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男子卖房后房价飙升6倍 幻想损失300万刺死中介--亲稳网络舆情监控室


In recent years,Shanghai house prices climbing。And XuLei around the year 2004 in Shanghai to sell houses,Can be“A cruel twist of fate”。then,XuLei embarked on a different from ordinary extreme road:Because long-term concern with the oneself had sold、Now prices five、Six times house,Long live in regret、Remorse and in the desire for money,Psychological increasingly distortion,But under panic killed at the beginning to introduce myself for seller middleman。


At present,XuLei has suspicion of intentional homicide and necessity to qingpu procuratorate。Is soaring house prices caused XuLei tragedy?I'm afraid not all,More important, it XuLei own paranoia、Extreme and easy to despair of character。

  分得地块后盖房出售 After the division of the plot to sell houses


XuLei was born in 1974,Junior high school degree of culture,Have a criminal record,In 1994,,He had for larceny was sentenced to 11 years,In July 2003, be released after serving a sentence。

  此前,徐磊的户籍所在地青浦徐泾镇分了一个地块给他(该地块如今已属于某商品房小区)。 2003年9月,徐磊开始在这块地上盖房子。房子盖到两层时,一个名叫钱彬的人辗转通过朋友联系了徐磊,表示有人想买徐磊的房子。

after,XuLei of census register seat qingpu xu xujing town points a plot to give him(This plot now belongs to a commodity house village)。 In September of 2003,XuLei began in the house on the ground。House to two layer,The name of the one was QianBin people flounder through a friend contact the XuLei,Said that someone want to buy XuLei house。


At that time,In the field of QianBin boss Jansen a precision instrument company。Jansen want to in Shanghai for their children to purchase a bigger house used to live,Then through the QianBin contact to XuLei。


In QianBin and several other friends under advice,XuLei agreed to the haven't GaiHaoDe houses to sell Jansen,Building the rest of the capped、Exterior wall paint the work all by Jansen bear。In march of 2004,XuLei Jansen and signed a housing transfer contract,Clinch a deal the price is 450000 yuan RMB。

  房屋刚刚卖掉两个月后悔 House just sell two months regret


Sell the house after two months,XuLei began to regret it:He make house has spent nearly 160000 yuan,If the premises to sell Jansen words,The money why also take their own burden?Want to want to go to,He eventually found QianBin,said“House go too cheap,Request again Jansen compensation 160000 building)”。


At first,QianBin said Jansen sure don't want to take out the money。After the XuLei pester and keep on、Time and again under the requirements,Jansen finally agreed XuLei requirements,Both sides signed a supplementary agreement,Jansen gave XuLei 100000 yuan as compensation。So far,Housing clinch a deal valence has actually for 550000 yuan。


 房价大涨卖房人后悔不迭 House prices rose house regret incessantly


Get the after badly roughed up,A long period of time XuLei didn't put forward further requirements。however,In 2005,Shanghai house prices experienced a wave of rise,XuLei once again to sit still。He played for found Jansen,Say now that prices rose so much,For a little a bit Jansen compensation and now of the price of the house price difference;Or breach of contract will house back,On sale,Then press about pay Jansen a penalty。


Jansen agreed XuLei after a plan。after,XuLei began his long“Selling process”。The XuLei miss this you have to sell the house,Largely because in 2006 he and a WaiLaiMei marriage,Married two people successively in WaiDeGong work on the ground,Salary is not high。however,The Shanghai house price has been rising。XuLei think,This already does not belong to his house,Is he the only“capital”。


In 2009,,XuLei after a friend introduced,Find a willing to with 3 million yuan to buy this house of potential buyers。XuLei very happy,Contact Jansen says to bring people the past things。Jansen also issued a fit,Said can see,But must first pay 1 million yuan liquidated damages。Although the Numbers and the contract agreed 1.5 million yuan liquidated damages have been less than a third,But XuLei still don't have the money。therefore,XuLei did not able to success and the potential buyers a new purchase intention。It makes XuLei very angry,Can and helpless。


After a period of time,XuLei and found Jansen,Again request Jansen subsidies house price difference to him。the,XuLei Jansen not paying attention。Jansen think,You have and XuLei speak clearly:Don't give him badly roughed up,If XuLei to default call in building,The first according to the transfer of the terms of the contract,Give yourself a pay liquidated damages。

  千方百计找人无果心生绝望 Leave no stone unturned for someone without mind despair


After a long period of time,XuLei live in“In 3 million but away”Psychological shadow,To QianBin Jansen and two jealousy also daily dark long。


a,He bought the after watermelon knife,Came to the house that has been sold to Jansen house out Jansen,See after Jansen want up to cut him out,But Jansen early have to guard against,Fled into thin air。Jansen escape immediately after the alarm,Police also found XuLei,The persuade education。


Mood annoyed XuLei the next day and want to find Jansen“Talk about”,But the police had a guard against,XuLeiGang Jansen came at the door of the company,Defense team came to the scene,Shan shan XuLei had to go home,Heart was more annoyed。Then he and often call Jansen mobile phone,But never play through。


Find Jansen,XuLei remembered the QianBin。His house is QianBin matchmaking bypass,Now he wants to go and QianBin Jansen talk about a house。The QianBin Jansen is not the company's employees,But themselves and set up factories in,Open is also and Jansen the same precision instrument company。XuLei before and after QianBin looked for three times,Two QianBin in the factory,A time in QianBin home,But QianBin expressed that already and Jansen fell out,Broken relationship,There is no contact,And Suggestions XuLei to engage in a lawsuit。


However XuLei don't believe。His own judgment,And not only QianBin Jansen and contact,And relations should be very good。Unable to open gap find Jansen,This let him very despair。

  要房不成,心理扭曲生杀机 No room to,Psychological dangers in life


By the end of 2009,XuLei see get someone to hopelessness,And family to field site up work,Until January 2012 to return qingpu renting a house visit,The monthly rent is 700 yuan。Because there was no work,He and moving up the house's attention,Began to contact QianBin and Jansen。

  今年3月份,徐磊在钱彬的厂里找到了钱彬,问他是否有姚森的消息,钱彬说没有。至此,徐磊认定钱彬在推脱自己,认为这件事已“与己无关”。 “当时我卖房的时候你还拿过我的回扣,现在你倒觉得事不关己了? ”徐磊越想越气。

In march this year,XuLei QianBin in the factory found QianBin,Ask him if he has a Jansen news,QianBin said there was no。So far,XuLei QianBin determination in tergiversation himself,Think about it already“Has nothing to do with yourself”。 “At that time I hit you with my rebate,Now you think things have none of the? ”XuLei more think more gas。


time,XuLei cheat his wife said to go to work,Actually every day in processing outside house。At the same time,XuLei children also came into reading age,Need money,Therefore XuLei think the house will come back as soon as possible。At this time,XuLei psychological already close to collapse,He felt the only to save his family in poor dilemma,Is the house。If not back into the house,He has moved to Jansen pitfalls。


In may this year 7 in the evening,XuLei bought the fruit knife,Ready to find Jansen,Is the house problem“The last stop”。however,He did not in the house until Jansen outside。That night,He works in a net cafe in for the night。The next day,He is still in the Internet cafe spent inside。


On May 9, afternoon,XuLei Jansen came to the company,Although saw Jansen car,But no see others。In the evening,He again, and came to the house place,The results also did not see until morning Jansen。That night,XuLei came to the Internet cafe for the night,Has been sleeping by May 10, in the afternoon。

  惊慌之下连捅“中介”数刀 Panic under even tong“intermediary”Number knife


Clouds and overworked、Anxiety and chaotic life,Let XuLei mentality is increasingly desperate。At this time,He and moving up QianBin idea,Thought only make QianBin take yourself to find Jansen,It can solve。

  5月10日晚上8点,徐磊凭着自己记忆,找到了钱彬的家,然后找了附近一家网吧,在网吧里想如何逼他带自己去找姚森。 11日凌晨3:30,徐磊独自一人潜入钱彬屋内,在钱彬家卫生间内一根接一根地抽烟。等到快天亮时,徐磊摸索着来到屋子的三楼,在一间房间内找到了还在熟睡中的钱彬。

May 10 8 o 'clock in the evening,XuLei with his memory,Find the QianBin home,And then find a nearby an Internet cafe,In the Internet bar want to how to force him to take yourself to find Jansen。 At 3:30 in the morning 11,,XuLei alone into QianBin house,In QianBin inside toilet home a root grafting a root to smoke。Wait until fast at daybreak,XuLei gropingly came to the house of the third floor,In a room found also in the sleeping QianBin。

  徐磊坐在床边,拍了一下钱彬的肩膀,并叫醒了他。钱彬睁开眼,看到徐磊兀然坐在自己床边,顿时吓了一大跳,连忙坐起,抓住徐磊的左手,问:“你想干什么? ”

XuLei sitting on the bed,,Patted QianBin shoulder,And woke him。QianBin open my eyes,See XuLei haunters but sitting on his bed,Suddenly a scare,Hurriedly sit up,Seize the XuLei left hand,ask:“Do you want to do? ”

  当时,徐磊的右手藏在身后,手中握着水果刀。他本想找钱彬谈关于房子的事,此时一看钱彬抓着自己不放,顿时慌张起来。他想让钱彬放手,但已经受到惊吓的钱彬却死活不放,徐磊杀机顿起,亮出右手的水果刀,朝着钱彬胸口捅了一刀。这刀力度不大,徐磊本想钱彬吃痛之下必然松手,可没想到就算徐磊已经将钱彬从床上拖到了地上,钱彬依然不松手,口中大喊:“你为何要这样对我? ”

At that time,XuLei right hand hide behind you,Hands fruit knife。He wanted to talk about change endeared house,At this time a look QianBin grabbed his not to put,Suddenly flustered up。He wants to let QianBin to let go,But has been frightened QianBin but wouldn't hear of,XuLei dangers in the meal,Reveals the right hand fruit knife,QianBin toward chest poke a knife。This dao is strength,XuLei wanted to eat QianBin under pain will let go,However, even if XuLei has QianBin drag from the bed to the ground,QianBin still don't let go,Mouth Shouting:“Why do you want to do this to me? ”


At this time XuLei finally into madness,QianBin toward chest even a few knife stab,Finally a sword he ran out to stab to QianBin abdomen,Knife not to handle,From the point QianBin back to wear out。QianBin finally let go。

  徐磊意识到闯了大祸,慌张地从三楼跑下,在一楼碰到了钱彬的妻子,躲开了她的拦截,就此跑出了门。身后,是钱彬妻子声嘶力竭地大叫:“杀人了,杀人了! ”徐磊心中紧张害怕,浑身无力躲在附近一个灌木丛中不敢动。一个小时后,徐磊被警方抓获。

XuLei consciousness to rush the catastrophe,Restlessly from the third floor run down,On the first floor met QianBin wife,Away her interception,In this ran out of the door。behind,Is QianBin wife shouted desperately:“kill,kill! ”XuLei heart nervous fear,Was unable to hide in a nearby bushes dare not move。After an hour,XuLei caught by the police。


At present,XuLei has suspicion of intentional homicide,Be qingpu procuratorate approval of arrest,Waiting for his will be severely punished law。
