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Seems perfect,Fair share,Back in time to,Is the guarantee, including male rent a room construction to long-term face major issue
Live JianBu issued《Public rental housing management approach》Since July 15 goes into effect。measures,Local and foreign personnel all can apply for public rental housing,Without warrant for 6 months rent shall return the unused male,Illegal relet male renters,Not only will be forced to call in building,More need pay below three times the illegal income、A fine of not more than 30000 yuan。
At present,The national town supportability project how entered into an unprecedented upsurge of construction,First the security of construction have been delivered to use room was completed。In the new security room in the construction of system,Male rent and low-cost housing has become the subject of guarantee room。As the government leading projects,And not only for the rent and condense the meet the low-income housing in the supply of expectations,Also bear the weakening housing market speculative atmosphere、Restore the housing market commodity attribute the policy guidance of expectations。The two big expectations can be realized,The real estate market to promote more reason to move in the direction of health,And the market can become the housing market rent the most fairness、A piece of publicity,crucial。
Male can rent a last name“male”,First can reflect equality of rights in consciousness。《Public rental housing management approach》The highlight of,Is the breakthrough census register restrictions,Local and foreign personnel provisions may apply for the public rental housing。Despite the current male rent is still scarce resources,But the amount of resources should not be the limit of resource allocation first conditions,otherwise,And the public will rent to sell at a discount greatly。Breakthrough census register limit,In fact also consistent with market demand。Local staff improve sexual housing demand is big,The external personnel live sex demand is big,Also is the housing market normal。
Male can rent a last name“male”,Also look at whether fair distribution。Due to family and personal housing、Income and financial assets and other basic information deficiency,To apply for the qualification for certain difficulty exists,Lead to growth of distribution of rent-seeking holes。Male rent of the measures for the management of be born,Be in the transparency of information as the prerequisite,Male rent houses、Distribution program、Distribution results and exit,Also should be included in the scope of public affairs,Through the existing legal system,Ensure the fairness of the distribution。
Male can rent a last name“male”,To see whether a market brand degrees。The reality is,Some areas have delivered male renters,Existing quality is uneven、Supporting is not sound, etc,Even in the male to rent appear in the distribution of the excess supply strange phenomena。Investigate its reason,Public rent construction is lack of effective quality supervision,Even regards rent for YingJingShi male task。Male rent belongs to a lower return on immediately、Return cycle longer engineering projects,Some parts of it,This means that no return of financial input,so,Each link can loosen the screw。Improve the credibility of the male rent,Need to have both local departments of the construction of the public rental strategic know in position,Also in the institutional framework of the bold innovation,Absorbing the social capital and the market management mechanism to attend。
overall,Affordable housing system construction process is one side to explore the process of side error correction。《Public rental housing management approach》Of the implementation of the,Further promoted the guarantee of the construction of the room mechanism construction。Of course,The problem has been exposed,Involving land system、Interest adjustment mechanism、Administrative system、Information construction and so on many domains,Not a“Management measures”Can solve the。Seems perfect,Fair share,Back in time to,Still is male, including rental guarantee room construction to long-term face major issue。It also means that,In the security room construction is in the ascendant,For the system construction、Mechanism innovation,Don't slack。
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