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金华6月房市走出X曲线 成交量创新高,成交价再探底--亲稳网络舆情监控室
Zhejiang online 07 October-the new home sales in May of 815,In April the refresh has far scores,But when in June 1071 after the transcript from the set,Is astounding。Think back to the market in January this year,Everyone said,Market downturn,recession。From January to June of cold hot,The housing market also seems to follow season with you。Half a year,Scores of new wave red all the way,A secondhand“Agent bottom rebound”。In the first half of this year,Within 24 hours, the volume of commodity house year-on-year increase a lot,From February to June,Draw a beautiful“tick”curve。
From the statistics of the real estate trade management within 24 hours,1 ~ 6 months of 3432 units, the volume of commodity house within 24 hours,Secondhand the room of 3386 sets,Among them the volume of sales is mainly a room in the second quarter,For 2567 sets,Accounts for 75% of the total;Secondhand the room from the beginning march“Jedi fight back”Soared to 735 sets,In June of 803 sets in good grades。
>>新房篇 >>Bridal chamber piece
3月份以价换量掀起成交序幕 March to price a prelude to clinch a deal amount change
6月份成交均价创下十个月最低 In June the price set minimum 10 months
The first weekend in March,Have been silent for two months of urban housing Fried rang ChunLei:The grail blue county senior new push with homes for 7300 yuan/square metre,And six months ago the project's on promotion activity room 9500 yuan/square metre low price for 2000 yuan to spare。The set the price adjustment to blue county,Just two days more than 140 house clinch a deal,Sales of nearly 150 million yuan。
Taste got head saliva,Other buildings of also can't restrain,Are joined to price change amount of market campaign。
To change the price of,The race is in the market“Just need to”gens,To change the price is also touches“Just need to”gens。as“Just need to”gens,Lm hong has been in the apartment now,“When the price can ground after all,When to lay their hands on the best?”
Just need to gens,The most concerned about is the price,On May 12,, in the evening,Hongkey side of the city sales offices,2 or people line up the long line,The first night after night queuing buy this year now,Line up of the reason this is basic it is building dish the unit price“6”Words led,Average price is 6580 yuan/square metre,Two days subscribe rate is 95%。
The same,Cambridge walk in March“Regiment campaign”After a good beginning,Cambridge may walk addition push at the end of the second phase of a small high-rise building。80 set of houses,Main 88 square meters and 86 square meters two small family,With 4500 yuan/square metre started at low prices。
“Cambridge, the first group buying didn't walk in,At that time still hesitating,This time it seems to be laid hands on him。”Lm hong finally bought walking Cambridge,The price has reached her psychological price。
In the tide of jinhua opened in May,May 13,Le new · second phase of the four seasons of spring,Opening four hours hot sold out,Availability is fully subscribed,a“Th CD”Sales miracle。
For this,May also set of 815 sets of good grades,But in June of 1076,Let the jinhua April property market、may、June realized the triple jump。Clinch a deal to come up from the area,Because the more houses,Volume accounts for more than half。From last year's estate sales TOP10 and see,There are six is the estate。
If the volume has been rising curve,So the price is the downside of the graph,From February began to drop,In June,Volume refresh at the same time,All valence also set a new lows 7778 yuan/square metre。
“House prices low innovation,But the high volume makes,The price,A since August 2011 after peaked,The house prices in 10 months low。”Industry insiders estimate,The most difficult time of real estate have in the past,The next July and green city on the · jinhua where、Impression city、Incredible square and other projects,With the improvement of sex of the buyer to join,Volume will be stable。
>>二手房篇 >>Secondhand the room article
学区房激活二手房市场 School districts room activate second-hand housing market
成交量同步上扬价格微涨 Volume synchronous rise closed up prices
In January the jinhua street greatly small intermediary company,For years ago has no business,Many were shut the door。Open the door,Also, no people visit。Early February,Issued by the guangdong provincial“Public primary and secondary schools to select one school rate determined to below 5%,ZeJiaoFei will gradually exit the stage of history”。The news a,As if“activation”The housing market,overnight,Greatly small store opened one,The store there,With the popularity,Telephone is also one by one。
Hearing the news,Yongkang of ms cao busy up,Let the intermediary with shifting between the various school district room。One day down,See the four sets of。Nanyuan house had a quick decision,Two rooms one hall 58 square meters,Price $520000。“Nanyuan elementary school middle school is the best school in the jinhua,Now did not lay,After the price will rise。”Cao lady this judgment。In the weekend,Business good store,A weekend have a deal five sets。
In the room of the hot air to school districts,JiangLeng drive for a long time whole secondhand the room market,In March 735 the surrender of report card,Is a record high in the first quarter。
look,Cao lady judgment is a prescient,By may,The school district is a room up,Nanyuan 50 square feet of small sets,Have 9900 yuan/square metre,Approached ten thousand dollars。According to the statistics,Like nanyuan、Ring small、Gold high quality primary school teacher in the room of the price surge ahead,Rises in the 10% to 20%。
“Like wearing school district is secondhand room hat,Don't worry about sold。”A man surnamed gold of the industry analysis,Secondhand the room suddenly to a“Jedi fight back”。
May 31,,jinhua“Zero select one school”Officially be born,Then the development zone 3 school education expand the trial of the service area,This allows more building dish into the quality school within the school district。Analysis of the personage inside course of,In the new student signs up before the arrival time,School districts room on“The last of the crazy”。
According to the statistics,In June of 830 urban secondhand the room to clinch a deal,Is the highest record deal in the first half。
“By school districts in the wind,This year's second quarter, it should be said that the cow quarter clinch a deal,In macroeconomic regulation,To have such good results,Really rare。”
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