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押金不退 成房产中介“顽疾”--亲稳舆论引导监测室
本报讯 (记者 张鑫)租房子合约到期后押金却拿不回来,已经签了租约的房子却迟迟不能入住,这样的房地产经纪行为将受到工商部门的严厉打击。
Report from our correspondent (Reporter ZhangXin)Rent the house after the end of the deposit contract could not get back,Has signed the lease house but can't check in,Such behavior will be real estate brokers of the ministry of commerce and industry of harshly。
今天上午,北京市工商局公布上半年房地产经纪行业整顿阶段成果。 从今年4月份专项整治工作开展以来,全市房地产经纪违法案件立案120件,结案102件,罚没款65.7万元。
This morning,Industrial and commercial bureau announces Beijing real estate brokerage industry in the first half of the stage results。 In April this year from special campaigns since the work,The whole city real estate brokerage illegal cases filed 120 pieces,102 a final,FaMeiKuan 657000 yuan。
According to the 12315 consumer complaints reported center statistics,From January to July,The city involved were received 1337 pieces of house agency appeal,The appeal of zhuhai's 4.57% of the total,Which has handled 1314 pieces,For consumers to recall the economic loss of 1.1829 million yuan。
In the appeal,Complaints intermediary company in after the expiration of the lease,With all sorts of reason not to return the deposit、Delay return or only return part of the deposit,Account for more than half of total complaints。
City industrial and commercial bureau said,The next step will be for complaint hotspots,To further increase the real estate broker orgnaization concealing important matters、After the expiration of the contract without justifiable reasons delayed payment clients' money、Use without a real estate agency qualification certificate of personnel engaged in house lease brokerage activities、Use of a contract format terms consumers' legal rights violations,And forge、Alter contract demonstrative text and other 10 kinds illegal behavior investigation dynamics。
In addition,The industry and commerce will exist for many times seriously violated consumer rights such as illegal behavior of real estate brokerage institution,Public exposure to。
Rent as far as possible in the contract implementation details
Industry and Commerce Department warned consumers:Lease houses to through formal house agency。Through the intermediary company before rental housing,Will the facilities、Need to pay the fees of verify clear,And carry out to contract。
In when signing a contract,Try to ask and homeowners I sign the contract,And the house property right card、Id card, etc that effective check,If be not I is required to produce a power of attorney house lease。Carefully read the terms of the contract,See agreed content is clearer、clear,Lease term、Both parties conform with the responsibility of breach of contract if,If has the question put forward in time。
Specially to pay attention,Consumers after signing the contract,Pay attention to keep good contract、Rental deposit、Pay cost, and other documents,Lest produce after disputes in there。
不履行合同中关于消费者提前退租、转租的约定 2.9%
Not the performance of the contract in advance about consumers retreat hire、Sublease 2.9% agreed
Complaints of house property intermediary be six key problems
租赁期满不退押金或拖延退还押金 52.7%
Not refund of the deposit or delay return the deposit of 52.7%
租约期间,因中介公司与房主纠纷,导致消费者无法继续租住 10.8%
During the lease,For intermediary company and homeowners disputes,Lead to consumer cannot continue to rent for 10.8%
提前解约却拒绝退还消费者预付的房租、押金 9.1%
The premature termination refused to return the consumers of the rent in advance、Deposit 9.1%
未按合同约定提供家具、家电等生活用品或房屋修缮服务 6.7%
Not according to the contract to provide furniture、Electrical home appliances products or the home improvement service life by 6.7%
未按约定提供房屋或拖延提供房屋 6.3%
Failure to provide the house agreed or delay the provide the house 6.3%
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