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日期地点政策名称政策要点7月2日广东关于促进稳增长调结构惠民生工作的若干意见广东出台 19 条措施 促进稳增长调结构惠民生工作,其中第 15 条指出:切实保障和改善民生。加强督促检查,确保今年十件民生实事按时完成。严格执行国家房地产调控政策。召开建设幸福广东现场会。7月4日深圳深圳市2012改革计划改革计划提出,将继续完善积分入户制度,以居住证为重要载体,以入户积分参数为依据,建立非户籍人口向户籍人口转变的合理门槛和常态通道,提高户籍人口比重。计划还提出,适度降低入户门槛,畅通入户渠道,适度增辟“居住证+社保”新型入户渠道,优化学历型人才入户条件,适度放宽政策性随迁入户条件和投资纳税迁户政策要求。7月6日上海关于调整本市住房公积金贷款利率的通知从7月 6日起,下调个人住房公积金贷款利率。五年期以上个人住房公积金贷款利率由 4.70%下调至4.50%;五年期以下(含五年)个人住房公积金贷款利率由 4.20%下调至 4.00%。 从 2012年 7月 6日起,本市利用住房公积金贷款支持保障性住房建设试点项目贷款,贷款利率按照五年期以上个人住房公积金贷款利率上浮 10%执行。7月2日江苏关于调整住房公积金基数及比例的通知住房公积金缴存基数:新基数标准为下限 1320 元,上限 13700 元。从7月 1日起执行。住房公积金缴存比例:机关事业单位的住房公积金缴存比例由 10%调整为 12%,从 2011年 7月 1日开始执行 。7月6日河北《河北省国有土地上房屋征收与补偿实施办法》《办法》指出实施房屋征收应当先补偿、后搬迁,旨在规范国有土地上房屋征收与补偿活动,保障被征收房屋所有权人(以下简称被征收人)的合法权益。同时规定任何单位和个人不得迫使被征收人搬迁。7月9日清远公积金政策调整从7月9日起清远开始实施公积金新政,首次使用住房公积金贷款购买首套房,面积在 90平米(含 90平米)以下的,贷款金额 30 万元以下,贷款首付比例由原来不低于 30%调整为不低于 20%;贷款金额 30 万元以上 40 万元以下,贷款首付款比例由原来不低于 40%调整为不低于 30%。套型建筑面积在 90平方米以上和二套购房的住房公积金贷款按原来规定执行。7月16日深圳深圳市住房公积金贷款管理暂行规定》(征求意见稿)根据《规定》,公积金贷款可贷额度为申请人和共同申请人住房公积金账户余额的 10倍;职工个人申请的单套住房公积金最高额度为 50万元,申请人与共同申请人一并申请的单套住房公积金贷款最高额度为 80 万元。该《规定》还显示,在深圳市缴存住房公积金的职工,在购买第二套商品住房时仍可申请公积金贷款。但第二套住房公积金个人住房贷款首付款比例不得低于 50%,贷款利率不得低于同期首套住房公积金个人住房贷款利率的 1.1倍。同时,停止向购买第三套及以上住房的缴存职工家庭发放住房公积金个人住房贷款。7月20日北京关于进一步加强房屋买卖合同管理的通知新办法以阻止二手房交易中利用阴阳合同通过二次网签的手段来避税,通知将从 8月 1日起实施。最新通知规定,在二手房交易中,买卖双方在注销网签合同信息后,同一购房人再次购买同一套房屋签约的,住建部门将在《存量房买卖合同信息表(纳税)》上记载价格变化。7月23日上海 Date place policy name policy points on July 2, guangdong on promoting the steady growth adjustable structure work we born several opinions on article 19 guangdong measure to promote the steady growth of adjustable structure born we work,The article 15 points out:Protect and improve the livelihood of the people。Strengthen supervise and check the,To ensure that this year ten a livelihood of the people seeking to finish。Strict implementation of national real estate regulation policy。The construction of a happiness guangdong will。On July 4,, shenzhen shenzhen 2012 reform plan put forward the reform plan,Will continue to perfect integral door system,In an important carrier for residence permit,To enter a integral parameter for basis,Establish the household register to the household register population demographic transition reasonable threshold and normal channel,Improving the household register population proportion。Plans are put forward,Moderate reduce a threshold,Clear a channel,Moderate production“Residence permit + social security”New door channel,Optimization degree talented person is a condition,Moderately relaxed policy SuiQian door conditions and investment tax QianHu policy requirements。On July 6, Shanghai concerning the adjustment of the city housing accumulation fund loan interest rates notice from July 6 up,Cut a personal housing accumulation fund loan interest rate。Five-year above personal housing accumulation fund loan interest rate from 4.70% down to 4.50%;Under five-year(Contain five years)Personal housing accumulation fund loan interest rate from 4.20% down to 4.00%。 From July 6, 2012 up,This city use loan of housing accumulation fund support indemnificatory housing construction pilot project loan,Loan interest rate in accordance with the above five-year personal housing accumulation fund loan interest rate rise 10% execution。On July 2, jiangsu concerning the adjustment of the housing accumulation fund base and proportion of notice housing accumulation fund capture puts base:The new base standard for lower limit is 1320 yuan,Upper limit is 13700 yuan。From July 1。Housing accumulation fund capture puts scale:Institutions housing accumulation fund capture puts scale from 10% to 12% adjustment,From July 1, 2011 start execution 。On July 6 hebei《Hebei province houses on state-owned land levy and compensation measures for the implementation》《way》Pointed out that carrying out the house collection shall first compensation、Move after,Is to regulate the houses on state-owned land levy and compensation activities,Security is collection building droit person(Hereinafter referred to as the taxed man)'s legitimate rights and interests。Also stipulates that any unit or individual may force of the expropriated removal。July 9 qingyuan accumulation fund policy adjustment from July 9 up qingyuan started accumulation fund the New Deal,First use of loan of housing accumulation fund to buy the first suite,Area in 90 square meters(Including 90 square meters)The following,Loan amount is 300000 yuan the following,Down from the original loan proportion of not less than 30% is adjusted for not less than 20%;Loan amount RMB 300000 yuan and 400000 yuan of the following,Loan head from the original proportion of not less than 40% is adjusted for not less than 30%。Model construction area of 90 square meters and in two sets of purchase loan of housing accumulation fund according to the original provisions。July 16 shenzhen shenzhen loan of housing accumulation fund management interim provisions》(draft)According to《provisions》,Accumulation fund loan loanable quota for the applicant and common applicant housing accumulation fund account balance 10 times;Worker individual application single set of housing accumulation fund highest limit for 500000 yuan,The applicant and common applicants apply along with all the single set of housing accumulation fund loan highest limit for 800000 yuan。this《provisions》Also showed,In shenzhen capture puts housing accumulation fund employees,In the second set of commercial housing purchase still can apply for accumulation fund loan。But the second set of housing accumulation fund personal housing loan proportion head shall not be lower than 50%,Lending rates over the same period shall not be lower than the first set of housing accumulation fund personal housing loan interest rate 1.1 times。At the same time,Stop to buy the third set of and above housing capture puts housing accumulation fund worker family issue of individual housing loan。July 20, Beijing on further strengthening building business contract management notice new measures to stop the second-hand house transaction of Yin and Yang contract through the secondary network sign means to tax avoidance,Notice will be from August 1st,。The latest notice provisions,In the second-hand housing transactions,Both parties sign the contract in the cancellation of network information,The same again the person that buy a house to buy the same set of housing signing,Live in JianBu goalkeeper《Stock room business contract information sheet(tax)》Recorded on a price changes。July 23, Shanghai


Apartment hotel to、hotel


apartment、Apartment building, etc

  作出解读为使购房者对相关概念的内涵有正确认识,避免产生误解,理智购房,现对酒店式公寓、公寓式酒店、公寓式办公楼等相关概念解读如下:酒店式公寓。酒店式公寓属于居住建筑,土地使用分类为住宅用地,房屋用途为居住,土地使用年限为 70 年。酒店式公寓的特殊性在于酒店式的管理,但其本质上仍是住宅,属于限购范围。7月23日南京
The interpretation to make the person that buy a house on the connotation of the related concepts have the correct understanding,To avoid misunderstanding,Reason buys,Now to hotel apartment、Apartment hotel、Apartment building and other related concept reading as follows:Apartments in the。Apartments belong to residential building,Land use classification land for housing,Building USES for the living,Land use fixed number of year for 70 years。The particularity of the serviced apartment in hotel management,But the essence is still house,Belongs to the scope of purchasing。July 23 nanjing


On further


To expand domestic demand pull if consumption

  干意见南京市住房公积金管理中心副主任陆世平明确指出,首套商品房纯公积金贷款最低首付为 2 成,可贷额度暂不提高。同时,《意见》亦指出,南京政府将积极支持人才住房消费,入选“321” 计划的人才,正常缴纳公积金的可优先享受公积金贷款;首次购买自住商品住房,视同南京户籍,并可按五年内个人所得税市以下留成部分,给予购房补贴。7月26日中山
Dry opinion nanjing housing accumulation fund management center, deputy director of the LiuShiPing explicitly pointed out,The first set of commercial housing provident fund loans minimum pure down to 2 into,But credit limit temporary don't improve。At the same time,《opinion》Also pointed out that,Nanjing government will actively support personnel housing consumption,selected“321” Plan talent,Normal pay accumulation fund can enjoy priority provident fund loans;For the first time to buy commercial housing from lives,Nanjing census register shall be regarded as,And according to five years of individual income tax under the city retained portion,Purchase subsidies to。July 26, zhongshan


On further regulating the public housing


Fund management of the relevant questions of the pass

  知套型建筑面积在 90 平方米(含)以下的,贷款首付款比例不得低于 20%;套型建筑面积在 90 平方米以上的,贷款首付款比例不得低于 30%。第二套住房公积金个人住房贷款的发放对象,限于购买改善居住条件的普通自住房的缴存职工家庭。使用住房公积金个人住房贷款购买家庭第二套自住房的,贷款首付款比例不得低于 50%,贷款利率不得低于同期首套住房公积金个人住房贷款利率的 1.1倍。7月26日上海关于进一步严格执行房地产市场各项调控政策的通知1、严格执行差别化住房信贷、税收和住房限售政策 2、加大保障房和普通商品房土地供应力度 3、严格按照房屋用途加强交易管理 4、下半年开展房地产市场调控政策执行情况检查,加强限购方面违法违规查处力度 5、大力加强住房保障 6、完善信息披露加强舆论引导。7月 31日北京约谈相关房地产企业北京市住建委相关人士表示,对于北京 5、6 月份楼市量价齐升的情况,住建委临时采取了对企业的约谈和告诫,在商品房预售审批过程中进行价格引导和监督。该人士续称,为了使北京房价合理回归,北京将继续从严执行住房限购政策。

Know model building area in 90 square meters(contain)The following,Loan proportion head shall not be lower than 20%;Model construction area of 90 square meters in the,Loan proportion head shall not be lower than 30%。The second set of housing accumulation fund the release of the personal housing loan object,Limited to purchase to improve living conditions of ordinary from the housing capture puts worker family。Use personal housing loan of housing accumulation fund to buy the second set of housing since the family,Loan proportion head shall not be lower than 50%,Lending rates over the same period shall not be lower than the first set of housing accumulation fund personal housing loan interest rate 1.1 times。July 26, Shanghai on further strict implementation of the real estate market regulation and control policy notice 1、Strict implementation of differentiation housing credit、Tax and housing limited sales policy 2、Increase security room and ordinary commercial housing land supply strength 3、In strict accordance with the housing use strengthen transaction management 4、In the second half of the real estate market regulation and control policy implementation inspection,Strengthen in purchasing illegal investigation dynamics 5、Vigorously strengthen housing safeguard six、Improve information disclosure strengthened public opinion guides。On July 31, Beijing questioning related real estate enterprise Beijing live is built appoint relevant personage says,5 for Beijing、June volume and price of the property market JiSheng,Live is built appoint a temporary taken to enterprise's questioning and warned,In the commodity house opens to booking a examination and approval process price guidance and supervision。This personage renewal says,In order to make the Beijing house price reasonable regression,Beijing will continue to strictly implement housing purchasing policy。
