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上海三小时可达城市 人居生态环境及房价走势--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


[提要] [abstract]上海,一向是长三角地区旅游的龙头城市,其城市风貌和繁华的商业、豫园等古迹、近年新开发的东方明珠(600832,股吧)塔、上海新天地等,都是吸引人的旅游亮点。而从上海出发,三小时区域内的周边城市环境可谓是天然的宜居区域。

Shanghai,Yangtze river delta region tourism has always been a leading city,The city style and prosperous business、Yuyuan garden etc. Historic sites、In recent years, the development of new Oriental pearl(600832,Shares it)tower、Shanghai xintiandi, etc,Are attractive tourist window。And set off from Shanghai,Three hours in the areas surrounding the urban environment it is natural livable region。


 杭州人居环境 Hangzhou living environment

  杭州有着江、河、湖、山交融的自然环境。全市丘陵山地占总面积的65.6%,平原占26.4%,江、河、湖、水库占8%,世界上最长的人工运河—京杭大运河和以大涌潮闻名的钱塘江穿城而过。杭州西部、中部和南部属浙西中低山丘陵,东北部属浙北平原, 江河纵横,湖泊密布,物产丰富。杭州素有“鱼米之乡”、“丝绸之府”、“人间天堂”之美誉。

Hangzhou has jiang、river、lake、Mountain natural environment of blending。The hilly mountain accounted for 65.6% of the total area,Plain 26.4%,jiang、river、lake、Reservoir 8%,The world's longest artificial canal-the beijing-hangzhou grand canal and with big tidal famous qiantang river。Hangzhou west、Central and south west of low hills,The northeast plain area of subordinates, Rivers and,Dotted with lakes,Rich products。Hangzhou known as“The land of fish and rice”、“Silk mansion”、“Heaven on earth”Of reputation。


Hangzhou belongs to subtropical monsoon climate,Four distinct seasons,Moderate and moist,Sufficient sunlight,Abundant precipitation。Annual average temperature of 17.5 ℃,Average 69.6% relative humidity,Annual rainfall of 1139 mm,Sunshine duration in 1762 hours。Hangzhou biological species,National level of protection animals have 13,Level 2 protect animals have 55 species,Level 2 protection plant has 13。The average forest coverage is 62.8%。Mineral resources are large and medium scale non-metal and metal ore deposits。Linan ChangHua yields a world of rare changhua, zhejiang province,Collect stone and seals for treasure of stone。

上海三小时可达城市 人居生态环境及房价走势
杭州房价走势 Hangzhou house price movements


美景: beauty:


The beauty of hangzhou,Beauty is in the west lake。The west lake old say wu3 lin2's water、Qiantang river lake、west,The song dynasty beginning say the west lake。The west lake is located in the west of hangzhou,Three sides,East on the city,Is a lake type of national key scenic area。The west lake ten views have(the):Chunxiao su causeway、Song prescribed by ritual law court、Specially designed、Can-xue broken bridge、Flower view fish、Orioles singing、The three pools mirroring the moon、Twin peaks piercing the clouds、World from、Bells in nanping。


The west lake ten views of new:Cloud habitat bamboo diameter、ManLongGuiYu、Dream springs of China、Longjing tea asked、JiuXi smoke tree、Wu day the wind、Nguyen pier's ring、Huanglong TuCui、Jade emperor feiyun、Gem flow xia。

  游览路线:涌金门——柳浪闻莺公园——罗马广场——唐云艺术馆——长桥公园——雷峰塔——苏堤——跨虹桥(岳庙)——武松墓——西泠桥——平湖秋月—— (断桥)少年宫——新湖滨景区——涌金门。

Tour route:Pour the golden gate park, a Rome square orioles singing- - TangYun museum fromcomponents park coasts-the su causeway-through hongqiao(YueMiao)--- five tomb wu3 song bridge specially designed-- (the)The children's palace-new lakeside scenic spot-poured the golden gate。

上海三小时可达城市 人居生态环境及房价走势
杭州 hangzhou


美食: food:

  吴山广场那边的河坊街、高银街是小吃和美食最集中的地方。主要美食有叫花童子鸡、西湖蜡鱼、东坡肉、龙井虾仁、杭三鲜、干炸响铃、宋嫂鱼羹 西湖莼菜汤

On the other side of the square wushan river lane street、High silver street is the greatest concentration of food and snacks place。The main food have call flower Eddie curry、The west lake wax fish、Dongpo pork、Fried shrimps with longjing tea、Hangzhou three fresh、Fried rang the bell、Song ChunCai soup soup with fish Beijing west lake


it,Because of the feudal dynasties ancient war tyranny,Many people the destruction,A beggar。One day a call flower faint,NanYou for him to make a little hen。distress,With the mud put chicken wrapped up,Bonfire with straw heat baked into mud group,Make its mature,Unexpected find that the chicken extraordinary fragrance pubi,Very delicious。From then on,The chic heat baked laws were spread。Hangzhou cook drain continuously improved,The tender chicken、Shaoshing wine、The west lake lotus leaf、Belly packing,For fine processing,Make barbecued chicken mellow taste it,Finally become the people like traditional dish。
