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   8月20日之后旅行社出游价比暑假旺季回落至少一到两成 August 20 price over the summer after travel travel peak season at least one to twenty percent fall

  暑期已过半,不少学生及家庭游客开始“收心”,各大航空公司的机票以及酒店价格开始有所下调,因此,不少旅行社也纷纷提前“放价”促销暑期后期8 月中下旬出发的旅游产品。

Summer already more than half,Many students and families began to tourists“retrieving”,Each big airline tickets and hotel prices began to have come down,so,Many travel agencies are also in succession in advance“Put a price”Promotion of late summer late August in the tourism products。

  羊城晚报记者从广州多家旅行社了解到, 从目前的价格走势来看,8 月中下旬出境游价格普遍下调10%-20%;其中,澳洲、欧洲、日本、东南亚等线路降幅最为明显,最高降幅达2700 元;而国内游方面,北京、华东、海南、云南等热门线路降幅约600 元-1000 多元不等,正是一年中出游性价比较高的时段之一。

Yang cheng evening news reporters from guangzhou many travel agencies to understand, From the current price trend and see,Late August in price by 10%-outbound generally 20%;Among them,Australia、Europe、Japan、Southeast Asia by line is most obvious,The highest drop of about 2700 yuan;And domestic travel,Beijing、East China、hainan、Yunnan hot line fell by about $600-1000 multivariate range,It was a year of one of time travel high cost performance。


Travel agency said,Along with the National Day holiday's approach,Domestic ZhongDuanXian prices will rise again),Price growth is expected to more than twenty percent。so,The citizens advice time elastic larger might as well seize the price“low”,As early as possible travel agency registration of traveling,Enjoy the peak travel preferential benefit and comfortable。


暑期中后段特价游出现 In the summer after the special period swim appear

  据悉,依照旅游市场惯例,从暑假中后期到国庆黄金周之前, 是旅游市场的“休整期”, 出境游及国内游等热门长短线均出现不同程度的降价。

It is reported,In accordance with the tourism market practices,National Day golden week from mid summer vacation to before, Is the tourism market“fallow”, Outbound and domestic travel, the length of the hot line all appear different degree of reduction。

  广之旅市场推广中心总经理温前介绍,临近暑假中后期,不少学生进入开学前的调整期或军训期,家庭、学生游客骤减,令机票、酒店等旅游资源的紧张情况得到缓解, 旅游价格也因此有所回落, 而各大旅游景区的人流也开始减少,游览相对会舒适。这个时段是全年最适合错峰出游的时段之一,不少旅行社也会特别针对8 月中下旬推出部分热门的特价线路, 以吸引游客出游, 为暑假与国庆黄金周之间的“休整期”聚集人气。

GuangZhiLv marketing center general manager before temperature is introduced,Late summer vacation is near,Quite a few students into before the start of the adjustment period or military training period,family、Students sharply reduced tourists,Make ticket、The hotel and tourism resources of the tense situation eased, Tour prices and therefore easing, And each big tourism scenic spot people also begin to decrease,Visit relative will be comfortable。This time is the most suitable for the peak travel period of one,Many travel agencies will especially introduced in late August of popular special line, To attract tourists traveling, For National Day golden week of the summer vacation and between“fallow”Gathered popularity。


20日左右价格现“分水岭” 20 days or so price now“watershed”

  温前介绍,从目前情况来看,出游价格的“分水岭” 基本在8 月20 日左右,8月20 日之后的价格比暑假旺季至少回落一到两成。例如广之旅“经典澳洲大堡礁缤纷炫彩8 天”7 月28 日出发价格为16689 元,而8 月20 日之后出发的价格则为13989 元,便宜了2700 元;个别线路更是便宜了四成,如昆明、大理、丽江双飞六天,7 月20 日出发3799 元,8 月27 日指定出发价格为2099 元,便宜1700 元。

Before the temperature is introduced,From the current situation,Travel prices“watershed” Basic on August 20 or so,On August 20, the summer vacation season after prices fell back at least a twenty percent to。For example GuangZhiLv“Australia's Great Barrier Reef dazzle colour profusion classic 8 days”July 28, 16689 yuan price for hair,On August 20, but after the price is starting to 13989 yuan,Cheap 2700 yuan;Individual line is forty percent cheaper,Such as kunming、Dali、Lijiang sf six days,July 20, 3799 yuan hair,August 27, 2099 yuan for starting price specified,Cheap 1700 yuan。

  不过,虽然8 月中下旬的线路报价呈现低位,但由于旅游线路的价格主要取决于机票、酒店等主要旅游资源的成本,而机票、酒店价格的不稳定性因素较多,不少是根据客流量而定的。因此,不排除届时的游价因机票、酒店的需求增长而出现“波动”。旅行社人士建议市民,不妨趁价格低位尽早到旅行社咨询报名,避免价格浮动,确保实惠出游。

but,Although late August in line on low price,But because the price of the tourist route depends on the ticket、The hotel and other major tourism resources of cost,And ticket、Hotel prices instability many factors,Many is according to passenger and decide。so,Don't rule out the price for ticket when、The hotel demand growth there“fluctuations”。Travel personage proposal citizens,Might as well as early as possible while prices low to travel advisory for registration,Avoid price movements,Ensure that affordable travel。
