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合肥徽商银行首套房85折落地 40万房贷月供省200多元--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  合肥徽商银行套房85折优惠文件落地,其它各家银行有望跟风,购房成本将进一步减轻”。[合肥两家银行放出房贷打折风声 具体执行还要看收益>>>]

Hefei hui merchants bank first suite 85 discount of documents be born,Other Banks are expected to follow suit,Purchase will further reduce the cost”。[hefei two Banks release mortgage discount report specific executive to see the gains>>>]


徽商银行85折文件下发 Hui merchants bank 85 fold issued documents

  “我们已于上周接到了总行85折的文件,本周已经开始执行。”徽商银行三孝口支行个贷部负责人告诉本站。至此,徽商银行前段时间风传的“85折口头通知”已被证实。[销售回款犹如“及时雨” 合肥开发商融资环境得到改善>>>]

“We have received the head office last week, 85 of the file,This week have been launched。”Hui merchants bank three filial piety mouth GeDai branch department chief to tell this site。So far,Hui merchants bank recently of heavily“85 discount verbal notification”Has proved to。[sales r is like“Timely rain” Hefei development business financing environment improved>>>]

  而对于购房者享受首套房85折优惠有没有什么条件?徽商银行合肥分行个贷部负责人表示:“条件和先前基准利率的条件是一样的。只要满足首付三成,合肥本地户口,外地人缴纳一年社保证明,即可办理。”[从“少量多批”到“多栋齐开” 合肥开发商信心十足>>>]

And to the person that buy a house to enjoy the first discount suite 85 have what condition?Hui merchants bank hefei branch GeDai department chief said:“Conditions and previously benchmark interest rates condition is the same。As long as meet the require thirty percent down,Hefei local registered permanent residence,Outsiders pay a year social security certificate,Can deal with。”[from“More than a small amount of”to“More open house together” Hefei development business confidence>>>]


At the same time,Industrial bank(601166,Shares it)Hefei branch in July 23 received by the first suite the headquarters of the notice of the favorable interest rate,But temporary does not perform,“Specific want don't perform?How much discount execution?We have a meeting to discuss later and make a decision。”Industrial bank GeDai department director said cao。


To understand the other,In addition to hui merchants bank outside,In the current、agriculture、work、Built and so on four big line,And traffic bank(601328,Shares it)、Everbright bank(601818,Shares it)、China merchants bank(600036,Shares it)、Citic bank(601998,Shares it)The first set of still perform mortgage benchmark rates。

合肥徽商银行首套房85折落地 40万房贷月供省200多元

(合肥徽商银行 HOUSE365张月 摄?) (Hefei hui merchants bank HOUSE365 a monthly perturbation?)


40万房贷每月少还200多元 400000 mortgage every month is less 200 yuan


Hefei hui merchants bank executive suite 85 fold the first favorable interest rate,Let a large delay had been waiting for buyers see the favorable interest rate gleam of light,To a great extent, reduce the pressure of a mortgage slave payments。


For this,This site to a 20 years 400000 business loans、The repayment of principal and interest waiting for the forehead way for example,For the buyers calculate a bill。


If it's benchmark rates,Total reimbursement for 720000;Repayment interest for 320000;The average monthly reimbursement for 2994 yuan;


85 this offer and interest rates,Total reimbursement for 660000;Repayment interest for 260000;The average monthly reimbursement for 2767 yuan。


compared,The first suite 85 fold benchmark interest rate and interest rate compared,Less a month still 227 yuan,Total reimbursement is suddenly less 60000 pieces。


其它家银行有望“跟风” Other Banks are expected to“Follow suit”


although,The only hui merchants bank implemented the first suite 85 fold favorable interest rate,But don't rule out future will be“A bank lead,Other home have to follow suit”Phenomenon appears。


At present,Industrial bank first suite favorable interest rate files have been distributed,Although the execution or not remains to be considered,But don't rule out the possibility of recent favorable interest rate,“May according to the relative conditions,Launched a certain degree of preferential,But still should see gains。”Industrial bank GeDai department, said cao,They will be the fastest in July 25 to decide。


“Recent haven't received any preferential interest rate on first suite of notice,Or for the head office issued a document to implement。”China merchants bank GeDai department chief also said,Don't rule out future first suite the possibility of favorable interest rate。


“File down is one thing,Specific execution may still want to see Banks specific scale and earnings。”Anhui province room association deputy secretary-general、Construction of institute of real estate LiGuoChang institute said,Don't rule out future there will be more the joint-stock Banks follow suit to follow the situation appears。”

  本站发现,徽商银行自从接到“首套房利率85这优惠”通知之后,个贷部门前每天都排着长龙,85折优惠利率足以让更多的购房者选择徽商银行贷款。日后可能会有更多的银行根据自家的收益情况推出不同幅度的优惠,其中,很可能是股份制银行“先行先试”。(三六五地产家居网 张月)

This site found,Hui merchants bank since received“The first suite 85 this preferential interest rate”After notice,GeDai department every day before in the long dragon,85 discount of interest rates enough to make more buyers choose hui merchants bank loans。Future may have more bank according to their earnings release different amplitude discount,Among them,Probably the joint-stock Banks“First try first”。(The 365 real estate home JuWang a monthly)
