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Editor's note


On January 23,,Transportation BuDangZu secretary/Minister YangChuanTang visit the central people's broadcasting station the sound of China[Government through]column,Introduces the current situation of the development of transportation,The scientific development/Safety development train of thought/Direction and key,And transportation services"Peace during the Spring Festival"etc.The following is the main content of the interview.

发展前景催人奋进 Finally development prospect


reporter:Minister Yang: how do you do!We know that you are in August 2012 was appointed the traffic department of transportation secretary,It has been more than four months,Can you talk about you to transport the industry impression?

  杨传堂:我到交通运输部这4个多月,去了一些地方作了些调研,像新疆、湖北、重庆、山西、天津、陕西、江苏等;去年 8月份云南昭通地震后,也随中央领导一起到灾区了解公路抢通的情况;前些时候,又专门到河北秦皇岛港了解重点物资运输尤其是电煤运输情况。总的有三点感受特别深:

YangChuanTang:I went to the traffic department of transportation this more than four months,To some place some research,Like xinjiang/hubei/chongqing/shanxi/tianjin/shaanxi/Jiangsu,;Last August zhaotong city in yunnan province after the earthquake,Also with the central leadership go to the disaster area to understand the general situation of the highway;the,And specialized to hebei qinhuangdao port understand key material transportation especially electric coal transportation situation.Total have three special deep feelings:


One is the transportation in the basic economic and social development/pilot/The characteristics of the service is very outstanding."To be rich,The first road",This sentence is familiar,What the traffic to the importance of economic and social development.In the past, I in Tibet/Qinghai work,By practice and take over the airport,I feel,LaoShaoBianQiong area most afraid of/The hardest/Lack most is the way.Traffic first,No matter in the past or now,Many places in our country is still to force,Is the development of economy and society"artery".The development of traffic and profound change the life of every Chinese,The people's living space virtually expanded,Vision widened,The more convenient communication.


The second is a great achievement in transportation development.Urban and rural transportation face great changes,Transportation channel gradually formed,highway/water/Civil aviation/The postal network extend in all directions,ports/Passenger stations/Logistics park is,The national highway traffic mileage has close to 4.2 million kilometers,The highway 96000 kilometers,Transportation service coverage to expand/Selective increases greatly,The overall development level/The quality of service and improve social image.


Three is the transportation development of the task is still arduous.Transportation on the whole, still in the extensive to intensive to speed up the development the stage,Quantity is not enough/Structure is optimal/Efficiency is not high/Strength is not strong,With the social and economic development and people's increasing transportation demand is still the contradiction between the main contradiction.and,All transportation development is not balanced,Characteristics and the situation is different.Such as xinjiang,Transportation development task is very heavy,But they, in the course of development, pays attention to strengthen the construction of comprehensive transportation system,The local government has formed a special speed up the construction of the comprehensive transportation system of the leadership team,The office is located in transportation hall,Responsible for the daily organization and coordination promote work.And such as hubei/chongqing,Water has a huge potential for development,But waterborne comparative advantage enough,I told the Yangtze river on shipping administration comrade,The Yangtze river gold channel should not only have the quantity of the world's leading level,The more the quality and efficiency and the international first-class to mark.


In a word,Transportation development achievements be obvious to all/Prospect finally.This is the party central committee/The state council and the local party committees at all levels/The government attaches great importance to/The leadership of the right result,Is the relevant departments and people's enthusiastic/Actively support of result,Also we are under the guidance of the scientific concept of development,Up and down together for the industry/The result of hard work.Of course,Reform and development faces many difficulties and problems,Like sail against the current,Realize transportation science development and efforts/efforts/Try again.




重点抓好五大战略 The five strategic concentrate


reporter:As you mentioned,These transportation development to economic society and people's production and life has brought profound changes,But people still have some unsatisfactory,For these opinions what do you see?


YangChuanTang:I think,The advice is very much to the point,To improve the/To improve our work to have the help very much.The current transportation overall strength and modernization level is not high,Especially with the economic and social development for the requirement of transportation compared,And the masses of the people for transportation to the compared,Transportation development is relatively lagging,reform/To speed up the development still faces many difficulties and problems.Before a,BuDangZu transportation in the study and implementation of the party's eighteen big spirit on the seminar,The analysis of concentration,Think the most major problem so nine aspects:One is the transportation development of quality and efficiency is not high;The second is innovation drive ability is not strong;The third is the traffic infrastructure construction and maintenance management of the double pressure insufficient funds become more prominent;The fourth is the east traffic development is not balanced,Transportation the equal access to basic public service task is very arduous;5 it is transport capacity and to improve service quality,Modern logistics development lags behind;Six is the system mechanism more obstacles,Comprehensive transportation system construction shoulder heavy responsibilities;Seven is the basic work of the security industry is still weak;Eight is industry management ability is not adapt to the new situation and new tasks,The traffic law enforcement there is no standard phenomenon;Nine is the traffic field corruption also happen from time to tome. 


These problems are reduced up,Available in three words:The first,The transportation of the biggest problem is the lack of development;The second,The most prominent problem is to develop the quality and efficiency is not high;The third,The most important issue is that some comrades to speed up the reform and innovation/Promote scientific development thought preparation is still insufficient.


For these difficulties and problems,Only by deepening the reform to solve.According to the party's eighteen to transportation work deployment requirements,Especially focus on the comprehensive well-off society in the new requirements,We further clarify the current and future a period work ideas,Clear the development direction and key point.Concentrate the following five aspects of the strategic task:


The first,To deepen the reform,We will improve the system of transportation science development mechanism.Comprehensive transportation system/Highway management system/Traffic construction funds safeguard mechanism of reform to further deepen and improve.


The second,Adhere to the innovation drive,To promote the transformation and upgrading of transportation.In the information/Intelligent for lead,Strengthen the construction of creative ability of science and technology achievements transformation and application,Improve the scientific and technological innovation to the contribution of transportation.To in order to promote green transportation system construction as the gripper,Speed up the construction of the resource conservation/Environment friendly transportation industry.


The third,Adhere to the livelihood of the people first,To improve transportation basic public service level.In order to solve the people's livelihood relationship of transportation problems for main attack direction,In order to improve transportation basic public service level and degree of equal access,Make the communications and transportation in the fruits of reform and development more/More fair benefit all the people.


The fourth,Stick to moderate advance,Focus on the optimization of transportation infrastructure structure.In this process,To deal with good development speed/Scale and capital/The relationship between resources and environment carrying capacity,Focus on the construction of strengthen the weak links,Strive to improve infrastructure durability and reliability,Ensure transportation infrastructure fast and steady healthy development.


The fifth,Adhere to the talent into the strong,Strengthen transportation development in the future.To vigorously cultivate high-level innovative talents of science and technology/High skills and practical talents/High quality management personnel,Efforts to create a grand scale/Good quality/Complete range/Reasonable structure of talent team,Form to promote transportation science development of strong support.


改革创新是最大动力 Innovation is the biggest power


reporter:You just analysis of the transportation development main problems and contradictions,Do you think that the key to solve these problems by???????


YangChuanTang:The key to depend on reform and innovation,Innovation is the development of transportation and the biggest power.Reform and opening up is the biggest bonus development in our country,Transportation can get today's achievement,Which is on the reform,By system and mechanism innovation.The next step,We propose,Transportation industry must adhere to do reform not pause,Open don't stop,Courage more bigger,Steps more quickly,allow"Crossing the river by groping the stone",Allow reform have mistakes,But never allow not reform not as.The key point is to strive for a breakthrough in three aspects:


The first,Deepening the reform of the management system of highway.To establish GuanYang built coordination/Administrative and financial powers matching highway management system,We will speed up efforts to ordinary highway primarily the toll road system and mainly in highway toll road system.


The second,Deepening the reform of investment and financing system of traffic.To speed up the ordinary highway investment and financing system reform,In accordance with the administrative and financial powers matching principle,Research building support ordinary highway construction and GuanYang of investment and financing system.Including research according to the principle of franchise to attract social capital to participate in the construction of traffic.


The third,Deepen the reform of the administrative system.According to the central deployment and requirements,Actively promote the comprehensive transportation system is beneficial to the construction of the super-ministries reform.To steadily traffic comprehensive administrative law enforcement reform,Reduce the administrative examination and approval items,Improve the efficiency of the administrative law enforcement,The construction of the rule of law to government departments.We need to work quickly to establish or revised transportation industry development planning/Standards and specifications,Promote scientific management/Fine management.


提升公共服务水平 Improve the level of public service


reporter:Clothing is the most basic need,The party's eighteen big offered to built in 2020 in a well-off society,Common people on the"line"Requirements will be higher.Did you also mentioned that must adhere to the people's livelihood is preferred,Improve the public transportation service level,Specific what measures?


YangChuanTang:"Do good traffic things,Service people"Traffic is the responsibility of the people,Also the goal of our pursuit.Built in 2020 comprehensive well-off society,GDP and realize urban and rural residents per capita income than in 2010"double",For transportation basic public service requirements higher.Adhere to the livelihood of the people first,Improve the public transportation service level,Are our starting point and the foothold.specifically,We will focus on the following five aspect:


One is to accelerate to ordinary highway primarily the toll road system and mainly in highway toll road system,Further reveal transportation basic public product and the public.


The other is to implement urban public transport priority development strategy."Bus priority is the priority of the people's livelihood",To develop urban public transport system,Accelerate national"Bus urban"Construction and urban passenger transport intelligent demonstration project,Improve the city bus travel conditions,Let more people enjoy the equal transportation service.


The third is to vigorously push forward the construction of rural traffic,Strive to improve LaoShaoBianQiong and concentrated destitute areas transportation service capacity,To promote regional and coordinated development of urban and rural transportation,Efforts to achieve traffic basic public service everyone to share/Common benefits.


Four is promoting a comprehensive transportation hub construction,To strengthen the railway/Highway passenger depot/Main ports/The airport which integrated passenger transportation/Cargo terminal construction,Perfect layout and function,Improve the comprehensive transportation service integration level and distribution efficiency.


Five is to improve the transportation information/Intelligent level,Positive innovation transportation service of form and content,Establish and perfect the public traffic information service platform,To provide more convenient for the people/efficient/The high quality transportation service.


安全发展是生命线 Safety is the lifeline


reporter:From the characteristics of the transportation industry will tell,Safety is the most concerned about,Who want to travel in peace,Home in peace.We know that,You just to traffic department of transportation,For the first time on a business trip will go to the bohai bay,Research the water traffic safety work.As the traffic department of transportation secretary,In the security work your big pressure?How to do safety development?


YangChuanTang:Safety is the lifeline of the development of transportation,Do transportation safety development work,Each traffic people have the sense of responsibility.In recent years,Transportation work adhere to the people-oriented/The concept of safety development,Strictly implement the"Safety first/prevention/Comprehensive treatment"Work policy,Strengthen the industry management and law enforcement supervision,Constantly improve the ability of professional services,To promote the safety production situation improving,The effective protection of the people's life and property safety.but,Objectively speaking,Our country transportation safety in the face of the situation is very complicated,The basis of production safety is still weak,Are accidents/Recurrent momentum has not been a fundamental containment.To do safety development,We will work hard in several ways:


One is to study and grasp transportation safety production empirical/Regularity characteristics,Puts forward some corresponding measures.Such as,highway/The characteristics of water transportation,Seasonal characteristics,Holidays such as the characteristics of the key period of time,Passenger transport/Cargo transportation/The characteristics of the transport of dangerous goods,Regional characteristics/Key water features, etc,There is a big gap between the.Must be good at study concludes,categorization,Put forward the corresponding countermeasures.The next step,We will strengthen efforts to deal with the popularity of measures,To compile the management personnel and employees should know should understand brochure,Send employees to learn.


The second is perfect safety production laws and regulations system.No rules,No fangyuan.To transportation safety production laws and regulations/Departmental rules and system method/Standards of carding,These are our legal basis,Is the development of the industry safety guarantee.We will be in accordance with the priorities,Discharge schedule,Organize implementation of them,The revision of the revision,The new new,The consultation with the relevant departments as soon as possible consultation.At the same time,To strengthen the popularization of knowledge of laws and regulations,Do then everyone/Everyone to obey the law,Co-insured safety.


This year the traffic department of transportation on the introduction of the first file also called no. 1 files,Is on further strengthening the work of production safety opinion.File to perfect the system of safety management measures/Establish and perfect the supervision system made specific provision,Especially puts forward to create"Peace traffic".about"Peace traffic"Create activities,This year we will further make arrangement deployment,Also please common concern and participation.


The third is to build up a cover the whole industry safety risk management system.Safety risk management is in some countries in recent years and the successful experience of the industry.We should study abroad and other industry safety management success experience,Gradually promote safety management mode by accident management to risk and system management transformation,Engaged in to advance/From local to global change.


The fourth is to study and solve a series of major key technology.We will fully rely on and make use of modern science and technology,We will solve a series of influence the safety of transportation major key technology,Such as highway/bridge/Such as tunnel safe operation and maintenance management key technology,The safe operation of the vehicle monitoring key technology,Safety supervising key technology,Emergency rescue key technology, etc.To break through the key technology,Further improve safety facilities and equipment reliability/durability,At the same time make perfect security technology and personnel quality.


Five is perfect transportation safety responsibility system.Must first strengthen transportation department safety supervising duties.Just now I mentioned this year's no. 1 files,Further definition and emphasized the transportation departments safety supervising duties,And clear,Mainly responsible for comrades for safety management the first responsible persons,Strictly implement the accountability system and a ticket overruled make,Strengthening responsibility,Increasing rewards and penalties.secondly,To perfect the enterprise safety production management system,Strengthen enterprise safety production responsibility main body.


Safety and no small,Safety responsibility be weightier than mount tai.Security is the premise of the masses of the people live and work in peace and contentment,The development of transportation is the highest value pursuit.I, as the traffic department of transportation secretary,The pressure of work safety is certainly big,Ensure safety of people travel,Is our transportation department important responsibility.We will further improve the understanding,Set up safety development/The concept of safety first,The safety in production in a more important position,Firmly hold safety a red line,With greater determination/More stringent and effective measures,realize"Peace traffic".


全力保障春运安全有序 To ensure Spring Festival transportation safety and orderly


reporter:The Spring Festival is coming,Travel also is about to start.Everyone is focus on transportation departments in the Spring Festival period is how to arrange,This year winter in the south of the north freezing rain and snow weather frequently,Transportation departments have what measures?

  杨传堂:大家都知道,今年的春运从1月26日开始, 到3月6日结束,历时40天。我们预测, 2013年春运期间,全国道路客运量将达到31亿人次,日均运送旅客7741万人次,同比增长9%左右;春运期间道路运输行业将投入84万辆客运车辆,高峰期预计投入86万辆客运车辆。全国水路客运量将达4308万人次,同比增长1. 5%。全国预计投入船舶1. 3万艘70万客位。

YangChuanTang:Everyone knows that,This year's Spring Festival transportation from January 26 began, To the end of March 6,,Lasted forty days.We forecast, In 2013, during the Spring Festival,The national road passenger capacity will reach 3.1 billion people,Average transport carried 77.41 million passengers,Year-on-year growth of 9%;During the Spring Festival transportation road transport industry in 840000 will be a passenger vehicle,Is expected to peak in 860000 a passenger vehicle.The national waterway passenger capacity will reach 43.08 million people,Year-on-year growth of 1. 5%.The investment is expected to ship 1. 30000 ship management 700000.


On January 5,,We issued a circular on earnestly 2013 road waterway spring notice,Travel to the overall deployment.Asks various transportation departments according to"Customer first/The scientific organization/coordination/Safe and orderly"principle,Unified ideological understanding,To strengthen the leadership,Clear division of responsibility,Establish coordination mechanism,Perfect watch watching,Strengthen emergency security,To ensure that people's safe travel.Specific measures are three aspects:


The first,Concentrate road transport security work.Specific have six aspects:One is to further standardize and strengthen chartered passenger transport management,Strengthen the charter passenger safety and management behavior of the supervision.The second is to strengthen bus passenger stations/Passenger terminal source of production safety management.The third is seriously the organization carries out the long-distance passenger transport shuttle pilot work.By the end of last year,We and the ministry of public security/National safety supervision bureau jointly issued a notice,From January and date,In Beijing/Shanghai/jiangsu/zhejiang/Anhui 13 provinces(area/city)Long-distance passenger transport in shuttle pilot,Prevent driver fatigue driving and bus night when they offend produce many problems,Improve the long-distance passenger night operation of the safety level.Four is to further promote road passenger transportation safety told system.Five is to strengthen production safety operating vehicle dynamic monitoring,The public security police department as existing overload/overspeed/Fatigue driving and behavior of the driver,Strengthen the education,When necessary to cancel the Spring Festival in operation qualification.Six is to strengthen safety management of water transport.Strengthen the ferry ferry safety supervision and inspection efforts,strengthen"Four guest a dangerous"Ship supervision,Crack down on ship overload and illegal illegal activities such as the passengers,Comprehensive and effective traffic safety hidden trouble.


The second,Science and optimizing transport organization and capacity security.Spring Festival this year,ZhongDuanTu passenger flow will have increase,The rural areas of the passenger flow will be increased significantly.We require the transportation departments at all levels full analysis of the new situation of the Spring Festival this year/New features,Scientific prediction during the festival passenger traffic flow,Carefully planned peak passenger flow and normal passenger transport organization plan,Scientific arrangement capacity,Guarantee sufficient capacity.


The third,In order to improve passenger service quality.including:Increase the market supervision,Standard transportation management behavior,Strictly in accordance with law and LanKe standing outside/Denial of passenger/DaoKe, etc,To crack down on illegal operations;Tickets to service and information service,Guide rational passenger travel, etc.


According to the meteorological department forecast,Winter temperature changes to a larger extent timetable for an American,There may be regional low temperature/Periodic strong cooling and snow process.In view of this feature,We ask all transportation departments to take practical and effective measures,To work in time pointed out.Especially to perfect the emergency plan,Do a passenger flow and bad weather change and other emergency security work,Ensure the safety of passengers travel smoothly.


周密部署小客车免费通行工作 Careful deployment car toll free work


reporter:You just introduced during the Spring Festival transportation department some work arrangement,Another thing we pay special attention to,There is media reports during the Spring Festival this year will continue to implement car toll free policy,People will be more worried about congestion,This transportation departments have the countermeasure?


YangChuanTang:Last year"11"The golden week is the first implementation of major holidays mini-bus toll free policy,"11"Long vacation,We the policy implementation/The effects and social reflect the earnest summary and comprehensive assessment,Should say,The policy implementation,To reduce the cost of travel to the public,Directly and we,Further reveal the road public attribute,Further play to the highway traffic comparative advantage,Stimulus holiday spending/To boosting domestic demand.According to the statistics,"11"Golden week implementation toll free of eight days,The toll road traffic flow accumulated for 239 million vehicle-timeses,Than last year the corresponding period grows 38.2%,The toll free car a total of 6.54 billion yuan.


In order to further do during the Spring Festival period mini-bus toll free work,recently,The traffic department of transportation and seven department issued the notice,Determine the toll free time for February 9, the zero hour,On February 15, and the end.therefore,We research and develop the following five aspects of the measures,Ensure smooth network:


One is the standard process.Careful arrangement deployment,To strengthen the emergency security,Vigorously promotes the organization implement,To ensure that this year the Spring Festival holiday toll free stable smooth implementation;To further improve working mechanism,Promote standardization work/institutionalization/Programming and normalization.


The second is the guarantee Toll Gate open.Toll free crossing a not hairpin lift bar release;To set up a reasonable standard and special free channel/Temporary traffic signs,Lead capture vehicle and free vehicle points lane/Orderly traffic.


The third is advocating civilization driving.In view of last year"11"During the long highway traffic congestion is more than half due to a traffic accident,We will jointly with the public security/Propaganda departments,Enhance propaganda,And through the safe driving and guide/Highway driving attention related brochure,Advocate civilization driving.In the traffic large sections,Additional emergency treatment site,Rapid processing small accident,Intelligent vehicle and ensure rapid arrived timely disposal,Improve the accident disposal efficiency.


The fourth is to strengthen the information service.In the use of the existing highway variable information board issued on the basis of the information,To promote the Chinese highway broadcast,And with China highway information service network/TV/SMS and other channels,Timely release traffic/Recommended travel route and other related information,Guide the public reasonable arrangement of travel time,Adjust travel route.


Five is to strengthen provincial coordination linkage.In order to avoid the occurrence of a wide range of congestion,We will further play network center across the province in the role of command coordination,Clear information communication channels between provinces/process/Timeliness and other related requirements,Through the telephone/Network, and other means,Strengthen the provincial information communication and sharing,Ensure that correspond to the action,To realize high speed highway and important trunk road across the region linkage coordination management.


In a word,We will through hard work,In order to ensure the people live a happy and peaceful Spring Festival to make positive contribution.


The Spring Festival is coming,Here I wish to return home for the New Year audience friends have a safe trip/All the best!To travel to work during the transportation of condolence to the staff!
