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4月份交通运输经济运行情况总体平稳增速回落 -2013年05月新闻-中--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
a/Transport slow production stability
The first,A slight drop in passenger traffic growth of the whole society.In April,,Passenger traffic in the whole society/3.24 billion and 281.1 billion passenger-kilometer passenger turnover, respectively,Year-on-year growth of 5.9% and 6.4%,1.8 and 2.7% growth slowed from a year earlier.Among them,Railway passenger traffic/Passenger turnover growth of 6.4% and 6.4% respectively,0.7 and 4.3% growth slowed from a year earlier;Highway passenger traffic/Passenger turnover growth of 5.9% and 5.9% respectively,2.1 and 2.8% growth slowed from a year earlier;The civil aviation passenger traffic/Passenger turnover growth of 9.2% and 9.2% respectively,Growth is higher than the rail/Roads and in the same period last year level.
From January to April,The total passenger Numbers in the whole society/13.2 billion and 1.1817 trillion passenger-kilometer passenger turnover, respectively,Year-on-year growth of 6.0% and 8.1%,Growth was slow 2.3 and speed up 1.2% over the same period last year.
In the second,Freight and cargo turnover slowed in the whole society.In April,,The whole society freight/Freight turnover is 3.56 billion tons and 1.3778 trillion tonkilometers, respectively,Year-on-year growth of 8.6% and flat compared with last year,3.6 and 10.3% growth year-on-year fall back.Among them,Railway freight volume/Freight turnover fell by 6.5% and 5.4%,At a quarter to further expand;Highway freight volume/Freight turnover increased by 10.9% and 10.9%,Dropped 2.7 and 2.5%;Waterway freight volume continues to grow slightly,Freight turnover has fallen dramatically.
From January to April,The total volume of the whole society/Freight turnover is 13.39 billion tons and 5.491 trillion tonkilometers, respectively,Year-on-year growth of 8.9% and 4.9%,2.5 and 5.7% growth year-on-year fall back.Among them,Railway freight volume/Freight turnover all appear to drop slightly;Highway freight volume/Freight turnover is still maintained a double-digit growth,But growth fell back 2 to 3%;Waterway freight volume/Freight turnover growth tends to slow,The goods has dropped sharply in the turnover growth of about 9% to 1.9%.Since the beginning of this year,Railway freight volume drop to expand from month to month,Waterway freight turnover growth dropped month by month,And negative in April.
(2)/Port key material transportation smoothly as a whole
In April,,The port cargo throughput up 7.6% from a year earlier,The foreign trade throughput up 4.9% from a year earlier,Compared with the same period last year growth dropped 0.6 and 9.2% respectively;1 to port cargo throughput increased by 9.4% in April,Including foreign trade throughput increased by 8.3%.
Look from the main goods class,January to march,The slowdown in demand/Rising inventories, among other factors,Port coal and products throughput increased by 7.3% over the scale,Down by 1.8%,Coal imports of foreign trade growth of 39.7%;Overall weak demand due to the oil market,Port above designated size oil and gas and product throughput by 0.3%,Crude oil imports increased by 2.6%;Affected by the current steel industry operation situation has improved,Metal ore port throughput increased by 8.2% over the scale,Iron ore imports grew by 5.3%.
three/Highway water investment situation continued to improve,Growth is accelerated
In April,,Highway waterway completed investment in fixed assets of 108 billion yuan,Up 7.6% from a year earlier.Among them,Highway construction completed investment of 95.4 billion yuan,Up 10.1% from a year earlier;Water transportation construction completed investment of 11.9 billion yuan,Up 1.4% from a year earlier.In highway construction,The east/In the/In the western region completed investment of 28 billion yuan, respectively/27.4 billion yuan and 40 billion yuan,The east/Central growth of 4.8% and 4.8% respectively,West fell by 2.8%.In the construction of water transportation,Inland river completed investment of 5 billion yuan,Up 54.3% from a year earlier;Coastal completed investment of 6.9 billion yuan,Fell 18.9% year on year.
From January to April,Highway waterway completed investment in fixed assets of 290.9 billion yuan,Up 1.8% from a year earlier,4 months before the present"1 to 2 months of negative growth/In march, from negative to positive/In April, to speed up"Of the situation.Among them,Highway construction completed investment of 252.6 billion yuan,Up 3.5% from a year earlier;Water transportation construction completed investment of 34.9 billion yuan,Fell 4.1% year on year.In the construction of water transportation,Inland waterway construction completed investment of 14.1 billion yuan,Up 21.2% from a year earlier;Coastal construction completed investment of 20.8 billion yuan,Fell 16.0% year on year.
Look from the highway waterway construction capital source,1 to 4 in domestic loans accounted for comparison in the same period last year increased by 0.9%,Which accounts for comparison in the same period last year increased by 11.5% in April,The first quarter of this year increased by 7.4%.Funds must be 80.7%,Less than a year ago,If he does not consider the balance money,Flat over the same period of last year,All are 76%.
four/Security situation is generally stable
In April,,The total 27 transport ship water traffic accidents occurred/18 ship wreck,Rose 2/1 ship,12 people died,Reduce the eight people.A total of organization/Coordination of the sea(water)Search and rescue operations in 177,The rescue success rate of 98.7%.The national road water transportation engineering construction field, a total of four production safety accidents occurred/6 deaths,Accident) with the same period last year,The death toll rose 1 person.The national road transport sector, a total of 15 larger operating vehicle accidents occurred/62 people died,Fell by 50% and 60.7%,Not a death more than 10 major workplace accidents.
instructions:Comprehensive department of the ministry of transport of census and statistics department/The ministry of transport planning institute/Ministry of transport of scientific research feeds traffic information center
More integrated department of comprehensive statistics from ministry,Safety data from maritime bureau/Pledges inspect bureau/AnJianSi/Road transport department
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