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周排行:上周住宅成交最高93套 新北区囊括前三甲--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  据365地产家居网统计数据显示:2012年7月2日至7月8日,常州市五大区共实现商品房签约1267套,总成交面积为132096.85平米。该周住宅成交853套(含别墅14套),成交面积为103810.78平米;商业成交162套(含车库51套),成交面积为12670.3平米;办公242套,成交面积为14265.22平米;公寓成交9套,签约面积为790.82平米,其它成交1套。商品房日均签约量为181套,住宅日均签约量为121套。 》》五区住宅均价涨503元/ 天宁两盘周签破百套

According to the 365 real estate home JuWang statistical data display:On July 2, 2012 to July 8,,Changzhou five regional common realize commodity house signing 1267 sets,The total area of 132096.85 square meters clinch a deal。This house clinch a deal 853 sets(Including villa and set),Clinch a deal area is 103810.78 square meters;Business clinch a deal 162 sets(Including garage 51 set),Clinch a deal area is 12670.3 square meters;Office 242 sets,Clinch a deal area is 14265.22 square meters;Apartment 9 clinch a deal,Signing covers an area of 790.82 square meters,Other clinch a deal 1 set。Commodity house daily signing quantity for 181 sets,Residential average daily signing quantity for 121 sets。 》》Five area residential average rose 503 yuan/day better two disc weeks sign break the set

  从环比数据上看,7月2日至7月8日的统计区间环比上个统计区间的商品房成交量下降了26%,下跌幅度有些大,但上个统计区间中成交的1700套商品房,是近期以来楼市少有的高成交,因此,7月2日至7月8日的成交数据还算是正常,与前几个月的周成交量相比也毫不逊色。 》》商品房签约1700套创新高 某盘连续两周签约破百

Look from the link data,On July 2, to July 8 statistical interval link on a statistical interval of commodity house turnover fell 26%,Some big declines,But on a statistical interval of 1700 sets of commodity house clinch a deal,Since the recent property market is one of the high clinch a deal,therefore,On July 2, to July 8, to clinch a deal the data is normal,And a few months before the week turnover also no less than。 》》Signed commercial housing 1700 sets a new high a disk continuous two weeks break the contract

  从本统计区间内的住宅排行榜上可以看出,位于新北区的龙城第一大盘绿都万和城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图以93套的签约成绩排在第一名,据了解,绿都万和城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图三期毗陵郡12#、13#楼6月30日开盘,一小时内房源去化近200套。在刚刚落下帷幕的上半年,在住宅成交统计数据中,绿都万和城也以不错的成绩排在前10名之内,相信伴随着一次次的热销,绿都万和城的下半年也会有精彩的表现。 》》上半年住宅成交排行出炉 武进某盘签965套力压群芳

From the statistical interval residential charts can be seen,Located in the north of the first plate which is green and city project details owner community photo album model family video map to the signing of 93 sets of ranked in the first place,It is understood,All green and city project details owner community photo album model family video map the third phase of PI ling county 12 #、13 # floor opened on June 30,One hour availability to change nearly 200 sets。In just the first half of to drop the curtain,Clinch a deal in the residence in the statistical data,All green and city also with good results row in 10,Believe that with time to sell like hot cakes,Green and all of the second half of the city will have excellent performance。 》》In the first half of the residential clinch a deal a ranking wujin a plate sign 965 sets force recalled


Second is the oasis TianYi city project details owner community photo album model family video map,A total of 53 sets clinch a deal;Oasis TianYi city project details owner community photo album model family video map and green all and city the same day opening price,Opening day jin pin seventy percent。And Kowloon bin prosperous project details in the community photo album model family video map to continue to force,Sign the 50 sets of housing in the list。Once upon a time three project can be seen,Before the top are all new north district scored,Each building dish the price small difference。

  从7月6日开始,央行开始下调金融机构人民币存贷款基准利率。金融机构一年期存款基准利率下调0.25个百分点,一年期贷款基准利率下调0.31个百分点;其他各档次存贷款基准利率及个人住房公积金存贷款利率相应调整。因此很多业内畅言三季度楼市时均表示,这次降息再次给楼市增添又一利好,给7月楼市开了个好头。因时间较短,本统计区间内的成交量受降息影响的表现还不明显,但相信随着7月份新房源的入市和利好政策的刺激,接下来的楼市不会让大家失望。(HOUSE365新闻中心 吴海丽)

From July 6, start,The central bank began to cut financial organ renminbi the benchmark interest rates。Financial institutions the benchmark one-year deposit rate by 0.25%,The benchmark one-year lending rate by 0.31%;The other class the benchmark interest rates and personal housing accumulation fund loan interest rate adjustment accordingly。So a lot of the third quarter when news soufangwang property are said,The rate cut to the property market again and add a bullish,To July market off to a great start。Because of the relatively short time,The statistical interval by the volume rate the performance of the effect is not obvious,But believe that with the new houses in July the market and good policy stimulus,The next market won't let you down。(HOUSE365 news center WuHaiLi)


周排行:上周住宅成交最高93套 新北区囊括前三甲


(绿都万和城效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (All green and city rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP1:绿都万和城 top1:Green all and city


所在区域 area


The new north district


成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


93套 93 sets


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


9228.08 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


5902.7 8772.16 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


All green and city three phase PI ling county 12 #、More than 13 # floor room in the sale,Family area of 93-102 square meters,Average price is in 6000 yuan/or so。Houses are expected to December 31, 2013 delivery。At present the preferential:Hand over 5000 to 10000,For a one-time payment of 98 fold,A loan of 99 fold。


绿都万和城绿都万和城 Green all and city(住宅)[新北区]开发商:常州绿都房地产有限公司地址:新北飞龙生活区,北依龙城大道,南至飞龙南路咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 6611历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[new north district] developers:Changzhou green all real estate co., LTD address:The new north dragon living quarters,According to the north avenue cooper,South to dragon south road consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 6611 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community周排行:上周住宅成交最高93套 新北区囊括前三甲


(绿洲天逸城高层效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (Oasis TianYi city high-rise rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP2:绿洲天逸城 TOP2:Oasis TianYi city


所在区域 area


The new north district


成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


53套 53 sets


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


5803.11 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


5051.72 10320.25 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


Oasis TianYi city 10 # and scene throne in the sale,91-128 square meters four family,A total of 157 sets,Average price 5600 yuan/square meters,Houses are expected to July 31, 2014 delivery。10 # floor points methyl ethyl two units,Armour unit 2 ladder 2 door,For F family,Divided into 125 and 128 two;B unit 2 ladder 3 households,Family is D1(113)、B1(91-95)、E1 family(116)。


绿洲天逸城绿洲天逸城 Oasis TianYi city(住宅)[新北区]开发商:常州绿洲置业有限公司地址:汉江西路与龙江路交汇处咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 4942历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[new north district] developers:Changzhou oasis real estate co., LTD. Address:Hanjiang river west road and longjiang road interchange consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 4942 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community周排行:上周住宅成交最高93套 新北区囊括前三甲(九龙仓繁华里项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图景观效果图. HOUSE365新房中心) (Kowloon bin prosperous project details in the community photo album model family video map landscape rendering. HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP3:九龙仓繁华里 TOP3:Kowloon bin in the prosperous


所在区域 area


The new north district


成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


50套 50 sets of


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


5432.87 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


6289.94 6450.15 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


July 7,Kowloon bin the third“Small artist summer camp”Official of the PLA garrison in。Kowloon bin in the prosperous 30 # floor 253-263 square meters from scene throne,Will present collection,Please pay close attention to!At present 29 # floor in the sale,A total of 33 layer,Family area of 97-123 square meters,Average price for 6500 yuan/square meters,Enjoy 30000 buy over 50000 preferential。Houses in December 2014 is expected to deliver。Another 26、28、31 # buildings and a few more room in the sale,Average price 6500 yuan/square meters。Project example room already open,Interested customers can visit。


九龙仓繁华里九龙仓繁华里 Kowloon bin in the prosperous(住宅)[新北区]开发商:九龙仓(常州)置业有限公司地址:东近龙业路、南靠河海东路、西临巫山路、北临珠江路咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 7071历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[new north district] developers:Kowloon bin(changzhou)Real estate co., LTD. Address:LongYe near east road、South by hohai road、West near wushan road、The pearl river in the north road consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 7071 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community周排行:上周住宅成交最高93套 新北区囊括前三甲


(光龙庭效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (Flying light rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP4:阳光龙庭 TOP4:Sunshine flying


所在区域 area




成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


And set


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


3951.21 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


6660.24 7565.47 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic

  阳光龙庭下半年预计推出二期39#楼,总高33层,甲乙两单元,2梯4户,共253户。33#楼在售,面积86-130,具体一房一价,购房享受老带新优惠。2期部分余房在售,户型面积76-140,均价7200-7500元/,现有老带新优惠,新客户享减免2000元优惠, 老客户获赠1000元购物卡。购房一次性付款97折、商贷98折、公贷99折。另外龙锦路商铺在售,户型面积46-313左右,均价14000元/,还有10多套铺源,一次性付款97折、商贷98折。

The sun in the second half of the second phase is expected to flying launched 39 # floor,Total height and layer,Methyl ethyl two unit,2 ladder 4 families,A total of 253 households。33 # floor in the sale,Area of 86-130,A specific room and a price,Enjoy with the old and new preferential。Phase 2 more than part of the room in the sale,Family area of 76-140,Average price 7200-7500 yuan /,The existing old take new preferential,New customers enjoy derate 2000 yuan preferential, And old customers receive 1000 yuan loyalty card。Purchase for a one-time payment of 97 fold、Business credit 98 fold、The male 99 loan discount。In addition LongJin road shops in the sale,Door area 46-313 or so,Average price 14000 yuan /,There are more than 10 sets of source shop,For a one-time payment of 97 fold、Business credit 98 fold。


阳光龙庭阳光龙庭 Sunshine flying(住宅)[天宁区]开发商:常州北辰置业有限公司地址:天宁区永宁北路和龙锦路交叉口咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 7435历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[TianNingOu] developers:Changzhou beichen real estate co., LTD. Address:TianNingOu yongning north road and road intersection LongJin consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 7435 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community周排行:上周住宅成交最高93套 新北区囊括前三甲


(中央花园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (The central garden project details owner community photo album model family video map rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP5:中央花园项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图 top5:The central garden project details owner community photo album model family video map


所在区域 area


The new north district


成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


And set


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


3046.86 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


4060.9 8364.1 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


The whole project of the central garden with 13、15、21 # floor has not yet been launched,21 # buildings expected this year 9、Launched in October,A total of about 150 sets of houses,Family have yet to determine;13 #、15 # floor is expected to launch the first half of next year,Specific information required。At present the main in the sale 16、19 # floor,The two buildings are 33 layer,2 ladder 4 families,Houses after folding 7500-8000 yuan /。16 # floor area of 90.85、141.47,On March 28, 2014 delivery;19 # floor area of 85.4、139.1 square meters,In December 2013 is expected to deliver。


中央花园中央花园 The central garden(住宅)[新北区]开发商:中国百兴集团江苏武房集团地址:新北晋陵北路以东,外环路以南咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 6047历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[new north district] developers:China the xing group jiangsu wu room group address:The new north road JinLing edom,South of outer hoop consulting telephone:400-8181-365 to 6047 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community(新城香溢紫郡项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心)(新城香溢紫郡项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (Newcastle incense overflowing purple county project details owner community photo album model family video map rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP6:新城香溢紫郡项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图 TOP6:Newcastle incense overflowing purple county project details owner community photo album model family video map


所在区域 area




成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


And set


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


2607.3 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


6446.95 7468.56 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


City incense overflowing purple county in the second half of the estimated listed 80000 square house。Incense overflowing micro film《Love stars experience》Summer strong files released all!Another project is expected to push on July 14 and 18 # floor(80-130 square meters)And 10 # floor of a unit 01 chamber(109 square meters),About 100 pieces。Now we charge of gold,Hand over 5000 to 50000。At present the second phase of cui division 9 #、19 #、20 # in the sale,Average price 5600 yuan/square meters。


新城香溢紫郡新城香溢紫郡 Newcastle incense overflowing purple county(住宅)[天宁区]开发商:常州新城房产开发有限公司地址:天宁龙城大道与青洋路交界处咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 5449历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[TianNingOu] developers:Changzhou city real estate development co., LTD. Address:Day better cooper avenue and blue ocean road intersection consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 5449 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community(申达林与城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心)(申达林与城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (ShenDaLin and city project details owner community photo album model family video map rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP7:申达林与城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图 TOP7:ShenDaLin and city project details owner community photo album model family video map


所在区域 area


Tower area


成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


23 set


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


3011.52 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


6559.96 6567.3 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


ShenDaLin and city is expected to launch the second half of a penalty of layer,Mass for 09000 square,About 50 sets of。At present there are 56 # floor around 20 sets of houses in the sale,Area of 110-143,Two-way balcony,Average price for 7000 yuan /,For a one-time payment of 97 fold、Business credit 98 fold。Building no. 55 have been added push,A total of 72 sets of houses and push,Area of 110-143,Average price for 7000 yuan /。In addition,ShenDaLin and city is expected to add new houses in the second half of the tyre。


申达林与城申达林与城 ShenDaLin and city(住宅)[钟楼区]开发商:江苏申达集团地址:钟楼区茶花路与水杉路交汇处咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 7064历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[clock tower area] developers:Jiangsu "as a group address:Clock tower area camellia road and red wood road interchange consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 7064 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community周排行:上周住宅成交最高93套 新北区囊括前三甲


(星河国际项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (The Milky Way international project details owner community photo album model family video map rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP8:星河国际项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图 TOP8:The Milky Way international project details owner community photo album model family video map


所在区域 area


Wujin district


成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


23 set


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


3890.97 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


8016-14890.61 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


The international gold street,Acquisition world prosperous。The Milky Way international southern block planning has more than 20 sets of shops,Area range from 70 to 280,North block planning has more than 50 between shops,Area from 50 to 280,Street all,5.7 metres high,Scarce sale,Urban core,International a person of extraordinary powers curtilage location,In 2012, changzhou best shops investment opportunities。


星河国际星河国际 Milky Way international(住宅)[武进区]开发商:常州星河协通房地产开发有限公司地址:武进长虹路和武宜路十字路口咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 8421历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[wujin district] developers:Changzhou Milky Way of xietong real estate development co., LTD. Address:Wujin changhong road and WuYi road intersection consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 8421 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community(绿地白金汉宫项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心)(绿地白金汉宫项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (Green Buckingham Palace project details owner community photo album model family video map rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP9:绿地白金汉宫项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图 TOP9:Green Buckingham Palace project details owner community photo album model family video map


所在区域 area


Wujin district


成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


20 sets of


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


2462.39 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


5605.6 6775.48 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


Green Buckingham Palace is expected to be used starting at the end of main edition binding,At present,The second phase of lang court room more than 5888 yuan/up,A specific room and a price;A period edition binding houses A1、A3 average price for 9000 yuan/or so,Purchase enjoy discount;A2、A5 average price for 8500 yuan/or so,85 the enjoy discount。


绿地白金汉宫绿地白金汉宫 Green Buckingham Palace(住宅)[武进区]开发商:常州绿地云峰置业有限公司地址:聚湖路武宜路路口咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 7719历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[wujin district] developers:Changzhou green yunfeng real estate co., LTD. Address:Poly lake LuWu appropriate road intersection consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 7719 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community周排行:上周住宅成交最高93套 新北区囊括前三甲


(新城域项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (New metro project details owner community photo album model family video map rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP10:新城域项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图 top10:New metro project details owner community photo album model family video map


所在区域 area


Wujin district


成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


18 sets


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


2002.38 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


5254.28 5437.81 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


New metro building 35, a unit、Building no. 37 ethyl unit 02 and 03 chamber already on July 7, in addition push,A total of 120 sets of houses,Area of 80-130,Average price is in 5600-6300 yuan/or so,Just one hour,Clinch a deal up to 9 into。


新城域新城域 New metro(住宅)[武进区]开发商:新城地产地址:武进人民路和夏城路交汇处咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 8859历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[wujin district] developers:New city real estate address:Wujin renmin street and XiaCheng road interchange consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 8859 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community(银河湾明苑项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图实景图 HOUSE365新房中心)(银河湾明苑项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图实景图 HOUSE365新房中心) (The silver river bend Ming yuan project details owner community photo album model family video map live-action diagram HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP11:银河湾明苑项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图 top11:The silver river bend Ming yuan project details owner community photo album model family video map


所在区域 area




成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


17 sets of


成交面积: Clinch a deal area:


4043.71 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


9574.95 12962.55 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


The silver river bend Ming yuan 250-450 out of print villa,Downtown tongji bridge Banks,300000 square scarce villa resources,17000 yuan /;29 # floor floor WangDaPing layer a few houses in the sale,9800 yuan /。


银河湾明苑银河湾明苑 Silver river bend Ming yuan(住宅)[天宁区]开发商:常州华光房地产开发有限公司地址:天宁区劳动东路,原齿轮厂地块咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 5165历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[TianNingOu] developers:Changzhou uh guano real estate development co., LTD. Address:TianNingOu labor road,The original gear block consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 5165 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community周排行:上周住宅成交最高93套 新北区囊括前三甲


(聚湖雅苑项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (Poly lake YaYuan project details owner community photo album model family video map rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP12:聚湖雅苑项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图 top12:Poly lake YaYuan project details owner community photo album model family video map


所在区域: area:


Wujin district


成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


15 sets of


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


1667.54 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


5138.28 5201.09 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


Poly lake YaYuan 12 # floor 50 sets of special suite 4642-5159 yuan /;4、16 # floor a few more than large family room in the sale,Price 5000-6000 yuan /,A specific room and a price,Purchase enjoy preferential payment,One-time payment price minus 20000,Business credit total price minus 10000。


聚湖雅苑聚湖雅苑 Together YaYuan lake(住宅)[武进区]开发商:常州淹城投资开发有限公司地址:长江路与金鸡路交汇处咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 3482历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[wujin district] developers:Changzhou yancheng investment development co., LTD. Address:Changjiang road and golden road interchange consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 3482 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community周排行:上周住宅成交最高93套 新北区囊括前三甲


(国泰名都项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (Cathay Pacific names project details owner community photo album model family video map rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP13:国泰名都项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图 top13:Cathay Pacific names project details owner community photo album model family video map


所在区域 area




成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


15 sets of


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


1766.15 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


8523.43 8559.32 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


Cathay Pacific names three period against the 8、9 # floor the central landscape floor wang June 2 grand opening,Area of 80-130,28 layer,2 ladder 3 households and 2 ladder four door,We accept booking sincerity gold,Hand over 10000 preferential 30000。


国泰名都国泰名都 Cathay Pacific names(住宅)[天宁区]开发商:常州国泰建设发展有限公司地址:天宁区兰陵路与光华路交界的原交警支队地块销售热线:0519-88359999历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[TianNingOu] developers:Changzhou cathay construction development co., LTD. Address:TianNingOu lanling road and the junction of the original GuangHuaLu traffic police detachment block sales hotline:0519-88359999 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community周排行:上周住宅成交最高93套 新北区囊括前三甲


(御城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (The city project details owner community photo album model family video map rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP14:御城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图 top14:The city project details owner community photo album model family video map


所在区域 area


Wujin district


成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


14 sets of


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


1761.99 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


5740.98 8044.09 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


July 8,,The city lake view floor wang 88 # floor 92 fold time limit and push,200-240 real floor between example public glory。


周排行:上周住宅成交最高93套 新北区囊括前三甲御城 Imperial city(住宅)[武进区]开发商:常州宏骏房地产开发有限公司地址:武进区常武路与长虹路交界处大转盘向东100米咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 4035历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[wujin district] developers:Changzhou macro jun real estate development co., LTD. Address:Wujin district ChangWu road and changhong road intersection big rotary to the east 100 meters consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 4035 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community周排行:上周住宅成交最高93套 新北区囊括前三甲


(大名城(600094,股吧)项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (Big city(600094,guba)Project details owner community photo album model family video map rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP15:大名城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图 top15:Big city project details owner community photo album model family video map


所在区域 area


The new north district


成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


14 sets of


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


1594.78 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


6425.76 6442.09 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


Big city one-time development,370000 square east side block unified delivery。At present 56 #、57 # and # floor in the sale,In the sale minimum family is 123 square meters,In the housing source average price is in 7000 yuan/square meters or so,Purchase for a one-time payment of 98 fold,A loan of 99 discount。


大名城大名城 Big city(住宅)[新北区]开发商:东福名城(常州)置业发展有限公司地址:飞龙中路与华山路交汇处,华山南路9号咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 6658历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[new north district] developers:East f city(changzhou)Real estate development co., LTD. Address:Dragon the middle and on the huashan road interchange,Huashan south road 9 consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 6658 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community(城置御水华庭项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心)(城置御水华庭项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (City buy the Minneapolis water project details owner community photo album model family video map rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP16:滨江明珠城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图 top16:Riverside pearl city project details owner community photo album model family video map


所在区域 area


The new north district


成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


14 sets of


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


1389.74 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


4974.68 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


Riverside pearl city project details owner community photo album model family video map 19 # floor has opened on July 8。19 # floor total height 20 layer,2 unit 2 ladder 4 families,A total of 175 sets of houses,Door area in 91-147 square meters,Average price is in 5200-5300 yuan /,Clinch a deal valence in 5000-5100 yuan /。The 96 at present discount,Total price minus ten thousand。


滨江明珠城滨江明珠城 Binjiang pearl city(住宅)[新北区]开发商:常州奕淳房地产开发有限公司地址:新北区新桥镇咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 8654历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[new north district] developers:Changzhou of game chun real estate development co., LTD. Address:The new north district XinQiaoZhen consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 8654 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community(城置御水华庭项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心)(城置御水华庭项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (City buy the Minneapolis water project details owner community photo album model family video map rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP17:城置御水华庭 top17:City buy the Minneapolis water


所在区域 area


Tower area


成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


13 sets


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


1493.91 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


6813.61 7270.07 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic

  城置御水华庭二期8#、9#、10#、11#、12#、13#、18#楼在售,户型有80平舒适两房, 88平精致小三房, 140平米左右三房子及170平米四房。价格在6800-7000元之间。目前购房优惠是一次性付款98折,贷款99折。8#、9# 、10#、11#楼将于明年五月交付;12#、18#楼明年年底交付,而13#楼将于明年8月份交付。

City buy the Minneapolis water the second phase of 8 #、9 #、10 #、11 #、12 #、13 #、18 # floor in the sale,Family has 80 flat comfortable two rooms, 88 flat delicate small three room, 140 square meters or so three house and 170 square meters four room。The price is in 6800-7000 yuan between。At present the preferential is for a one-time payment of 98 fold,A loan of 99 fold。8 #、9 # 、10 #、11 # floor next year may delivery;12 #、18 # floor delivered by the end of next year,13 # floor next August delivery。


城置御水华庭城置御水华庭 City buy the Minneapolis water(住宅)[钟楼区]开发商:常州城置置业有限公司地址:钟楼区勤业北路与劳动西路交汇处(勤业欧尚对面)咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 3168历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[clock tower area] developers:Changzhou city buy real estate co., LTD. Address:Clock tower area industry north road and the road interchange(Qin auchan opposite)Consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 3168 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community(银河湾第一城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心)(银河湾第一城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (The silver river bend the first city project details owner community photo album model family video map rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP18:银河湾第一城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图 top18:The silver river bend the first city project details owner community photo album model family video map


所在区域 area


The new north district


成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


13 sets


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


1624.68 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


4329.19 7055.18 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


The silver river bend the first city and # floor July 22, opening,27 floors,A total of 188 sets of houses,Family area of 93、98、120、130、170 square meters,The hanging gardens are presented。Is currently a,Hand over 5000 to 10000。Former 100 members enjoy 5700-6490 yuan/preferential price,101-150 members enjoy 6500-6790 yuan /,151-200 members enjoy the 6800-7400 yuan/preferential price。


银河湾第一城银河湾第一城 The silver river bend the first city(住宅)[新北区]开发商:常州华光房地产开发有限公司地址:新北长江中路与飞龙西路向南100米咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 3163历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[new north district] developers:Changzhou uh guano real estate development co., LTD. Address:The new north the Yangtze river middle and dragon west road to the south 100 meters consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 3163 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community(凤凰湖壹号项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心)(凤凰湖壹号项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (The order of the phoenix lake one number project details owner community photo album model family video map rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP19:凤凰湖壹号项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图 top19:The order of the phoenix lake one number project details owner community photo album model family video map


所在区域 area


The new north district


成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


13 sets


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


1355.68 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


4475.73 5653.47 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


The order of the phoenix lake one number in the sale family area of 92、142 square meters,High average price 4500 yuan/square meters,Small family average price is in 5200 yuan/square meters or so;Houses average price is in 6000 yuan/square meters or so,According to the specific suite door model and floor one bedroom and one price。Now purchase for a one-time payment of 93 fold,Business credit 97 discount,Accumulation fund loan without privileges。Is expected to top 2013 delivery in October,Houses expected in October 2012 delivery,They would not rule out the possibility of early delivery。


凤凰湖壹号凤凰湖壹号 The order of the phoenix lake one number(住宅)[新北区]开发商:常州佳兆业房地产开发有限公司地址:新北汉江路以北薛冶路以东咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 8527历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[new north district] developers:Changzhou good trillion industry real estate development co., LTD. Address:The new north hanjiang river north of road XueYe road edom consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 8527 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community(金色领寓项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图商务广场效果图 HOUSE365新房中心)(金色领寓项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图商务广场效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (Golden collar house project details owner community photo album model family video map rendering business square HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP20:金色领寓项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图 TOP20:Golden collar house project details owner community photo album model family video map


所在区域 area


Tower area


成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


12 sets of


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


1183.78 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


6091.99 6742.4 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


Golden collar house 2 #、8 #、10 # floor in the sale,Average price 6000-7000 yuan/square meters,Purchase for a one-time payment of 95 fold、A loan of 97 discount。2 # floor total height 25 layer,1 unit 2 ladder 4 families,Family area of 87.95、107.14 square meters;8、10 # buildings 11 layer,1 ladder 2 families,Two units,Area ranging from 87-123。The project is expected to 10 building in May 2013 with 30 days before delivery。


金色领域金色领域 Golden fields()[]开发商:地址:销售热线:历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

()[] developers:address:Sales hotline:Historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community周排行:上周住宅成交最高93套 新北区囊括前三甲


(新城金郡项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (Newcastle JinJun project details owner community photo album model family video map rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP21:新城金郡项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图 TOP21:Newcastle JinJun project details owner community photo album model family video map


所在区域 area




成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


11 sets of


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


1371.87 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


11703.05 14485.31 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


New city gold county 6 # floor in the sale,Average price 13000 yuan/or so,Need to purchase discount to the scene consultation;Phase 2 10 #、11 # floor in the sale,Area of 80-130,Average price 11000-12000 yuan /;1 period have houses in the sale,Area of 80-170,Average price 14000 yuan/or so,All houses 99 enjoy discount,Otherwise the manner of payment preferential!Phase 2 shops in the sale,30-80.,30-80.,Average price 35000 yuan/or so。


新城金郡新城金郡 New town JinJun(住宅)[天宁区]开发商:新城地产地址:天宁劳动西路以南,原常州灯芯绒厂咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 4078历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[TianNingOu] developers:New city real estate address:Day better labor south of west road,The original changzhou corduroy factory consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 4078 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community周排行:上周住宅成交最高93套 新北区囊括前三甲


(金域丹堤项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图效果图 HOUSE365新房中心) (JinYu Dan dike project details owner community photo album model family video map rendering HOUSE365 bridal chamber center)


TOP22:金域丹堤项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图 TOP22:JinYu Dan dike project details owner community photo album model family video map


所在区域 area


Tower area


成交套数 Clinch a deal the number sets


11 sets of


成交面积 Clinch a deal area


1280.45 square meters


累计均价 Cumulative average


6509.49 7339.89 yuan/square meters


最新动态 The latest dynamic


JinYu Dan embankment 1 # and 13 # floor a few houses in the sale。The 1 # floor about 30 to 40 sets of houses around,About 120 - the family is in the majority,13 # buildings about 50 to 60 sets of houses,About 120 flat door model and 90 - around the family。2 building price is 5398 yuan per square up,13 # floor price is a little bit more expensive price point to 6200 yuan per square or so!


金域丹堤金域丹堤 JinYu Dan embankment(住宅)[武进区]开发商:常州万骏置业有限公司地址:武进区降子路与金鸡东路交汇处咨询电话:400-8181-365 转 4933历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区

(residential)[wujin district] developers:Changzhou WanJun real estate co., LTD. Address:Wujin district drop zi lu and golden road interchange consultation telephone:400-8181-365 to 4933 historical price|Sales dynamic|Sells family|Building photo album|Owner community
