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合肥楼盘遭遇巢湖买房大军 名下有房来肥置业算首套--亲稳网络舆情监控室

   合肥热线·三六五地产家居网 Hefei hotline · the 365 real estate JuWang home消息 news

  工作地点从巢湖到合肥转移,住房也跟着变化,孙启就是这些人中的一个,虽在巢湖已有一套无贷款住房,但他在合肥购房仍算首套。[半年提价400元 合肥开发商认为市场“渐好”重定房价>>>]

Working location chao lake to transfer from hefei,Housing also follow changes,Ding is one of these people,Although in chaohu already there is a loan without housing,But he is still in hefei buys a house first sets。[half year 400 yuan hefei developers think price market“Gradually good”Rescheduled house prices>>>]

巢湖有房无贷 Chao lake has the room no credits合肥置业算首套 The first set of hefei real estate

  35岁的孙启原在巢湖事业单位工作,行政区划调整后划入合肥,2012年他工作地点也转移到了合肥,“上半年一直在解决买房的事情,最后在黄潜望选到了一套110多平米的住房,首付3成,25万左右。”孙启说,7月他在合肥正式落户。[40万房贷每月少还120元 合肥购房者称可补贴房租上涨>>>]

35 years old SunQiYuan in chaohu institution work,After the administrative division adjustment delimit hefei,In 2012 he work site also moved to hefei,“In the first half of the house has been to solve it,Finally in HuangQian hope to choose a more than 110 square meters of housing,Down 3 into,About 250000。”Ding said,July he in hefei has formally settled in。[400000 mortgage every month is less 120 yuan hefei the person that buy a house can rent subsidies rise. Says>>>]

合肥楼盘遭遇巢湖买房大军 名下有房来肥置业算首套(合肥某楼盘售楼处内 HOUSE365资讯中心) (Hefei a building in the sales department HOUSE365 information center)

  像孙启这样的巢湖人在合肥买房不限购?根据合肥限购令的相关规定,除了合肥市区居民,包括三县、巢湖在内的都是算做外地人,在限购区内买房都被限购。“无论巢湖部分区域有没有划入合肥,巢湖与三县一样都是被限购的,如果是外地户口,只要提供在合肥工作的社保或纳税证明即可”,市房管局房地产权属登记与市场管理处工作人员表示。[7月要卖100套房 合肥某楼盘淡季也想“疯狂”揽金>>>]

Like the people in that ding chao lake hefei to buy a house not 限购?According to the relevant provisions of the 限购 make hefei,In addition to hefei city residents,Including three counties、Chao lake, is a foreigner,In 限购 area to buy a house is 限购。“Whether chaohu area have delimit hefei,Chao lake and three county is the same be 限购,If is nonlocal registered permanent residence,As long as the work in hefei provide social security or tax documents can”,City room canal registration and market estate right management office staff said。[July to sell 100 suite hefei a building dish off-season also want to“crazy”LAN gold>>>]


Because of the work unit also ding changes to hefei,And there are in hefei social security and tax documents,So can the house。


Since have in hefei social security certificate not 限购,That in chaohu with housing,Hefei is to buy a house in a few sets?Ding in chaohu name also have though housing,But in hefei to buy a house is still down a room。


In the consulting room canal after FaGuiChu that policy of hefei,“Because information temporarily not completely networking,In chaohu has the room if no loans,Hefei to buy a house is still the first set,But FeiXi、FeiDong、Changfeng purchase of the three counties to find information,In hefei city home again if the first set of not......”。


合肥楼盘遭遇巢湖买房大军 Hefei building dish to buy a house in chaohu army


In August 2011, chao lake area and using LuJiang delimit hefei,In early 2012 a hefei has bank said people to buy a house in hefei any chao lake loans,“The time of half an year,We project has the customers come from 8 into chaohu lake。”HuangQian at building a home buyers consultant said。


Early in the project and years roll out a storied dwelling buildings, respectively,Because government office building distance is very near,“Chao lake in hefei need to buy a house that group of people is also is in the institution work personnel,They came to hefei work,Certain to solve the problem of first residence。”


“The recent launch of the more than 90 sets of houses,The majority of customers are chao lake,And they are in the project registration,Buy intention is obvious,The houses because no surplus,They are waiting to buy lay their hands on the new houses,Finally the rate to in September。”


Ding is buying the house of the unit price is 7300 yuan。“Also seen before other buildings,But general delivery time is very late,Can't wait for,Or the chose this house,October can deliver。”And as ding,Many of his colleagues in the building of the home is,

  另外,他也咨询了银行,“巢湖人在合肥买房可以贷款,但要在之前没有房贷记录的情况下,再买房才算首套,如果之前有贷款,就要按照首付6成支付,利率上浮1.1倍”。(365地产家居网 王堃)

In addition,He also consulting the bank,“People can buy a house in hefei chao lake loans,But in no mortgage record before,To buy a house just calculate the first set,If you have previously loans,According to pay down to six into,Interest rates rise 1.1 times”。(365 real estate home JuWang 王堃)
