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October 26 morning,Vice minister of transportation XuZu far Beijing hosting a water transport industry colloquium,And from the part of the province of the department in charge of transportation/Various enterprises and industry associations and representatives around waterway transportation development face situation and the existing problem of the exchange.
The delegates analysis the current global and China water transportation development situation,Discuss the 2013 waterway transportation key work.The delegates suggest the country has issued the relevant supporting policies for the shipping industry,Vigorously develop the domestic main shipping enterprise control of resource and energy transport fleet,Control on new capacity,Increase the dismantling the old ship dynamics,Reduce shipping enterprise tax rate,To adjust and perfect the port price mechanism,Actively explore"Tax-for-fees reform"Optimization system,To speed up the promotion of China's cruise industry development,Speed up the part of the Yangtze river reach channel regulation, etc.
XuZuYuan said,By the international financial crisis impact,The shipping industry is facing the huge difficulties and challenges,But the global economy integration trend will not change,The world trade from maritime transport.On the one hand,Enterprise as the main body of the market,Should be rational development,Law-abiding business,Innovation mode of operation/Optimize industrial structure/Improve the modern enterprise system,Advance shipping service innovation,Strengthen and downstream industry chain enterprise communication and cooperation;On the other hand,The government should strengthen the industry the macroeconomic regulation and control,Strengthen water transportation development strategy and planning research,Encourage infrastructure investment policy innovation,Strictly investigate and prosecute all illegal management behavior,Propulsion ship capacity structure adjustment,To speed up the water transportation industry development mode change.
XuZuYuan requirements,The relevant waterway unit should conscientiously implement the scientific concept of development,To do a good job security and stability,With the excellent result to meet the party's eighteen big victory held.
- 全国农村公路现场会今日开幕 -2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和国交--亲稳舆论
- 2020年基本建成绿色循环低碳交通运输体系-2013年05月新闻-中华人--亲稳网络
- 冯正霖在吉林调研公路养护管理工作时提出:为公路交通长远科学发--亲稳网络
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- 国际运输论坛聚焦投融资长远之策 翁孟勇在论坛峰会上发言-2013年--亲稳舆论
- 长江口两年大船通过量增近19倍-2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和国交--亲稳网络
- 智能运输大会暨卫星导航服务展览开幕-2013年05月新闻-中华人民共--亲稳网络
- 五大行动培育践行行业核心价值体系-2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和--亲稳网络
- 长江全面进入防汛备战阶段 长航局着力9个重点保安全-2013年05月--亲稳网络
- 海军第十三批护航编队凯旋 -2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和国交通--亲稳网络
- 道路运输车辆展关注安全低碳 -2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和国交--亲民维稳
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- 第二届校车发展研讨会暨展览会7月开幕-2013年05月新闻-中华人民--亲民维稳
- 京杭运河苏鲁段推进船舶油改气试点-2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和--亲稳网络