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苏有朋疑似出柜 同性恋明星几多欢乐几多愁--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

苏有朋微博截图苏有朋微博截图 Su yupeng micro bo screenshots苏有朋的一段微博引来热议,苏有朋疑似出柜的消息瞬间满天飞。连当年的“乖乖虎”也出柜了?网友难以接受。苏有朋微博澄清截图苏有朋立刻澄清微博被盗。“苏有朋疑似出柜”大众的关注点又转移到娱乐圈同性恋这个话题中,其实圈内不乏“同志”,但大部分人不肯承认,怕会给自己的事业带来负面影响。 A su yupeng micro respects to hot debate,The news of the ark su yupeng suspected moment all over the place。Even in those days“Darling tiger”Also came out?To accept the。Su yupeng micro bo clarify screenshots su yupeng immediately clarify the bo stolen。“Su yupeng suspected the ark”Public concerns and transferred to the entertainment circle gay this topic,In fact there circle“comrade”,But most people are not willing to admit,Afraid will give his own business brings negative effect。苏有朋疑似出柜 同性恋明星几多欢乐几多愁林夕 Lin xi林夕 “我写(梅艳芳的《女人心》)时当自己是女人,望着床边自己爱的男人,心里面想和他安稳过一世。……我可以做一个女人。”林夕在电台访问中曾被好友杜琪峰逼供,终于剖白性取向,不讳言自视女人,望着床边心爱的男人,才能写出反映女性心声的歌词。 Lin xi “I write(Anita mui《Woman's heart》)When be a woman,Looking at the bedside his love of man,But in my heart and he had to secure all the time。......I can do a woman。”Lin xi in radio interview has been good friends johnnie to torture,Finally PouBai sexual orientation,Don't think youtube woman,Looking at the bedside beloved man,To write the lyrics reflect female voice。香港歌手林一峰香港歌手林一峰 Hong Kong singer LinYiFeng林一峰 香港歌手林一峰早前接受外国同志杂志《Advocate》访问,以“香港没有Elton John(埃尔顿-约翰),却有林一峰”作引言,大方公开其性取向。 LinYiFeng Hong Kong singer LinYiFeng earlier accept foreign comrades magazine《advocate》visit,to“Hong Kong has no Elton John(Elton John),But LinYiFeng”For introduction,Generous open their sexual orientation。哥哥张国荣亲密情侣照哥哥张国荣亲密情侣照 Leslie cheung close as lovers苏有朋微博截图苏有朋微博截图 Su yupeng micro bo screenshots苏有朋的一段微博引来热议,苏有朋疑似出柜的消息瞬间满天飞。连当年的“乖乖虎”也出柜了?网友难以接受。 A su yupeng micro respects to hot debate,The news of the ark su yupeng suspected moment all over the place。Even in those days“Darling tiger”Also came out?To accept the。关菊英关菊英 GuanJuYing关菊英与同性密友周利伟(Willy)关系曝光后表现大方,她坦言对周利伟有感觉发表爱的宣言:“最重要是有人疼我,男女都无所谓。”关菊英公开同志恋人获香港同志影展颁发“玲珑大奖”表扬。 GuanJuYing with the same sex ZhouLiWei close friends(Willy)Relationship after exposure performance and easy,She said ZhouLiWei to have feelings of love declaration published:“The heaviest if someone hurt me,Men and women are indifferent to。”GuanJuYing comrade public by the Hong Kong film lovers comrade issue“Exquisite awards”praise。关锦鹏关锦鹏 Stanley kwan1996年,关锦鹏借纪录片《男生女相》首度公开了自己的同性恋身份。代表作品有反映大陆同性恋者情感生活的电影《蓝宇》、《阮玲玉》、《胭脂扣》等 。 1996 years,Stanley kwan borrow documentary《Boy NvXiang》The first openly gay identity。Representative works that reflects the mainland gay emotional life of the movie《LAN yu》、《Ruan ling yu》、《Rouge buckle》etc 。黄耀明黄耀明 HuangYaoMing黄耀明在达明一派单飞之后开始了个人发展,声称“与张国荣是同一类人”,成为继张国荣逝世以后第一个坦承自己是同志的香港艺人。 HuangYaoMing in damien after a solo career began the personal development,says“And Leslie cheung is the same kind of person”,After the demise of Leslie cheung become the first confessed that he was gay's Hong Kong artist。林保怡与新男友林保怡与新男友 LinBaoYi and new boyfriendTVB戏骨林保怡自出道以来就鲜少与女艺人传出绯闻,而近日新剧《读心神探》虽然屡被诟病抄袭美剧,但依旧不减林保怡的好心情,带同性新男友见家长,与父亲同吃下午茶,很是甜蜜,似乎新男友的身份也已经被父亲默认。 TVB drama bone LinBaoYi since his debut since the little and female artist spread gossip,And recently reevaluated《Mind reading detective》Although often be copied for American play,But still don't reduce LinBaoYi good mood,Take gay new boyfriend saw their parents,With their father for tea,Is very sweet,The identity of the new boyfriend seems to have also been father by default。蔡康永蔡康永 used几年前,在李敖代班陈文茜主持的《文茜小妹大》节目中,著名主持人蔡康永在毫无预期的情况下坦承了自己的性向。与自己的同性恋人George已爱情长跑多年。 A few years ago,In li ao generation class hosted remained unsubstantiated《WenQian kid sister big》program,The famous anchor in unexpected used under the condition of the professed his sexuality。And his gay man George has long courtship for many years。张国荣和唐唐张国荣和唐唐 Leslie cheung and Thomas张国荣:从不回避 张国荣是同性恋者,这是众所周知的事。自出道以来,他一直都没有逃避“狗仔”对自己同性恋生活的跟拍与炒作,经常与男友唐鹤德公开牵手出入大小场合,认为同性恋是个人的爱好与生活方式。 Leslie cheung:Never try to avoid Leslie cheung is gay,It is known to all。Since his debut since,He has been no escape“paparazzi”The life of her gay with pats and hype,Her boyfriend and often TangHeDe public in hand size in and out of the occasion,Think that gay is a people's hobby and way of life。苏有朋微博截图崔子恩 CuiZiEn北京电影学院副教授,编剧。编剧并出演过同性恋题材电影《男男女女》。1991年,他坦白了自己的同志身份。是内地娱乐圈人物公开同性恋身份的第一人。 Beijing film academy associate professors,writers。Writers and starred in a gay films《Men and women》。1991 years,He confessed his comrade of identity。Is outback recreation characters of the identity of the first openly gay people。
