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中赫夺北京万柳新地王 宋丹丹潘石屹“躺着中枪”--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中国经济网北京7月10日讯(记者 邓浩)7月10日下午,在北京万柳地块的激烈竞价拍卖中,中赫置地最终力压群雄摘得该地块,楼面价达3.38万元/平,刷新了北京单价地王纪录,其中承诺回购房竞拍面积16400平米。对此,知名地产评论人徽湖调侃道:“宋丹丹赢了!”

China JingJiWang Beijing on July 10,)(Reporter DengHao)On July 10, afternoon,In the Beijing wanliu block fierce bidding auction,In real estate the hittite eventually force a pressure took this plot,Floor price 33800 yuan/flat,Refresh the Beijing unit price record left,The commitment to purchase auction area of 16400 square meters。this,Well-known real estate to comment badge lake fun way:“BTV, won the!”


As a real estate businessmen ZhaoYuJi lady BTV, the famous actor,At the beginning of last year was because of the cannon Mr Pan event trigger netizens sustained attention,And the husband ZhaoYuJi BTV, the derivation of Hector chairman leaks news。At that time,BTV, even FaWei bo questioned Mr Pan have built JianWai SOHO“The Beijing scenery destroyed terribly”,and“for”Mr Pan“Don't cover the”。Mr Pan said the response,We welcome criticism and comment,“To work hard to build Beijing more beautiful。”


And remember that scene netizen“Sea broad TaoBo”said,The win in the hittite there“left”,Daniel and can take pan leg,“Look pan cheapskate,Look at our house。”SOHO China chairman Mr Pan is half jokingly replied:“Don't take this。”News and to cause many netizens for BTV, the husband ZhaoYuJi identity discussion。For ZhaoYuJi as chairman of the board of directors of the hittite rumors of news,The chairman of the board, said CaiHongYan media market:“The past”the。


In fact,ZhaoYuJi already in 2010 to leave home in the hittite,And in January 2011 remained as Beijing bo about investment management co., LTD., chairman of the board so far。


In the middle of May 2011,Have net friend kept each square meter 300000 yuan day price of diaoyutai 7 yuan for building BTV, the husband ZhaoYuJi developed。At that time,In micro BTV, the blog replied:“My husband has for this company(Of Hector)Work and has set up a file in the last year(In 2010,)leave。These floor and my house there is no relationship,Just like you did for TV television is not your home the same。Of course,I wish they are my home。”


新闻回顾:宋丹丹炮轰潘石屹事件 News review:BTV, the cannon Mr Pan event

  2011年1月17日,宋丹丹在微博上向潘石屹发问:“长安街南边那么好的位置,你盖了那么一大片难看极了的廉价楼(建外SOHO),把北京的景色毁得够呛,你后悔吗今天?求你了,不带这样的!”并于18日再次发微博炮轰:“我老公不让我说了,他说别太得罪人,可我真忍不住。潘总,我就是个演员没多少钱,我请你喝拉撒,别再盖楼了,真的,求你了!” 消息立即受到众多网民关注,并由此导致“丹丹体”的诞生,在网上风靡一时。

January 17, 2011,In micro BTV, the blog to ask Mr Pan:“Changan avenue south so good position,You cover so a large eyesore cheap floor(JianWai SOHO),The Beijing scenery destroyed terribly,You regret it today?please,Don't take this!”And in 18 FaWei bo shell again:“My husband doesn't let me said,He said don't be too upset people,But I really can't help。Pan total,I am an actor didn't have much money,I ask you had to drink,Don't cover the,really,please!” The news immediately by numerous netizen attention,And thus lead to“Daniel body”birth,On the Internet is all the rage。

  18日,潘石屹转发妻子张欣的望京SOHO效果图微博,并“请微博上朋友们点评”,之后又作出回应:“谢谢大家 ,建筑是大众的艺术,欢迎各位朋友的批判和点评。与我们一起努力把北京建设的更美好!” 对于此事件,任志强则表示,“小潘与丹丹上春晚,这个小品肯定火翻天!”

18,Mr Pan forwarding wife her writing skills through the thread of SOHO wangjing rendering micro bo,and“Please micro blog friends comment on”,Then respond:“Thank you ,Architecture is the art of the common people,Welcome each friend's criticism and comment on。Together with us to make Beijing more beautiful construction!” For this event,RenZhiJiang, said,“Pan and Daniel established on,This essay makes a sure fire!”


Cannon event at the same time cause for Mr BTV, the netizen leaks identity:“BTV, the current husband ZhaoYuJi,Born in 1954,Fudan university graduate student,In the hittite real estate investment holding co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors。”BTV, this is positive replied:“My husband is doing real estate”、“My husband did the President,But he is really not the boss。”this,RenZhiJiang said force's BTV,And reprimanded for users“BTV, the husband and Mr Pan conflict of interest”Guess is“Blind plait”。
