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全国 national


央行:上半年房地产贷款增速回升 The central bank:Real estate loans back growth in the first half


It is reported,The central bank released《In the first half of 2012 financial institutions to loan statistics reports》shows,6 month real estate development loan balance of 803.7 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 0.8%,Growth is 8.8% higher than the quarter。Real estate development loan balance of 2.92 trillion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 11.3%,Growth is 0.3% higher than the quarter。


国土部:急令防房价反弹 Homeland department:Hurry to prevent prices rebound


July 19,,A video conference of land and resources,The ministry of land and resources is、Jointly issued by the ministry of construction of urban and rural housing《On further strictly real estate management real estate market regulation of land consolidation of emergency notice results》deployment,Demands to the real estate market regulation not to relax,Close cooperation to complete each work,And consolidating control results,Determined to prevent prices rebound。


上海 Shanghai


上海:上半年存款首次突破6万亿元 Shanghai:The first time exceeded 6 trillion yuan deposit in the first half


Data shows,The first half of 2012 the first time scale deposits exceeding 6 trillion RMB yuan,Mortgages to nearly $4 trillion。


上海:上半年近9成地块底价成交 Shanghai:Nearly nine in the first half of a plot to clinch a deal price


Data shows,The first 6 months of this year,Shanghai clinch a deal with 209 of land,Among them are 186 clinch a deal price of land,Accounting for the overall rate of 89%,Up 28.3% year-on-year,The same period in 2011,This ratio is 60.7%。


上海:第一高楼主楼即将建第70层 Shanghai:The main building is the tallest building 70 layer


It is reported,Planning height is 632 m"The tallest buildings in Shanghai"Shanghai center building has started wall installation。At the same time the main building core tube is built to the construction of 70。


武汉 wuhan


武汉文化创意产业4年要增值1500亿 Wuhan cultural and creative industries in 4 years to value-added 150 billion


Wuhan cultural and creative industries peak BBS held yesterday,Wuhan make put forward"Design creative city"Recent development goals:By 2016,Design and the added value of the creative industry reached 150 billion yuan,The proportion of GDP of the city is up to 10%,Become the important strategic wuhan new industry and national economic backbone industry。


国土部要求逐宗清查闲置土地 The land required by Pope idle land inventory


The recently appeared"royal"Make regulators punch out again。July 20,,The ministry of land and resources and live JianBu issued an emergency notice,Asked for further strictly real estate land management。The ministry of land and resources requirements,Bidders shall not be used for bank loans land transfer cost,city、County departments of land &resources will start from now,By Pope cleaning extended 1 year not idle land a start。


天津 tianjin


天津:地铁6号线北站站开工 tianjin:The metro line 6 north station stood commenced


It is reported,Tianjin metro line 6 is north station stood started to be constructed,The station for line no. 6, and line 3 transfer station,It will be tianjin rail traffic on the net of important node。


第二部分 深圳二级写字楼市场情况分析 The second part of shenzhen level 2 office market conditions analysis


第三部分 深圳三级写字楼市场情况分析 In the third part of shenzhen level 3 office market analysis


第四部分 各城市写字楼市场情况分析 The fourth part each city office market analysis

  世联地产(002285,股吧):2012年第29周写字楼时讯 (审校:刘满桃)

The league real estate(002285,Shares it):In 2012 the 29 weeks when office) (a.:Liu full peach)
