or in disguised form relax the real estate market adjustment and control policies,Live JianBu would be correct,Strengthening local accountability”On news about,With property go soft,"All in the industry level,The housing sector shock to the downside,At 14:00,The plate fell 2.08%,Related stocks down most。The league real estate(002285,Shares it)(002285 SZ)Down 7%,Four big room enterprises fallen,Among them,Poly real estate(600048,Shares it)(600048. The SH)Fell nearly 4%,Ltd.gemdale corporation(600383,Shares it)(600383. The SH)Down 1.87%,Investment real estate fell 2.85%、Vanke A(000002 SZ)Down 0.62%。
July 9 evening announcement,Poly real estate sales in the first half of total area of 4.378 million square meters、Sales of 50.3 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 28.4% and 27.5% respectively;In the first half of ltd.gemdale corporation cumulative realize signing area of 1.135 million square meters,Increased 40% year-on-year;Cumulative signing amount of 13.46 billion yuan,Increased 20% year-on-year。
(Securities market weekly contributors)
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