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湖南一漂流景点被曝50游客受伤 景点员工全失踪--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  8月13日,平江县连云漂流点,水流湍急,水坝有水漫出。 August 13,,PingJiangXian LianYunShan drifting points,Fast water,The dam has water evenly out。


This morning,Mr Tang changsha residents to our newspaper a source says,claims“The first one drift”The PingJiangXian LianYunShan drift scenic spot,In the 12 th at a serious accident,More than 50 tourists in the drifting injured,Three of the men fracture seriously injured in hospital。


At 4 PM today,Reporters arrived at the scene in the investigation,Confirm the scenic spot is true to the accident。


游客出事,景点工作人员全失踪 Tourists accident,Attractions staff all the missing


A man is the accident tang invaluable and witnesses,“In LianYunShan drifting starting point,The water is very big,The farther down the water,The rapid flow。”Mr Tang to journalists complain,“I took in the middle of the rib about when to turn over,Oneself hit the water of the rocks。”


Mr Tang said,The shape of a leadership have people on the shore,By asking them to refund to shore。When tourists all landed but found,This person have vanished。Mr Tang line of people positioned to for someone,Find that there is not a on-the-job personnel,In the end of the downstream,In addition to the outside vendors,Also no one。“At the time of the refund request has more than 100 people,Everyone wait until 5 o 'clock in the afternoon,But to leave。”


A visitor to reporters surnamed Chen confirmed Mr Tang said。According to Mr. Chen memories,He came to LianYunShan in 12 noon,Tourists about more than 1000 people。“At 2 PM drifting,After about half an hour,It had an accident。”


疑因阀门失灵、连续下雨酿祸端 A failure because of the valve、Continuous rain NiangHuo end


LianYunShan canyon rafting is located in the town PingJiangXian chiayi its yueyang particularly important。The villagers have told reporters,LianYunShan canyon rafting in 2005 was developed,Drifting route 5 km long,Successively after 2 th the boss,In January 2011 the subcontract to shine on the village committee investigation chiayi,According to the villagers said,The tourist attractions by CunZhiShu completely、Director of the village committee“kubrick”The holes of the GongAn control。


50 years old master drifting attractions in deng as six years of security officer。According to him about,The cause of the accident,One is LianYunShan drifting in possession of the hydropower gate could run in the burning wire,Valve failure to,Can't control in time the flow of water;Another reason is,12 days morning continuous rain,The mountains of water injection drifting route in the stream,Lead to rising waters,So out of control。


Deng teacher told reporters,As long as the rain the next half-hour could because of water can't drift。On the day that why there are so many tourists rafting?Deng teacher explained:“Many visitors from changsha、Zhuzhou, etc so far to,In order not to blanket,Let them float for a while,When the water is not deep。”


村支书谎称事发时不在现场 CunZhiShu lied about the eent when not in the scene


Perhaps because 12 appeared drifting accident,13 afternoon,In an interview with reporters LianYunShan canyon to see,Few people to come to drift。


According to deng teacher introduced,And he also has the security officer of people,Responsible for the safety of the subject place drifting along,For example narrow、In a vortex、Divide a large, etc。“Drifting injury every year a two times。”Deng teacher said,“Is in the stone the rub,nothing。To drift,Got a slight bruise do not be hurt。”


As for according to what is drifting water depth judgment,Deng teacher said,They are on their own experience for making judgments,No scientific measurement standards。In addition,For several tributaries into drifting line without any water control measures。

  对于此次事故到底令多少游客致伤,当地村民对此讳莫如深。记者拨打了村支书孔红安的手机向他了解情况,他却称自己当天去了城里。但多名村民告诉记者,12日那天,孔红安一直在连云山峡谷,事发时他就在现场。(三湘都市报 黄海文 黄定都 实习生 尹丹霞 钱洋洋)

For the accident exactly how many visitors to send injury,Local villagers knows it。Reporter dialed CunZhiShu hole GongAn cell phone know the situation to him,But he said the day goes to town。But more than villagers told reporters,12 that day,GongAn hole has been LianYunShan canyon,The eent when he is on the site。(Sanxiang urban paper HuangHaiWen HuangDing all interns YinDanXia QianYangYang)


多方说法 That many


未伤1人?亲历者现场惊魂 1 person was not hurt?The invaluable panic


CunZhiShu hole GongAn:Have not hurt a person,No accident。


Mr Tang:As I know will have 3 of them seriously,At that time the walking wounded by in a more than 50 people,Many people and、Head and so on the different degree scratches。It doesn't include the first leave the wounded。


Mr. Chen:Many people turn the boat,I see the scene has two girls was injured,A leg swollen,A shed a lot of blood。


Security officer deng teacher:12 days of drift with almost one thousand people or so,But the actual drift's only more than 500 people。I'm in the middle reaches of the dam for about 500 people to intercept,Besides above fracture of the 1 person,The rest not seriously injured。


难题 problem


漂流管理成真空地带 Drifting management into a vacuum


According to understand,Drifting project belongs to a sport,But not directly by the management,The examination and approval is travel、Industry and commerce departments。One industry sources,All over the country drift scenic spot blossom everywhere,In fact,The safety management deficiencies、Competing has not to be avoided。The national tourism administration had issued in 1998《Drifting travel security the provisional measures》,Sports authorities have a drifting standards,maritime、Water conservancy department related responsibilities,But management duties not clear,Drifting in the caught vacuum,Make a big security hidden danger drift。


事件连线 Events attachment


上月浙江一男生漂流时溺亡 Last month a boy drifting in zhejiang all die

  2012年7月25日上午,浙江宁波市鄞州区李家坑漂流景区,一名19岁的男生漂 流时不幸溺水身亡。据警方介绍,事发前天刚下过雨,事发时溪流湍急,多漩涡,而死者漂流时没有穿救生衣。

July 25, 2012 in the morning,Zhejiang ningbo yinzhou area the lees pit drift scenic spot,A 19 year old boy who drowned unfortunately when drift flow。Police said,The just rained the day before yesterday,The eent when fast stream,Much vortex,And the dead drifting did not wear life jackets。


July 2010,Ningxiang weishan drifting in landslides、The government issued a stop after notification is still illegal drift normal for tourists。It is reported,Drifting along the river have several mountain collapse,and“Landslide ahead,Car drivers who”Signs are everywhere。
