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Because of the beautiful scenery¡¢Cultural and historical massiness and reputation both at home and abroad, the world cultural heritage lushan mountain£¬There are strict planning restrictions and protection regulations¡£However, in this cut down a tree must be the place for examination and approval£¬Should have built up a property developers to the villa£»More let a person is uncertain£¬The villa has been successively awarded the related department of administration of lushan mountain issue open to booking licence£¬Openly to individual sales¡£




Scenic spot built-in villas


Have high property rights to sell


¡°Home at lushan mountain£¬Mountains to the company¡¢Spring and friends of the waterfall¡¢And celebrity lives is no longer expect shares a...Set limit to selling five sets of independent and ten sets of double spell mansion mansion¡£¡±recent£¬Several web portal quickly to forward the relevant¡°Lushan issue property villas¡±news£¬Internet users by strong concern¡£For this£¬The reporter has to understanding lushan mountain¡£


Reporter in search room net on websites such as that inquires£¬Developers from 2010 to a wide range of sales promotion£¬Ten YuDong villa is the marketing of the focus of the campaign¡£In some of these ads directly expressed in villa£¬Some dubbed the¡°mansion¡±said¡£According to face upwards ping international holiday villa's home buyers consultant said£¬Lushan has hundreds of villas£¬But have no property£¬Visitors can only for¡£And face upwards ping international holiday villa¡°mansion¡±Lushan mountain scenic area is the first have property right and get the house opens to booking a license£¬There are two built building¡°mansion¡±Has made open to booking licence£¬All valence is as high as 42000 yuan/square metre¡£


Project is located in lushan face upwards ping£¬The core scenic spot HanPoKou distance lushan mountain only apart¡£Reporters in the construction site to see£¬A stage project has completed the construction£¬Several dong joint business hotel the main body of the project has been finished¡£And in the LianTiLou BanShanPo behind£¬A few scattered a three-story building to be alone¡£Home buyers consultant introduced£¬At present five house 10 sets of double spell villa£¬Sell only a house of three sets and a half£»Five house single-family villas£¬One house for developers£¬Four other house in under negotiation¡£




Project degeneration


Sales illegal


According to introducing£¬2007 years£¬Lushan face upwards ping business hotel for expansion project of provincial official reply£¬Reply to the project is the nature¡°Business hotel¡±£¬And the administration of lushan mountain£¬The project became¡°Property type business hotel¡±¡£Jiangxi province built for scenic spot in the living room the management work of the inspector CengShaoPing points out that vice£¬This means the project into a real estate development activities£¬Violation of the provincial government's reply£¬Also violated¡¶Scenic spot management regulations¡·and¡¶The regulations on the administration of the lushan mountain scenic spots in jiangxi province¡·¡£


In an interview with reporters also found£¬Face upwards ping international holiday villa sales mode commitment¡°Share out bonus¡±The rebate sales action£¬Countries have been banned¡£


In face upwards ping international holiday villa sales department£¬A SunXing home buyers consultant is introduced£¬Here can get high returns that buy a house¡£She said£¬Every year millions of lushan mountain tourist visitors£¬Housing boom£¬Often, it is difficult to find a room of the scene¡£After purchase£¬In years as the unit signed entrustment operation agreement£¬Year profit of share out bonus of total house money more than 8%¡£




Lushan mountain into the rich to


today£¬Lushan administration still negative¡°villa¡±Said the¡£Lushan administration room canal bureau chief for gold said£¬Janitorial services since 2010 to developers have issued open to booking licence£¬But he denied that the project building for single-family villas¡£¡°And that's just the developers built according to the topography of the common building just¡£¡±


however£¬Home construction site of the project introduced posted clearly show£º¡°The second phase projects for the serviced apartment building 3£¬Villa 8 house building¡£Point type A and B type each 4 building£¬Framework for 3 layer structure£¬An area of about 8000 square meters¡£¡±Inscribe for¡°Jiangxi province building design research institute¡±¡£From the building style¡¢area¡¢Price and positioning£¬These so-called¡°mansion¡±£¬The villa is in essence¡£


interview£¬Lushan a taxi driver told reporters£º¡°Although we lushan mountain is£¬But the mountains belongs to our personal property of no house£¬The government for the mountain to move¡£but£¬It seems to be a rich man is living the mountain to buy a house£¬Lushan to make"Rich mountain"the£¿¡±According to understand£¬Nearly 10 years£¬After many leadership are lushan mountain in brewing a plan will mountain residents whole moves down the mountain£¬to¡°Make it and the scenic spots and adapt to the environment load¡±¡£


Lushan is our country a special area£¬The mountain of the house property of residential including all belong to the country£¬Selfless have property right¡£and¡°Face upwards ping international holiday villa¡±As the marketing campaign said£¬After examination and approval£¬Already is the only property type building lushan mountain£¬What's behind the privilege and the government's investment promotion and capital introduction£¬By people of suspense¡£


Lushan mountain scenic area high above the villa events whether there is the problem of regulatory control£¿Who is in charge of the£¿Reporters will continue to tracking report¡£


According to xinhua news agency, nanchang, July 29, ZhuanDian
