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面对这轮被称为史上最严厉的房地产调控,市场刚性需求和各地政府分别在以“回暖”和“微调”来考验中央的调控决心。调控欲“静”而市场风不止 Facing this round is called the most serious in the history of real estate regulation,The market demand and rigid respectively in governments around the world“warmed”and“fine-tuning”To test the central control determination。Regulation to“static”But the market is more than the wind
“Young man,You sell the house?I with 1.85 million yuan RMB。”Just finished with development business autograph contract out of the sales department,Have an old man with wanghong back asked,And two minutes before wanghong signed the contract,House price is 1.72 million yuan。
This is the scene in July 13, Beijing tongzhou a building,This building dish door model、Such as floor of various conditions are good house sales have been enough,The old man tried to pay handsomely for wanghong's house,Son to do with marriage。
But in the face of 130000 yuan price difference of temptation,“House prices will probably continue to go up to the same type of house 2 million yuan may also take not down”Anxiety in the mind in wanghong gaining the upper hand。
“Things to buy a house in and grow,House prices rose in Beijing。”This is wanghong 2012 since march Beijing real estate market is the most direct experience。
And, in fact,House prices rise is not only appear in reason of Beijing,The price picks up a room is not only the also,Also includes secondhand the room。The rule in the weekend know reporter survey,Many city house prices and housing volume has climbed state,“Snapping up”、“Queuing buy”Even with the word again houses together,Such as located at Beijing daxing OuDeHong gentry?The dongxi hope may and June at the opening two times,Get near houses are twice the number of customers to snap up。
But with the real estate market warms up in the confrontation in the signs are,The central in repeated the real estate market regulation not be moved。
“ShuYuJingErFengBuZhi。”The real estate research center LiuYuan research director to describe this current real estate market。
Why will appear this kind of contrast?In all areas of the house is being the favour of the person that buy a house?What people in after 2011 years of quiet after the real estate market to return to?Has continued to“warmed”The four months of the real estate market can appear some professional personage to predict“A touch on the rebound”?
恐慌心理 Panic psychology
Wanghong told reporters,Chose at this time to buy a house,Is he felt a little“panic”。
“Now don't buy,All rose again and again?”The source of the panic is risen trend of house prices。
Wanghong 28,Since 2010 for a house get married,Because of financial pressures,And don't want to buy secondhand room,He look in tongzhou lock from Beijing city this recent suburbs。
In early 2010,Wanghong first to tongzhou watching the house,By that time, almost is the highest point of the tongzhou house prices,Many building dish price rushed to 20000 yuan/square metre。
“Too expensive,Can't afford。”Wanghong in many sales department left a phone call,Waiting for falling house prices。
April 2010,Real estate regulation began,House prices in tongzhou diving down。Wanghong began to frequent received various sales staff phone,Telephone that voice is almost:“Elder brother,X building dish house prices dropped to 14000 yuan/square metre(Or lower),Now is a good time to make moves。”
But that time feels wanghong,Now that house prices fell to 14000 yuan/square metre,And not heard of any property market information of the individual,That means that house prices and the possibility of any lower,He chose to wait。
In may this year,Situation change。Wanghong has been paying attention to building price appeared to bounce back,Back up to 17500 yuan/square metre。
And let wanghong really start to panic attack is a friend's purchase experience。
Wanghong friend when levin in the end of march this year on the north ordered a secondhand the room,And pay the deposit。But the seller drag don't handle transfer procedures。To the end of may,The seller suddenly to“Housing for the couple's joint property,But the only signed contract's name and no husband's name,Belong to his wife who disposal common property”By not admit that purchase contract。And we know the real reason behind is LiWenYu bought the suite has moved quickly to go up 400000 yuan。The seller in the deposit back to when levin,When levin buys a room to failure。
When levin experience let wanghong feel,House prices could really common pick up。
June 8,,Central Banks cut interest rates in the first year,And in 2011, three times compared raising interest rates,Wanghong of panic running through worse:“Cut interest rates because bring the falling cost of loans,May let more people like me into the market,House prices will once again be pushed up maybe。”
On July 6,Central Banks cut interest rates again,WangHongYong a weeks to raise together the corner,On July 13, has always been a concern that bought the building dish a two-bedroom apartment,Clinch a deal valence is 19700 yuan/square metre。
刚需释放 Just need to release
Wanghong is the typical because can't grasp the future trend of house prices,In panic psychology purchase behavior realize just need to homeowners,And a guy like him,And not a few。
Weekend LiuYuan told reporters the rule,In the first half of this year the real estate market volume and price is the main driving force of reverting to rigid demand。
“But from the real estate market data to see,The real estate market warms up not began in May,But began in March and April,The two months the real estate market is mainly by price change volume,House prices have no obvious rise,But volume began to pick up gradually。”LiuYuan told reporters。
January 2012,In the housing market regulation、The credit crunch、The Spring Festival advance factors such as many developers delayed opening the comprehensive function,The national property market access to three years of arrived,Why to Beijing。According to the Beijing real estate transaction management nets information statistics,In January 2012, Beijing property market clinch a deal 4437 sets of residence,Annulus comparing December 2011 fell 70.54%,Up in January 2011 to clinch a deal of 11544 fell 61.25%。
“In 2012, after the Spring Festival,Most developers from financial pressure,To begin to roll out various kinds of preferential measures。”LiuYuan said。
The reporter understands,Developers of preferential measures including not only the traditional at a discount、Buys a room to send fine decoration、Send parking or send excess housing area that buy a house,Has fully combines the network marketing way。
Real estate electricity traders in China public relations chief to introduces to the reporter,In order to sell the building,Bulk order has become a real estate developers increasingly keen ways of marketing。By April 2012,Relying on China's enjoysmart bulk reached 120 project,And in Beijing、tianjin、Hangzhou city, etc,More project appeared in bulk“sun”phenomenon。
Search room net data monitoring center statistical information display,In March 2012, Beijing alone there are 205 buildings on sale,The real estate market to bring about the immediate“March a room total trade volume for 8085 sets,Annulus comparing February 5514 sets up 46.63%,Up in March 2011, 5743 sets up 40.78%”Good news。
LiuYuan introduced said,Developers low price strategy to achieve,With real estate market environment in the years after the changes of be not divided:Although 限购、Limit the tone of the loan has not changed,But the real estate market for influencing the credit environment changes,That is 2012 on February 24, the first time the central bank lowered the bank deposit reserve rate,Compared to 2011 six times the central bank to raise deposit reserve rate,The difficulty of the loans to slow down,At the same time the first loan interest rates began to all suites getting preferential,The period from the adjustment benchmark interest rates even the benchmark interest rate fell to 1.1 times the benchmark interest rate of discount of or even 8.5 discount,Reduce the purchase cost。
“The local governments at all levels and in the housing market encounter cold bring local economic slowdown in later,From the beginning of the housing market is trying to relax,Accumulative total have 40 cities in different degree fine-tuning the control policy,Wuhan, such as more to improve the amount of accumulation fund loan。”LiuYuan analysis,“These are fine-tuning the rigid needs support,And many rigid demand in 2011 in real estate purchaser under control in wait-and-see state,So in the face of all these policies loose when adjustment,Rigid needs are released。”
LiuYuan added,In march and April,With the release of rigid demand developers low price strategy,Property market turnover rise,Change the consumer of the real estate market expectations,People will find guesstimating rising house prices。As the Chinese people buy or not to buy up fall,With June and July two cuts,People can't predict future policy trend,Worry about the future prices would then rise,Rigid needs further release。The rising demand,House prices rebounded in。
“So far,The general trend of rising home prices and not very soon,Overall in a month rate of 1% rise。”LiuYuan said。
一手房更受偏爱 One room is the preferred option
In general,Because of the opening of the new house more in the suburbs,The center of the city XinPan prices and higher,In order to convenient transportation and convenient children to go to school,Previous Beijing city school district of second-hand especially room is more welcome。This is also in the property market under control policies,Beijing city of second-hand house prices fell by less than one reason in the room of the suburbs。
But the reporter in recent days that the interview,Then the person that buy a house is to buy a room to more。
In making trade work,First when buying a house want to buy a house in less than five rings。In the past three months,He looked to the east section of the five rings for many of the community of second-hand interval,But he feel,Homeowners offer more and more high secondhand the room,And house prices can be negotiable less and less。
Although did not meet the levin that homeowners cancelled the contract to depend on,But in east rings a group called the pearl river of the oasis village when seeing,Also making helplessly looking at a 102 square meters of house price 2.15 million yuan by the rapid rise to 2.3 million yuan。
“I think now is just one day a secondhand the room a price。”Said making。And when a reporter to the person that buy a house with a lot of intermediary identity communications,It is also the reason to intermediary to starting as soon as possible,Otherwise secondhand the room will be more and more expensive。
compared,The move developers funds pressure,A room reduction in the price is larger,Plus a room and preferential measures,Even in nearly two months prices bounced,Amplitude variation overall is small。So relative to the original cut prices is small、Now they have raised for housing,A room price more attractive to making。
Also making the final target in tongzhou。
Making the situation and the centaline property of statistical analysis of the research center is consistent。The latter analysis sales better buildings located in the suburbs or in The Times more center、Pricing is low or have a higher discount。For example of tongzhou K2 lily bay,Buying a house for its launch to the area preferential measures,Some model of it,Although the contract price is in 20000 yuan/m2,But if the area is presented,Only in the average price is 14000 yuan/m2,And giving area of not included in the contract,Can reduce property fee and heating fee,This property once up the sale champion of tongzhou。
The real estate research center data also showed,Because the housing market currently promote the main is just warmed need,Medium and small family model(One house and two in、In the area of 100 square meters)The skill of room is much preference。According to a room all the sales situation found,In March 2012 to June,Beijing、Shanghai、guangzhou、Shenzhen four city of small and medium-sized family total cycle of cycle clinch a deal to clinch a deal of more than 50%,June shenzhen this one scale of even to more than 70%。
房价博弈 House prices game
Each listed room from soaring half annals and see,To change the price of practice,Although brought volume growth,But also make room enterprise profitability declined。Such as poly real estate(600048,Shares it)Half annals shows,Realize the signing in the first half with an area of 4.3783 million square meters,Year-on-year growth of 28.43%,Realize the signing of $50.296 billion,Year-on-year growth of 27.47%,But there are net profit fell 12.13% year-on-year。
“From a developer point of view,In the capital of pressure,Through various marketing means would try to sell the house of receivables。Last year the market encounter cold,This year with low price in exchange for volume of receivables is many developers appeal。And once the money pressure decreases,The power of the sales prices haven't so big,Developers will pursue higher profit margins。”A real estate company staff FangXu built said。
Sale power of the decrease of the performance is directly,Developers discount project begin to decrease,Discount rate is also on the decline。
Search room net data monitoring center figures show,Beijing discount the number of building up from March 2012 205 down to 2012 in July, 163。
This result is,One room of the house prices go up and drive secondhand the room of the price of the house ascension。
The short term,House prices will gradually higher,Acceptance of the rule of law is the weekend of experts and reporters who study the overall view,But this taking high can continue until the end of the year,House prices will rise to what extent,Industry insiders point is not the same。
As China's real estate society vice-chairman Chen guoqiang thought,Because the present 限购、Credit limit to market these influencing the fundamental policy has not loose,Housing demand is limited;And real estate enterprise stocks higher,Flow pressure great,Capital stressful,So the house prices do not have surged to the foundation。
And real estate, we(600743,Shares it)The chairman RenZhiJiang is bullish market,Think land system not to change,The land auction of the current price is high system unchanged,Restrict the high cost of land prices won't change。This means that the long term house prices won't fall。
But experts think,The current high prices will bring high economic operation costs、High cost of living、Low employment、Low and high stress in your life,This will lead to low fertility rate continued in level。In the long term,The population decline of the real estate market will lead to overcapacity,Leading to prices。
From a developer point of view,House prices and profit margins will inevitably rise is the hope to see results。
And from a local government's point of view,The housing thaw brings of land market of guns,Also can let the government from the land grant fee income promoted,Local financial pressure will decrease。Also so,Facing the housing downturn,From the end of 2011,Governments around the world is in a constant with all sorts of easing measures of the Central Line of the test。In the 2012 market just warmed up,“Beijing wanliu royal”Also very occasion to appear。
From the central level,But still emphasises control policy not be moved。July 13, by the media exposure of zhuhai cancel the practice of market price soon have been stopped。Previous similar to touch to control fundamentals(Such as price、限购)Where the policy also soon be cancelled。In early April JianBu crackdown began to live purchase qualifications corruption,Further compression speculative buying investment space。In Beijing wanliu land auction,Even have signaled by scholars from renmin don't take part in bid,Avoid misleading market expectations。however,The government aims to stimulate economic rate cut, etc,But still“virtually”The real estate market to thaw and prices。
In fact,China's real estate market long-term movements have is not merely by supply and demand,Also look at the central、The local government and developers three party between the power game。
2012年5月以来地方政府楼市微调案例一览 Since May 2012 local government property market fine-tuning case index
城市 日期 政策类型 调控措施
Urban policy measures to date type
珠海 7月13日 取消限价限购 7月13日晚一条网络微博称,“珠海市政府会议决定全市取消限价,前山河以西取消限购”。5个小时后,取消“双限令”被叫停。
Zhuhai on 13 July cancel 限购 limit on 13 July night a network micro bo said,“The zhuhai municipal government decided to cancel the meeting in the city limit,Former west of sunvo company 限购 cancelled”。5 hours,cancel“Double limit make”Have been stopped。
河南 6月27日 贷款利率 河南支持首套房购房者贷款基准利率下浮30%,这项“擦边球”政策在国内楼市引发争议,随后被当地政府否认。
Henan June 27 loan interest rate henan support first suite homebuyers benchmark lending rate 30% the past,the“outside”The policy in the domestic market sparked controversy,Then by local government denied that。
湖南省 5月29日 利率、首付、税费 发改委曾在会议文件上明确表示将推出利率优惠、降低首套房首付比例、减免相关税费等措施,支持居民购买首套普通住房。一天后,该消息即遭“辟谣”。
Hunan province on May 29 interest rates、down、Taxes in the meeting on the documents to the national development and reform commission has made it clear that will launch a favorable interest rate、Lower down the first suite proportion、Derate the relevant taxes and other measures,Support the first set of ordinary citizens to buy housing。A day after,The message was that“dampen”。
石家庄 5月31日 放松调控 市住房保障和房产管理局官员表示,石家庄市拟在坚持楼市调控政策不放松的前提下,对包括限购在内的具体措施进一步细化。但微调办法未获上级主管部门批准。
Shijiazhuang on 31 May relax regulation city housing safeguard and real estate administration officials said,To adhere to the property market in shijiazhuang city control policy not to relax the premise,限购, including specific measures to further refined。But to fine tune has not been approved by the competent authorities at a higher level。
扬州 7月1日起 购房补贴 建筑面积在90平方米及以下的,对购房人给予所购房屋合同价款6‰的奖励;对90平方米以上、120平方米以下的,给予所购房屋合同价款5‰的奖励;对120平方米及以上、144平方米以下的,给予所购房屋合同价款4‰的奖励。
Yangzhou July 1, buy building area of 90 square meters in subsidies and the following,To the person that buy a house to homes purchased of the contract value and reward;For 90 square meters、Below 120 square meters,Give houses contract value 5 ‰ rewards;Of 120 square meters and above、Below 144 square meters,To give homes purchased of the contract value and reward。
上海 2012-6-26 未婚无户口禁购 部分区县试执行"非上海户籍居住一年以上不结婚者,不可买房"政策
Shanghai 2012-6-26 single with no account for part of the counties try execution"The Shanghai census register a years don't live who got married,Do not buy a house"policy
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