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“五一”小长假第一天 全国主要大中城市出城交通量大-2013年04月--亲稳网络舆情监控室


Today is the first day of the May Day holiday,Starting from zero today,全国各收费公路开始对七座及七座以下the小型客车实行免费通行.According to the ministry of transport network center monitoring the situation,Beijing starting from June/Shanghai/广州等大城市the各主要高速公路/The provincial trunk highway traffic increased significantly,Out of the city, and the direction for peak appeared,Some local sections of highway traffic pressure.

上午大中城市部分高速公路出城方向交通量大 Morning of large and medium-sized city part of the highway out of the city direction of traffic


Today the cities traffic growth from around 6 o 'clock in the morning began to emerge,As of 10 am when,Beijing/Shanghai/Guangzhou and other city some highway direction has begun to congestion of the city,Mainline toll booth out of the city direction of traffic flow is larger,City and part of the leads to the scenic spots around highway driving slowly as a result of traffic accidents,Travel peak is expected to last until noon.The ministry of transport network center is expected,This year"The May Day"期间全国将出现旅游交通流量密集the情况,Tourism trips will was is expected to grow 15% to 20% over the same period in previous years,And with ZhongDuanTu/Outer suburb tourism and leisure.Highway basic holiday 3 days are high,On May 1 in the afternoon there will be a travel peak.

芦山灾区国省县乡及同村公路通行正常 Forth the disaster area the provincial township and village roads pass normally


The forth earthquake-hit province arterial highway/Township road/Village roads all clear.所There are乡镇均可实现两个通道以上the循环通行.


According to the中央气象台发布,Forth today earthquake provincial road 210 line baoxing into forth/Ya 'an 305 line to leshan/State road 318 line of chengdu to kangding/108线成都到石棉公路沿线There are小雨或阵雨,May induce landslide on either side of a highway/Falling rocks and other geological disasters,Cause slippery roads.Disaster area transportation departments at all levels and rob tong bao tong construction units need to attach great importance to the safety of construction work,Remind material transportation vehicles should pay attention to safety/Slow down.

北方天气适宜公路出行南方降水注意行车安全 North the weather is suitable for highway travel south precipitation pay attention to safety


In most parts of the north the weather is good today,Suitable for highway travel.shaanxi/chongqing/hubei/hunan/jiangxi/anhui/zhejiang/guizhou/guangxi/广东等地部分地区There are大雨或暴雨,Among them,Southeast of hubei province/hunan东北部等地the局部地区There are大暴雨,上述局部地区并将伴There are雷雨大风或冰雹等强对流天气.Rainy weather lead to road surface wet,visibility,Highway travel bring certain influence to the area.

交通运输部路网中心多方式服务公众出行 Multimode transport network center travel services to the public

  在“五一”免费通行期间,交通运输部路网中心将24小时值守,实时监测全国公路路况与气象信息,并通过网络、广播、电视等多种媒体和途径及时发布,引导公众合理安排出行时间和路线,避免出现集中拥堵,以充分发挥路网整体运行效率,平衡路网流量。广大出行者可登陆“中国公路出行信息服务网”(www.chinahighway.gov.cn) 查询全国公路详细路况。

In the"The May Day"During the period of free access,The ministry of transport network center will be manned 24 hours a day,Real-time monitoring of the national highway traffic and weather information,And through the network/The radio/Television and other media and the way to release in time,Guide the public route travel time and reasonable arrangement,Avoid the jams,To give full play to the overall network operation efficiency,Balancing network traffic.The traveler can log in"China highway travel information service network"(HTTP: / / www.chinahighway.gov.cn) Query the national highway traffic in detail.


Special tip network center:This year"The May Day"期间全国收费公路免收小型客车通行费the时间统一确定为4月29日零时起,To end on May 1, 24.Free lane go ahead"Entry is not credit card/Export lift rod has been submitted"the通行模式.During the period of free,普通公路以车辆通过收费站收费车道the时间为准,高速公路以车辆驶离出口收费车道the时间为准.Free scope for seven the following vehicle(Including seven seats)载客车辆以及允许在普通收费公路行驶the摩托车.

  交通运输部路网中心 供稿

The ministry of transport network center feeds
