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Each security room after the completion of the project,Field must be set up a project quality responsibility plate,It marked the contractors and the name of the responsible persons,Once found quality problem,No matter what the transferred to the post,All related shall be investigated for responsibility。This is our province safeguard room construction of practice“Lifelong responsibility system”。
In order to make our province in low-income families live on“Secure room”,Our province endowed security in quality management up and down a lot“Kung fu”。January 1,,《Anhui indemnificatory housing construction standard》Formal implementation,This is our province took the lead in formulating the throughout the country issued by the local compulsory standards at the provincial level。《standard》According to the particularity of affordable housing,Residential location respectively、Barrier-free housing、Model basic space、Decoration on the structural influence、Indoor basic decoration、Construction material and products approach acceptance,And housing individual acceptance and other related content,Article 8 for the mandatory clause。It will effectively solve and avoid indemnificatory housing construction existing planning and design is not reasonable、Public facilities is not complete、Basic decoration does not reach the designated position、Construction quality do not pass such shortcomings and problems,To ensure the indemnificatory housing construction quality and quality。
Our province also promulgated《Anhui indemnificatory comfortable housing project quality management measures》,To ensure room construction supervision process tracking,Reinforcement engineering survey、design、construction、Supervision unit engineering quality lifelong responsibility system,Comprehensive promotion indemnificatory comfortable housing project construction quality responsibility subject information GongShiPai and permanent sign system。Safeguard room into“jerry-built”Engineering will not escape responsibility。
“Ago from facade will at once know is to place room、The optimum room area,Now it is completely different。”Save lives built hall activists say,In addition to“At ease”,Our province safeguard room construction also pay attention to“Shu xin”。Pay attention to improve security in our province housing quality,In the village planning、construction、Management and safeguard room design、Standard and made specific provision。Our province is generally adopted in ordinary commodity house plug fancy PeiJian safeguard room way,To ensure room in terms of quality and ordinary commodity house treated equally。
At present,The industrialization、The rapid development of urbanization。Our province in the town to speed up to solve the housing difficulties of low-income families in the basis of,Increasing public rental housing construction strength,Gradually solve the urban middle rdi income housing difficult family、New employment no room worker and in towns stable employment of migrant workers housing difficulties。At present,And the construction of the rent has accounted for the proportion of the whole security room construction quantity of about half。(JianXuan、HuXiaLi)
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