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合肥徽商银行首套房85折条件苛刻 难以撼动市场需求--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
合肥徽商银行首套房贷款85折利率优惠执行已有半个月,由于额度有限,门槛也有所提高,购房者纷纷坦言不再指望利率优惠。[合肥徽商银行首套房85折落地 40万房贷月供省200多元>>>]
Hefei huizhou merchants bank first suite loans 85 discount interest rate preferential execution for half a month,Due to the limited amount of,It also improved threshold,The person that buy a house have said no longer expect interest rate preferential。[hefei huizhou merchants bank first suite 85 fold be born 400000 mortgage the month for the province 200 multivariate>>>]
首套房贷85折?首付需多付几成,还需是纯商贷! The first set of housing 85 fold?Down to pay a few into,Still need to is pure business credit!
recently,relevant“The first suite rate of huizhou merchants in August 85 the purest and die”The news of the bubbling with noise。this,This site visited hefei huizhou merchants bank branch to know,Huizhou merchants bank still perform the first suite 85 fold preferential interest rates,Just conditions than previously demanding some。
“At present, we still perform the first suite 85 fold preferential interest rates,But the application requirements are very harsh。Buy building not only if and we have cooperation building,And it must be a pure commercial loan。In addition,If pay a few into down,Batch down likely to some。”Huizhou merchants bank hefei branch GeDai department person in charge said。
(85折后的合肥楼市 HOUSE365张月 摄) (85 fold after the hefei market HOUSE365 a monthly perturbation)
“From the document down till now,Has been accepted the pen first suite 85 discount interest rate loans,Compared with,A house and tail plate application down chance to larger。”Huizhou merchants bank south seven sub-branches GeDai department manager zhang to the site has revealed。
In addition,Still need to meet:No bad loan records,Apply for the customer can't have parents common reimbursement is the basic premise,At present only hefei account or have hefei above one year social security customers can apply for,Less than 22 years old customers must provide water account。Only these conditions are meet,Customers can submit the application material。
其它家银行 难全面铺开 Other Banks difficult to spread to open completely
For bank of huizhou merchants carried out for half a month of the first suite 85 this interest rate preferential,Other Banks but no any movement。Even after received the head office“The first suite 85 this interest rate preferential”Notice of societe generale(601166,guba)Is no sign of。
“Head office issued documents is a fact,But the specific performance or according to the income of each branch。At present,I will put the key in the small enterprise loan,Mortgage preferential should temporarily won't have the new policy。”Societe generale GeDai department director cao said。
meanwhile,in、agriculture、work、To build four line and other home joint-stock Banks are still perform the first set of housing benchmark interest rate,And agree:The first suite loan interest rate preferential is difficult to spread to open completely。
“Relative to the first half,In the second half of the line tensions,In this context,The first suite loan interest rate preferential comprehensive spread out is unlikely,Some joint-stock Banks in order to impact performance,It is difficult to execute small discount has been got。”The bank of China(601988,guba)Hefei branch GeDai department person in charge said。
优惠范围窄、幅度小 难以左右市场 Preferential narrow range、Small amplitude around to market
At present,Hefei only 25 home and huizhou merchants bank cooperate in the building,To enjoy the first suite 85 fold preferential interest rates。In addition,
Most of the building is not support of huizhou merchants bank loans。therefore,In the eyes of a lot of the person that buy a house,With preferential、No discount for them,Are one and the same。
In this site to“Influence factors of the person that buy a house buyers”Survey,35.5% of the person that buy a house is still interest rate preferential is influence whether they buy the most direct factors;And still have 64.5% of the person that buy a house said,House price discount for them is the most intuitive effective。
“Mortgage rates can relax to bring home buyers purchase cost of preferential,But preferential range is too small,I want to buy the building will not enjoy,And the margin of preference and the previous 7 fold rate compared with,Really is a drop in the bucket。”Taken in hefei a building dish opening scene,The person that buy a house xiao liu sighed。
安徽大学金融系教授徐亚平表示:“房贷85折才换来房价7%的下浮,这个并不能激起购房者太大的兴趣,充其量也就是稍微降低了购房成本,并不能左右市场。”(三六五地产家居网 张月)
Anhui university professor of finance XuYaPing said:“Mortgage 85 fold before the return prices 7% decrease,This does not arouse the interest of the person that buy a house is too big,At best they are just a little bit to reduce the purchase cost,And cannot control the market。”(The 365 real estate home JuWang a monthly)
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