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N本报记者 林姿
N our reporter linzi
A month for two consecutive times to cut interest rates、Accumulation fund loan quotas、PuZhai standard cut、The first set of mortgage interest rates at 85 appeared......In the 2012 market in the second half of the handover,Financial credit fine-tuning the high frequency overwhelming,Many people think that the property market to return to a fervent will come soon。however,The central again put words to control work requirement firm...
In the good bad interwoven repeated the pass,Push the developer of the pressure plate on certain trendency should fast attack,Demand for rare or change, wait and see counsel after moving?What what way is the way to deal with the strategy of market at present?
纯新盘抢人气 加速入市
Pure XinPan rob popularity speed up market
Will fall back to time at the end of June,Because the traditional off-season down to,Developers push the number of plate and rhythm sharply reduce and slow,Though pure XinPan storage guest activities continued,But no specific schedule time to market。More pure new project director also the truth:“Not a good time to open the off-season,As gaining waiting for jin jiuyin 10。”
however,The change of the market is far faster than people might think。In the policy of constantly“And good”under,Many of the XinPan entry quickened significantly,The atmosphere of the light attack。
In the world at present the same red has launched“Close to the first row 180 suite”Recognition chips,This month or next month is expected to open quotation;Melting letter billows county 70 ~ 160 homes also has started to make an appointment,On July 28, is expected to open quotation;Versailles 98 ~ 220 sun door model also started booking,This month is expected to open quotation;China vanke square between the example of real development,And the project is expected to open this month is also the。
“Choose in the present is to combine the opening of the project construction progress、Storage factors such as the guest situation decision。”A project marketing manager said,The market good signal is the most important factor。“Was not so fast,In July, just going to conventional storage of guests,But who also don't know how to market the next step will change,While prices also good to speed up the push dish certainly not wrong。”
Improve the strength of large type collective
And looking in the property market, expand the rare,Originally just need to door model the ChengChangMian alone has not see,Instead of type is to improve product to become push the main dish。
Such as the property market began living level marriage room thaihot red valley,Only a few remaining 62 ~ 111 two room three room winding countdown,And the appointment of is on the 153th floor king;The Europe of building no. 7 wangzhuang 128 ~ 142 super addition push a person of extraordinary powers curtilage;In may of 87 Canadian melts three rooms、105 four room、120 four room after the sell like hot cakes,At present the main is 150 point of five rooms;Three ChengGuoJi park for just need to launch after 90/120/140/160 family,Now also began its peak scene group 140 ~ 160 park is a collection of an appointment;At present the main international poly champagne moet &chandon 65 ~ 160 new products on the market;Constant yu international park a period 93-120 double park the house will debut;And a small family model of pure XinPan listed only for the city and the drum is synergy in......
Industry insiders Mr. Chen analysis,“In the first half of this year,In the stock、Under the pressure of receivables,Main just need to family could win the market to achieve rapid change。now,In the recent good policies,Developers are aware of the person that buy a house to buy a house to improve the strong will,And they began to adjust the push dish rhythm,Will hold large family take out again to promote sales,To certain trendency of。”
To push the new name reduce privilege
Push more than the new,About the rise in early before that cut interest rates in the market has been quietly spread,But many developers also try a water。and“prices”From his wide report in outlook will know just a little。
Such as the China JiangDa area previously hit his preferential price for 5888 yuan/up,And currently, only two of the axis of more than 912, building floor level hotel prices will rise to become scarce 6177 yuan/up。similarly,Horsetail kieron orange shi residence building new products will be opened 4 SOHO,Price 7588 yuan/up,And in a month ago in the preferential price of 6988 yuan /。
In addition,The north a building dish launched on sale now housing prices for 13000 yuan /。And earlier this year,Similar floor price average only 11000 yuan/or so。More buildings put words“Prices at the”,Stimulate the person that buy a house moves。
“In the current pricing on quantity of products go quickly project,The price is expected to open up space should be much,After all, low open is high to go mainstream trend。”Industry insiders Mr. Lin said,But he thinks,In view of the current market to bear ability,Prices did not become a trend,More as a stunt caught buyers buy or not to buy up fall psychology,Finally achieve the purpose of sales。From the current situation is concerned,Because the total fundamental key not to control,House prices did not have the resilience of the space greatly。
Change supply diversified product line
In the first half of the product quantity to just need to run faster after sales,Many rooms are introduced new projects brewing enterprises,Fill the blank line。
If your AnXin heaven and earth in the shops、Landscape and high-rise residential project after clause,Hardcover hot springs hotel apartment July 14 open quotation;In between the international in former bitter based on residential sell like hot cakes out 20 ~ 100 subway stations spread along the street now;Melting letter of the city of David, 89 ~ 149 living senior level after the sell like hot cakes,At present out of the city of David, · wave city villa's "phillips;The new no. 1 in the townhouse after coming out with high-rise apartments sell like hot cakes;China resources oak bay plans to release of Pacific Ocean;Always fine the heaven and earth also brewing introduced its complex of business projects...
In warm and market environment,Developers also dare to readjust marketing strategies and product supply structure,Highlight your project characteristics。“More abundant product lines and area,Also let consumers have more wider choice。For homebuyers speaking,This market phenomenon will bring more positive news。”A project marketing manager, Mr. Wang told reporters,Control the policy changes market environment,Also accelerated the room between enterprises of the shuffle,Positive change is a room at this stage of the enterprises should consider。Now just need to building dish is still the main melody market,but,As the market will tend to be stable,Diversified product positioning will become more expensive room choice。
“dormancy”Project MaoJian
Taking the advantage of market QuHao,Some in the market few of silence already a long time of project appearances in recent big step into dense and promotion period。
Since February 25, after a long silence opened the yongxing LiJiang recently rallied market,hit“Four room price since 1.58 million,Enjoy preferential 95888 yuan”advertising;F sheng QianLong big first in SOHO last year after selling boss hall and no big action,Now sweeping out“7 panoramic floor wang 117 ~ 142 ~ 168 panorama a person of extraordinary powers curtilage”;And at last hot after sales,F sheng QianLong royal scene into SaoWei sales,“Building the last 15 seats to anchor the king,167 pure board floor show a house”。Horsetail high-end building city international since last August launch raise up a period that he didn't now open quotation timetable,And step to this year,The 137 ~ 337 view JiangDa smooth layer is finally in August 11, officially open quotation。
In the previous“dormancy”project,For more advanced project or large family,No matter the unit price or total prices are higher,In some time ago to please the future.as the market just need to,So in order to reduce the amount of disk push for a wait-and-see strategy to rest。But with the housing market continuously up well,The personage inside course of market at present is expected to clinch a deal of buoyancy to improve the type buyers,Also let this kind of project with the foundation of the entry。In addition,To first-time home buyers for the purpose of this year in a rigid demand、In the second quarter had released a big part of it,The needs of the market potential is very limited,Improve type demand will be the mainstream of the property market demand,Be in high-end market of strong support。
【Reporter observation】
Self adjusting to market
Facing the good bad violent market situation,Now what is this wait-and-see or transformation or speed up the market,His developers have their own judgment。
After several times after regulation and crisis,Developers also have more measures and experience,According to their own capital and in the next year to adjust sales strategy and layout push dish rhythm。
In the market to remains to be seen,Appropriate wait-and-see slowdown push may be wise to dish rhythm。But with the preceding stage market bottom different,At present has warmed a is the fact that does not dispute,And then property market regulation will moderate easing or continue to high pressure,Still twittering。So than waiting for change is at present the chance to miss subscale shipment,As positive action fast delivery or according to the market demand change adjust product line。
The personage inside course of study expresses,Now many hand did not start with the developer of the project have to speed up the development process,Subordinate to market fast,“As long as have enough money and manpower,Won't wait,Can not reach the conditions of sale of all the cast the progress。Because it is difficult to predict,While current frequent than good,The person that buy a house expectations and property market regulation does not rise movements of his popularity,Rapid access to essence sales stage,After all the sale or fall bags for Ann。”
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